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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Guess I fell down on the job....I should have taken that Arm Pit photo down. Talon was right in doing so. This is a family forum with very young eyes that absorb everything they see, hear and read. I have complained several times too over the last year about some content getting a little explicit. We can have our fun, but we need to camouflage our posts and thoughts with innuendos that we get but young ones don't. :-) We'll meet at your place Ronda for a good time ;-) know what I mean :whistle:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/04/05 14:03
  2. I love the information you have on your site Kibibi!! I am dissapointed though that the Grey Myths didn't include Tea leaf or thrown bone reading ;-)
  3. Thats wonderful news Mosfatal!! Can't wait to here the story of how you got him down!! :-)
  4. Hi Birdzilla, Did you still need help with your grey? We needed a little more information on his background to be of any help with the step-up and biting issue. :-)
  5. Nice photos Heather!! Dayo LOVES Grapes and so does my Conure Jake. :-)
  6. Man, you are becoming quite a photographger Melissa. These photos of Talon and others are great!!
  7. Wow, nice photos Melissa!!! Tulips are beautiful. If you and your Mother ever get a chance, when in Holland, go check out the Huge Tulip fields and garden/tourist paradise there. :-)
  8. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha ........no comment B)
  9. Hi momi. It sounds like you and baby Grey are doing just fine. The weight seems right on track. At this point, it maybe be better to stay with the program you have in place. The way you are monitoring his weight daily is perfect and is a great indicator that he is consuming plenty of formula and perhaps some of the veggies, fruits and pellets you are offering. :-)
  10. Awww, nice photos of Chad, Greenwinged. Thanks for posting them. :-)
  11. LOL - Oh poor Makena!! Molt should be coming on soon and taking care of that. DNA is the only way to go. The visual wives tales are just that. Wonder how good Tea leaves or throwing Bones would fair at determining sex ;-) :-) B)
  12. Good question Knight, perching is just what they were made for, besides flying. :-) Just as Horses stand most their life. Dayo never perches on his bowl unless he is rooting around in his food. He perches everywhere, but his favorite place of course, is either on our shoulders or snuggling on his mommies chest. :-)
  13. Ive had birds all my life, pigeons, keets, Myna, finches (breeding MANY) and always wanted a Parrot. Life gets busy with the job, kids etc. But once the kids were gone and we had time to do others things, I got my first Parrot, a Conure, then Dayo our CAG. I wish I would have gotten Parrots much earlier in Life. They are a joy and just like having a child. :-) Next on the list is a B&G Macaw.......soon!! :woohoo:
  14. Giving a sedative to calm your Parrot down before even seeing how it reacts to a situation is rather alarming practice. Unless the Avian vet is planning on drawing blood from an artery, it should not be necessary at all. I would ask, as others mentioned to only use it if absolutely neccesary. Keep us posted on this and how it turns out. :-)
  15. Nice photo of Tuca!! Thanks for posting it. :-)
  16. Oh No Mosfatal!!! Read the link Tracy (LMG) posted in regards when my Conure took off. Does your Grey have a play stand or something he likes to perch or play on that you could raise up on a pole to him so he could step on to it? It worked for my Conure. I suspect your Grey is afraid to fly down from that height and will not come to you willingly unless he feels safe. Please keep us posted!!!
  17. Welcome WikiV!! I am from the bay area also, San Jose. I still work there 3 to 5 week days, each week. There are MANY Parrot owners in the bay area and also Avian Vets that specialize in them. It's your Bonus, consider the Grey as your reward for hard work, a job well done and also that you want to share your childhood memories with your children and let them experience the joy and responsibilities of owning a Parrot. The first time your new baby Grey snuggles with your wife, she will melt, you will become the other bird owner your wife lets you have Grey time occasionally. Again, welcome!!
  18. Welcome Elizcas!!! Looking forward to hearing more about you and Sam. Seeing some photos would be great also. :-)
  19. Welcome BettyBoop!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos on Saturday. :-)
  20. Welcome lg17!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. Sorry to hear of your previous loss.
  21. Hey Joe, it looks like someone already made contact and swept her off her feet back in January...tough luck pal B)
  22. Welcome Birdzilla!!! As others noted, a little more information regarding yoru Grey would be very helpful. There is a ton of information on this forum regarding Grey behaviour and how to overcome various isses.
  23. hahahahahaha - great photo spookyhurst!! :-)
  24. Haven't ordered the extra flightline yet. Just getting him used to the harness and going outside. The flights will be a little more down the road for Dayo. One step at a time. :-) The DVD is great and very informative.
  25. Oh Beccy, you will be missed. Hopefully thinhs will get better for you and you'll be able to come back in the not to distant furture. You will be missed greatly. :-(
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