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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Nice photos Imme!! Thanks for sharing those, he looks like a healthy and happy Grey. :-)
  2. danmcq


    Thats great news Pam. :-) Your photos and videos are wonderful. Thanks for posting them. Can't wait to hear what Dorian does next. :-)
  3. Hi Momi, Normally they stay on 3 feedings until 10 weeks atleast and then drop back to 2. It's wonderful you are putting out moistened pellets and fruits etc. for him to experiment with with. :-) When you do drop a feeding, it is the afternoon and continue only with morning and evening feedings. Send some photos when you get a chance :-) we love them!!
  4. Hi Stuaz, I know it's hard when thinking your going to stress them out. But, when you come that to the alternative of him losing that eye or perhaps dying from a severe infection. The stress due to toweling seems insignificant. :-) Please keep us updated on how the vet visit goes. We care!!
  5. Welcome Rusty!! As Judy requested, a little more information regarding Charlie would be immensely helpful in responding with some good suggestions. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  6. danmcq


    Hello goldn one, Yes, I have had experience with a Parrot terrified of me and still have him. :-) You need to just have patience (months maybe) and slowly get Dorian used to you being close. Sit in the room reading a book next to his cage or maybe 10 feet away, then move to 5 feet away then a foot away. He will slowly understand that you being near does not pose a threat. This is the first hurdle to get over. The next step is getting him trained to "Step-up" which will take time to get him used to your hand. You could start out by trying to get him to step-up on to a perch held by your hand. Short the length between where your hand is in relation to where he steps up at and finally he will need to step up almost touching your hand and eventually replace the stick/perch with just your hand. These things will only come with time, patience, love and building trust. It will not happen in just one or two weeks. The nice thing is, you are already enjoying his intelligence, wit and humor. :-) he is enjoying a stable home that gives him attention and love!!
  7. Thats wonderful Eva! Please send photos and yoru interaction with your new baby, if you get to have any before you actually bring him home. :-)
  8. Welcome tyretosmom and raven!! What a wonderful introduction and photos of your children interacting with him. Those will be just a couple of cherished photos of a lifetime with him as one of your family. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos!!
  9. Welcome Pam!!! Thank you for taking that abused Grey in and already having the resolve to keep him and help him see that human and Grey relationships can be fun, loving and trustful. It will take time, but will be well worth the rewards for you both. You came to the right place for help and a ton of reading material already archived here on this forum. You can simply type in a word or two of what you wish to read about, hit enter and the topics will pop-up. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and Dorian. :-)
  10. Welcome waterway!! Normal behaviour, as others said. We'll look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  11. Welcome Coopersmom!!! It's wonderful that you are going to adopt Cooper. Atleast the owners searched for a good home for him, intstead of just leaving him at home and abandoned for long vacations trips. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of Cooper. :-)
  12. It's great to hear Tigger is basically in good health and receiving meds he needs at this time. I am certain he will flourish both emotionally and feather wise in your loving care. :-)
  13. Wow, you guys rekindled this old poll...Cool. :-) Well Dayo is clipped, but he can fly very well through out the house. He is going through a molt now and I will let his primaries come in completely. I want to see what he can do with the whole enchilada....... B) He never goes outside without a harness or in his travel cage though.
  14. Hi Skuffy, Be very careful. I had my Conure clipped (Jake) and thought he could not fly either, but he got spooked and we had a nightmare on our hands. Here's the link to the thread about Jake flying off: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/29632-check-wing-clip-jake-is-gone.html#29632
  15. VERY nice photos Mark!! I need to visit this room more often, you posted them on the 19th!! :-) That whole breakfast spread looks good to me!! I'm sure Kip enjoyed it a lot.
  16. Very cool photos siobha and for a good cause. :-) You girls, remind me of the country song "She thinks my Tractors Sexy"..... B)
  17. Nice Close-ups. Is that snow outside?? Brrrrrrr :-)
  18. Not knowing your specific environment and other details. Perhaps this video using a Clicker as positive reinforcement will help give you some ideas: http://www.birdtricks.com/PowerPause/
  19. Joe, my friend I think you and I are of the same cut of cloth on many things.
  20. Then there is one that can be added to the list :-) One other that can be added is, if your are taking a Pen from them and you are dragging them across the desktop whilst they tenaciously hold on, watch out. It means they "Believe" that item is "Theirs". Dayo finally let go and then bit HARD, hung onto my finger, stared me in the eyes as they watered, as if to say "See what happens when you take something that belongs to Me?" B) I of course did not let on that it hurt at all, told him no bite and he just walked away with a very satisfied smirk on his face. :huh:
  21. Greys are notriously intelligent and well versed in dismantling, unlocking, shredding etc. anything that is placed before them. The water bottle displayed in the link will have the plastic tabs and screw-on holder destroyed fairly rapidly. One like the Lixit might be the best solution for you: http://www.petsolutions.com/default.aspx?ItemId=76700623&EID=SP76700623&SID=SPCM Hope this helps.
  22. Thats wonderful news Nychsa!! It sounds like Jiggy is just making sure everyone knows, just because your in a "New Land" now, that it is still "ALL" his. :-)
  23. This is a great list Tracy thanks. I have a question on body language though, if they need to pee, do they cross their legs and wiggle around?
  24. It's great to see the guys all chiming in. It seems we have driven the women into retreat. B) I agree Joe, you need to get your Grandson to see he is working all day, taking care of the kids and he needs to question what the heck his wife is doing all day?? If I got your post correctly?? :-) I agree that mothers should be home with the children and providing the proper atmosphere, good meals and attention children need in those very critical and formative first 13 to 14 years of their lives. Do to greed and market speculators, it now takes both the man and woman working just to barely squeak by. So the children are at day cares or when a little older just left alone and out of control learning bad habits, no morals or respect for others etc. A new generation has arrived that think of nothing but themselves, want everything given to them and do not think they should need to work very hard to get it. Got off track here, but it brought some serious issues to my mind that have bothered me for the last 15 years or so regarding the parenting of children and the importance of good role models.
  25. Guys, be careful with how many Corona's you drink.... B) http://www.funnyhub.com/animations/pages/animations/nine-coronas.html
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