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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thats good to hear regarding Booty!! Thanks for updating us. It will give all of us a clue if we our someone else ever experiences the missing feathers around the Ears. Did the Vet say if the missing lower left Pappila might become normal after treatment or is it a birth defect?
  2. Well, Osin certainly thinks a bath can be had. :-) Funny video, thanks for sharing it!!
  3. danmcq


    This is great Talon! Congratulations Tracy (LovemyGreys) in being the moderator. I can not think of a better suited person. Now all you baby Grey owners and soon to be, start posting those text and photo entries. :woohoo:
  4. I see it's here now. Great job Talon. :-) Now do we have any Grey baby owners here ;-) If so, start posting!! :woohoo:
  5. These were great Heather!! Thanks for sharing these :-)
  6. Oh Heather, Opie looks so healthy and happy. :-) He is truly fluorishing in your warm and loving home. Thanks for psoting the photo. We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing more photos!!
  7. Welcome Rochelle!! It's good to hear your baby Sun is just molting (as many parrots are now) and demonstrating normal sneezing at times. We look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  8. Were all with you Boo, to heck with the neighbors. Thanks for the update and all the information on what has been done to find your beloved Grey. These parrots and all types for that matter, are very resilient and can survive even when we fear they can not possibly have done so. I know your feeling well. Please keep us posted and know that we are all rooting for a safe and quick return. :-)
  9. Welcome melstashi !!! As LovemyGreys stated, regurgitating food for you indicates your Grey is letting you know he/she loves you intensely and offering you their most prized possession, Food. :-)
  10. Welcome Daniel and Smokey!!! That was a good introduction you wrote. I am looking forward to hearing more about smokey and seeing some photos if you get a chance. :-)
  11. Oh Boo, how terrible!!! The bright side though, is Boo is probably NOT dead and is out there waiting to be found. Placing the ad was certainly the right thing to do. Have you canvassed your surrounding Neighborhood calling and searching the Tree's? Maybe try placing posters up around the surrounding Neighborhood also, at the local pet store, SPCA etc too. I feel so bad for you. I know that feeling well as I had a Parrot fly off. But we did find him a day later and took hours getting him down from the tree he was in. The story of Boo though, has not ended, it is just beginning and the more you search and place flyers, the greater the odds are, that you will be reunited. :-) Did you Son follow him? Does he know the general area Boo flew too?
  12. Welcome Rex!!! What a nice introduction. He seems like quite a character that is bring much joy and love into your home. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  13. Jerrysmom - Your Grey will be fine with the sitter coming over each day. These Greys are tougher than you may think and the addition of a new and strange "Friend" for his company MAY have turned out for the worse, you just never know on that. I have a Conure and a Grey, the Grey could care less whether "Jake" was present or not. he just considers him an annoyance, not a friend that keeps him company. So, just know that your Grey is tough, smart and just happy to be in a very loving home that will ensure he is watched after while your away. :-)
  14. Thats wonderful news that destiny made certain you two came together. All things will work out as this progresses and things settle down into a normal routine for you and Cooper. The important thing, is he is now in a good home that will ensure he is properly taken care of and loved. Please keep us updated on his progress and with some photos. :-) This adoption story could be a really good book or movie!!
  15. May 1st is coming soon KnLMedlin!! :-) Make sure you throw out any and all Teflon coated cookware. The chemicals given off by it when heated will kill any bird. Then, the rest of your new babies safety is up to you and just common sense as you would use with your own child. Keep away from hot pots, boiling water etc. so he can't receive a burn. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  16. "I wish mom would quit shoving this thing in my mouth when I squawk. Ok, so I'll shred this one too"
  17. Welcome jerrysmom!! Even though it is a sad introduction, it's great that you are seeing opinions before you make the leap. As others have said, there is no guarantee of whether a mutual relationship would develop between the new parrot and your Grey. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  18. danmcq


    Welcome Clancy!! Your Grey will come around. It sounds like he is just getting used to the change in daily events. :-)
  19. LOL - Thats funny Heather!! I remember you posting Turkey's all around your house months back. Soon he may be gobbling to. :-)
  20. That was a good video Siobhan!! Liath sure likes to thow those kisses in between all the sentences. :-) Thanks for sharing that!! Karma to you....
  21. Thats great news Christoph. What did the root cause turn out to be and how did they treat it? :-)
  22. LOL mervyn - what would your Dad a say to someone that paid 2200 for a Doberman....don't answer that ;-) Dayo is turning 1yr old on the 28th of this Month. he aid Hello very loud 2x two months and never since. He sets up playing while I work on the PC and whistles, imitates sounds and then you can hear him mumbling and calibrating good boy!!, what are ya doin, uh oh that I can clearly make out so far, but it is VERY LOW volume and you must listen to what he is calibrating. He never speaks or even makes any sound much in front of company unless we are all in another room. Greys seem very strange this way, but so far it seems to be a commonality with many.
  23. Welcome Heather!! What a wonderful introduction and of hearing that you opted to adopt. It sounds like you, family and Opie are well on the way to a life long time of companionship, love and enjoyment of each other. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance!!
  24. Judy - Use your "Womanly Ways" to get your husband to do the light project. ;-) Tracy - I can not find the spectrum analysis on the Arcadian lamps, but form the general description on their website, they look like a very good lamp. Acappella - That's a tough one. You may be able to mount a fixture offset from the cage say 1 foot so your Grey can't reach it, then direct the light at a 45 degree angle downwards towards the cage which would produce light from above for him. It's hard for me to visualize, but I think you know what I am suggesting. :-)
  25. Well, that explains the birdy freak-out :-) They are VERY sensitive to natures indicators that something bad is happening. :-) It's good to hear you found the cause of it.
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