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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Freezing temperatures are one thing and that's why many Birds migrate. Just drafts or winds in normal non-winter temperatures are a completely different situation. Also, no one (with common sense) would place a cage confined Bird directly under a vent, in front of an open window etc. with winds or drafts blowing away. That's just common sense. It of course, would not be a good situation to place ones bird in a cage where they could not maneuver around to block a wind or draft of some type. In the wild, they do so by landing in trees etc which reduces the wind, but does not shelter them completely. Winds and Drafts of themselves, do not harm them in normal temperature ranges.
  2. If drafts and breezes are BAD for birds, why do they live outside? My personal belief, is that this is an old wives tale. In the wild, they get rained on, hurricaned, tornadoed and winds constantly. I find it odd we don't see dead birds laying everywhere after a wind, storm etc. Make sense? Now, I will go ponder my Belly Button. B)
  3. Mark is spot on and it is entirely possible that Dave's Ultrasonic Units particular Model number does not come with in Avian hearing range. There are significant differences from model to model and application such as to drive off the smallest insects only or cats and dogs or rodents etc. They all have various ranges of hearing and thus, the Ultrasonic model would be selected for the appropriate application. Birds have good ears but they tend to hear things differently than us. Within sounds birds recognise and remember something akin to absolute pitch whereas we humans perceive sounds via relative pitch. Very few humans can hear and remember absolute pitch. Relative pitch however allows us to hear a tune in one octave and still recognise the tune in a different octave. Birds cannot do this. Birds do however recognise 'timbre' (a fundamental note combined with harmonies). Recognising timbre and harmonic variations gives birds great versatility in the sounds that they can respond to, and in some cases reproduce. Birds also hear shorter notes than we can. Humans process sounds in bytes about 1/20 of a second long, whereas birds discriminate up to 1/200 of a second. This means where we hear one sound only, a bird may hear as many as ten separate notes. This is because we can not perceive the intervals occurring higher than 1/2 of second. A bird could hear a drum beat 200 times in one second, if a drummer could ever move their little sticks that fast. It would sound like one beat to us. In birds as a whole, the known hearing ranges vary from a lower limit of below 100 hertz to over 29000, though not all birds have this range. So it is entirely possible the model Babette8008 used, was in fact in his Greys hearing range and was driving the porr guy bonkers. How would you like to listen to the "White Noise" of a TV that lost reception for days? It would hurt my head!! I love it when you guys start a thread that makes me research. I just have to know!! :-) So thank you!! B)
  4. There are several white papers on this subject. They can and do affect our Avian friends. Here is a link to just one PDF written by the University of Hawaii on this subject: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1009&context=vpc2 Also, here is a link to several articles: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=electronic+pest+control+effects+on+animals+birds&hl=en&rls=GGLR,GGLR:2005-47,GGLR:en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&oi=scholart Hope this helps all in coming to an understanding of this.
  5. Yep, many of our Grey owners awoke to thrashing Parrots of every type. I'll it had you shook up too, from the description you gave of how and what you awoke to. :-)
  6. I thought I would share a good source of some simple and quick steep in hot water for 15 minutes, drain and serve. Dayo loves this stuff and I purchase several of the other Volkmans mixes also. I give Dayo a half cup of this stuff every couple of mornings when I'm home and he loves it, so does Jake my Conure. This one in particular is Called FeatherGlow Birdeez Buffet 15 minute soak and serve made by Volkmans seed co. They are here in California and only use the best ingredients. Here is a link to this particular mix I purchased. http://www.naturechest.com/birdeezbuffet.html I purchased it at a Super Petstore called Petco off the shelf. It is as big as a supermarket and has nothing but pet stuff on the shelves. :-)
  7. Cool Video Spence!! I love videos of our Greys and could watch them all day long. :-) Thanks for posting it. Chloe is quite a character and talking too!!
  8. What a Crappy way to start a Saturday.... Now I just don't give a crap today ;-)
  9. Lovelylew wrote: We all KNOW Females talk tons MORE than Males - ;-) LOL Congratulations Lovelylew
  10. Oh Jesus, this is a funny thread, Dave and Casper, your both a HOOT!!
  11. LOL Heather, You've trained Harrison that you really don't mean it. :-) So she just hangs on because she knows she going with you anyway. Daves advice is great!!
  12. Ah, I misunderstood. I thought it was an open sore. A vet visit is still probably in order though as you also suggest. :-)
  13. I would take her back to the vet. The ointment is not working and it may now be infected. I feel sorry for her, it must be painful. :-(
  14. Well this occurred early this morning: Illinois earthquake sways buildings, shuts airport Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/04/18/illinois.earthquake/index.html I am not certain where you live, but all critters are much more sensitive to the earth and environment than we are. It sounds like something of this nature set them all off. I am so sorry to hear of the tail and wing damage, poor baby must have really been traumatized!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/04/18 15:56
  15. This is a great article on socialization Tracy, Thanks!!
  16. Thats great news Raposa and it sounds like it was a wonderful experience for you both. :-)
  17. Cool, looking forward to seeing those photo's smithie!! :-)
  18. Thats wonderful news Char. Can't wait to hear the DNA results! :-)
  19. danmcq


    I can tell when my "Chick" is full just by looking at her ;-) Great link Tracy, to stay on topic here. :-)
  20. Are you certain that's not a Snail Falconeer ;-) Looks normal either way, and thanks for blowing it up so large for close and careful observation. :-) Us "Poopologists" appreciate your dedication to this.
  21. Another vet visit is the safest and only path to answer your question Tami. Wish I had better or more information for you. :-)
  22. That depends on the level of Chlorine and chemicals that are contained in the Jacuzzi. The levels are normally kept very high and could be harmful to your Grey is so.
  23. That is normal beak growth from your description and what I can see in the photo.
  24. It seems Adanna knows what "Potty" is, it seems she decides if its worth her effort to go through the hassle of going to the "Official" potty spot or let it rip where she is. :-) Not much you can do about the latter. If you are wanting to control it completely you could always check out a flight suite.
  25. Hi shelly_quin, You may not wish to hear this, but if the padding is still raw and not responding to treatment. You should take him back to the vet. What types of perches do you have? Has your Grey possibly burned his Pad somehow? Do you ot the vet have any ideas what may have started this?
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