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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Like Tracy stated, that is a huge change for your Grey to become accustomed to. It sounds like you have been doing all the right things to try and ease him into the new home and cage. Just keep doing as you are with patience, as you already have and he will come around sooner or later. It seems like some can take change more easily than others based on their different personalities, just like people. Looking forward to hearing more from you as this progresses. :-)
  2. Hi Nychsa!!! It has been forever ;-) It sounds like you are all settled in basically now and things are returning to normal for you and your reunited flock. They are letting you and the "care takers" know though, that THEY should have been included in all the unpacking fun and would have helped you immensely in reducing it all to fine rubble for easy trash canning. :-) Great to have you back and well!!
  3. It's sounds your Vaskur had a little shock and distress he will need to get over. Just be perky and happy around him and act as if nothing happened and all is great on the home front. He is intelligent and well pick up on that feeling from you that all is well and lets have fun and love each other. :-)
  4. Awwww, ain't it the truth. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  5. Wow Duchess, you have an amazing story to tell for each of those amazing souls you have rescued, helped to mend and learn what love truly is from a human. Thanks for sharing those short glimpses into their lives and yours. I really looked forward to hearing much more from you. :-)
  6. Welcome tawney !!! What a wonderful story that certainly sounds like destiny took place for you and that baby Grey. We'll look forward to hearing more. :-)
  7. Welcome Hummeri!! It's great to have you here. This is certainly the right place to find information or ask questions regarding Greys. We looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  8. Welcome Pam!! Not sure where you are located, but have you checked rescues to find a Grey? Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  9. Welcome Duchess!! That is quite the Kingdom you are ruling over there. :-) It great to have you here and we'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of that Flock you have.
  10. Welcome John!! Perhaps over the coming weeks during your visits, a fitting name will come up based on his/her personality. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your baby Grey when you get a chance. :-)
  11. I haven't received the new issue yet. :-(
  12. How are you - LOL!! Like "did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" or What?? :-) I see no reason that it would not provide the same effect. If she readily jumps in and takes a bath on her own. Most won't. If she will allow you, maybe you could dip your fingers in while she busy bathing and then dip and gently rub the Aloe Juice into her neck and upper areas between the wings etc. My Wife does this sometimes when Dayo is cuddling just to sooth that neck area he has new pins coming around and they are SCRATCHY. B)
  13. That is a great example Dave. Your right, thats why we all wound up here in search of species specific information. Many of us, before we ever purchased a Grey. Thanks again for another Great Post!! :-)
  14. Wow Falconeer, I can not imagine the panic you must have been in after you realised what had happened!! Thanks for posting this warning for all others to see!
  15. Hello Mas, I am sorry to hear such a botched Wing clip was performed. Many people clip birds flight feathers at, or slightly below, the level of the upper-wing coverts. To add insult to injury, most to not have precise and sharp scissors to leave a nice clean cut. With this method, the birds will be constantly "Preening" the exposed ends of the shafts. After a while, the shafts will become splintered from the constant grooming. The sharp, splintered ends will begin to irritate their body and bother them psychologically. They are never satisfied with the ends of the shaft. How could they be? They can't groom the cut feather into a natural state. The only advice I can think of for you, at this time. Would be to start misting him with Aloe Juice so that he is "Soaked". This will help with the irritation and his skin will become more supple. There is a great thread you can search for on Aloe that covers this. Good luck to you and your Grey. The good news, is he will Molt this out over the next 6 Months or so and have natural and complete feathers replacing them. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/04/20 20:51
  16. Dave - That is exactly the type of information us "Greenhorns" need from experienced Grey owner/breeders like you. You have experienced the personalities of 10, 20 30 or more greys over years and know the broad range of personalities and temperaments they display as a "Species". Imagine that, a Grey is going to act and behave as a Grey. So that means we don't need to "Fix" them, we need to come to "Know" them. You must sit back and get some good ol "Belly Laughs" out of some of the things we say. :-) THANK YOU!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/04/20 20:36
  17. My Job is to make sure others do theirs. Thought I would keep it simple. :-)
  18. Welcome Aaron (Officially)!!! That's wonderful news. I can't wait to hear more about Jasper and see those photos. :-)
  19. Boy you hit the nail on the head with that advice Dave, as you ALWAYS do. My Dayo will be one year old on the 28th of this Month. Since 8 months onward, he has been asserting his self awareness, independence and desires through indicating them with his only way of doing so, his beak. I guess the key is to acknowledge that they are allowed to let us know if we're interrupting their game, time or desire and respond when it's "ok". But, we also need to let them know that if it's not ok, by making them step up or issuing a firm no so they understand the concept of community and all needing to acknowledge the presence of societal rules and mannerisms. If I'm full of crap, let me know Dave. I'm still recovering from that thread. :-)
  20. LOL Judy - Thanks for solidifying my conclusion of identifying the root problem of my initial supposition. :-) Sometimes I just blurt a very long thought process out in a one liner confuse everyone and shoot myself.
  21. Welcome Jennifer, Elmo and Hailey!!! Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  22. Welcome Lesley!! All I can say is WOW!!! Those are wonderful photos. Know we all know where Tracy picked up on the idea of an entire house dedicated to our Avian friends. ;-) It appears to be a birdy heaven. Looking forward to seeing your comments and advice hear on the forum with the vast experience you have to share with us all. :-)
  23. Welcome Javier!!! You've certainly come to the right place to find answers to your research in to Grey ownership. We'll look forward to hearing more from you.
  24. That is wonderful news Heather. What a good transformation that place went through thanks to you!! :-)
  25. Thanks for all the input so far. They are all good points. But, the operating word in my initial post "Bad" is not really being addressed. I did not mean constant fans, vents or open windows blowing forever on our Avian friends. What I meant was, is a nice opening up of the house or taking your Avian friend out on a nice day with a breeze "Bad"? The connotation I get from all the sources I have read over the years is they will somehow impact the health of your bird upon the slightest instance of a "draft". I believe this is hogwash. Example - I observe birds daily frolicking, soaring and enjoying nice breezes and even moderate winds. Both my Parrots and all my Finches have always enjoyed either sitting outside in their cages or when opening up the house so a nice breeze blows through and "Freshens" the air up while allowing an exchange of stale to fresh air. I hope I am articulating this sufficiently to help all in understanding the point of view I am coming from. Thanks for all your feedback so far :-)
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