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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations Ria!!! How are they getting along today?
  2. Thanks for posting this link 2Girls. The number of different species is truly amazing and the photos are wonderful. :-) I took the liberty of editing your link so it would work.
  3. LOL Fairy!! I have often suspected that Dave was a Pimp. :-) High-end though. ;-)
  4. LOL - Good stuff Talonsis!!! :laugh:
  5. Well thanks Laurie. I am glad I amused you and at least have one thing that is cool on my list. :-) I guess I need to revisit it B)
  6. Now thats a great goal and reward Laurie!! Looking forward to the Photos. :-)
  7. Wow kyparamedic, what a scary event!! I hope your Grey is still doing well and back to normal. Have you ever used a bird shampoo on her before? It does almost sound like hyperventilation, but could also have been a reaction of some type to the chemicals in the shampoo. Stress can certainly cause severe symptoms in and of itself even resulting in death, if it becomes severe enough, raises blood pressure, heart rate etc. I hope all is still well. :-)
  8. Those are fantastic photos of Harrison!! It sounds like you two ahd a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing it!! :-)
  9. Welcome Steve!! Looking forward to gearing more. I'll bet you have a lot to share regarding your Grey. :-)
  10. Welcome Ria!! Names are tough, maybe see see what comes out in his personality and chose one. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  11. Great photos of Corky jj!! It looks like some Red Palm Oil along with regular mistings with 100% Aloe Juice might benefit Corky in the sense of getting the skin in a more supple form and relieve some irritation that may be causing the over preening. :-)
  12. danmcq


    They love Almonds, Peanuts, Sun flower seeds, Pine Nuts etc. for treats. As others have stated, they each will have a favorite, just find it and your Grey will just about do anything for it. :-)
  13. Wow this is all great stuff!! I would love to see Before and After photos. :-) You are all seemingly doing wonderful and have been putting a great of mental and physical effort into this......Salute!!, to you all. :woohoo:
  14. 1) I'm a Guy 2) My age is I now have a "Bucket List" 3) The Bucket List does not include jumping out of a perfectly good Airplane. 4) I plan to live to 127 and then just leave in a Chariot of Fire like Elijah... sounds cool and fun. 5) I will never grow old ...mentally 6) Have driven "Hot Rods" all my life and still do. 7) I piss my wife off regularly, it keeps me amused. 8) I love spending time with the Grandchildren and showing them how to skateboard....they love it when I eat it!! 9) I am obviously bored since I am taking the time to fill this out. 10) I like amusing people. Hopefully this accomplished that. B)
  15. Lovelylew, if Obi let you do it once, it will happen again. You've got the right idea in trying over and over, but with patience, as you stated. :-)
  16. Welcome dan_erobbo and Tiah!! Thanks for the great introduction. It sounds like Tiah is quite a character. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  17. Heather - Dayo was amongst two clutches born one week a part. :-) Awesome photo's of Harrison!! Dave - Those are great photos!! Is that a new clutch of late or from the past? Falconeer - Awwww, what a cute little guy with his crop bulging. :-)
  18. Dayo at 8 weeks. Kims petting him and the rest of the clutch is having a great exploration time.
  19. Greys are definitely resistive to change. Tracy - sounds like it was a piece of "caique" for the conures. ;-)
  20. Nice to have you posting again CrazyBird. Great photo. I'll bet it took a few tries to capture it as well as you did. :-)
  21. What a wonderful overview on your new Grey, kitt79. :-) It's sounds like he and your family are really striking it off well and enjoying each other. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos.
  22. Welcome SunnyC!!! Looking forward to hearing more when you have time. :-)
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