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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Sandra - Now that you mentioned that. No, He never Poops on it. I guess he values his fort to much to place "Graffiti" on it. :-)
  2. We'll if you knew how to open a can, I might be slightly aroused ;-) to a good fight. B) Here, I'll even give you the Can.... :-)
  3. LOL Ronda, good stuff!!! :-) Now some more women tributes... Guys, heres how to hang on when on a thrilling ride.. PROPER BATHROOM CLEANING ATTIRE FOR YOUR WOMAN BIG DRUM ROLL - WE KNOW JUDY'S LICENSE PLATE....BUT CHECK OUT HER HUSBANDS....
  4. Hi Ozark, You Wrote "how do i stop this behavior, before it gets out of hand" Your Boys will need to find another place to live All kidding aside, you may have hit the Nail on the Head. Your Grey could also be a little nervous around them now that he is more aware of what's going on around him and Boys that age have a tendency to move around rather quickly and sometimes have their mouths and arms flapping at the same time :-) You can not stop a Grey or any other Parrot from deciding it prefers one over another. If the can feed your Grey or give him snacks and he accepts them as you say. It sounds more like your Grey wants to be left alone at times by your boys and lets them know so. Perhaps have your sons start paying more attention to your Greys body language and if he shows he is not receptive to being handled or moved, just have them back off and go do something else for a while. :-) These are just some suggestions based on assumptions, not knowing the entire story or facts.
  5. I keep a 12 pack Pepsi carton in Dayos cage floor all the time. He loves to walk inside, chew a hole an watch you through it. I think they believe the are being sneaky and you don't notice them. :-) He goes through around a 12 pk a Month ;-) by then it is chewed to pieces. :-)
  6. Hi Lupa, Heres a few links on wing clipping and how they should look and just good general information to know. You should get the other wing clipped to match the other. http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww25ev.htm http://www.parrottalk.com/wing-clipping.htm http://birdmart.com/reference/wings.html
  7. Oh Gail, what a sweet Grey that loves the attention and scratches. :-) Great photos!! LMG gave great advice and with your love, good feeding habits and a vet check to ensure good health, he should prosper. It's wonderful to see someone like you take in one of these wonderful Greys that will be a life long member of your family. :-)
  8. Welcome gail!! You came to the right place for help and a deep well of information in the archives of this forum. You mention health problems. What are they?
  9. Good comments Joe and I feel the same as you when it comes to that kind of stuff. I may be a bit harse, but I still think justice was well served in the old days when they just put the criminals out of their misery and they didn't have an overpopulation in the jailhouse either. Crime was much lower back then, because the end result SCARED THE HELL OUT OF THEM. I guess criminals are lucky I'm not a judge, my most used sentence would be "Hang Em"...... B)
  10. Laurie - You are doing a great job at quitting and it sounds like you may have found that one little "Extra" that will make this attempt successful. Your story will help many a smoker when they try to quit. :-) I heard lots of chocolate helps to take the edge off too
  11. Ok, if you insist...just one more....to get the message across....B)
  12. Ok, back on Topic....Need I say more :-)
  13. Yeah, the day is upon you!!!! Can't wait to hear when your baby comes home and see some photos!! :woohoo:
  14. Oh Boy, this is out of my expertise. Some Aloe Gel might Help with the scratching if it's not an infected ear. I don't hold a lot of confidence to "In Training" personnel. It sounds like Booty is a Happy Camper though and getting along well otherwise. :-)
  15. Great buy on that scale Falconeer!! Man, your baby Grey putting on wieght already ;-) B) Just wait until he is done fledging...the feedbag will be on!!! :woohoo:
  16. This is terrible news to hear of Toni's accident and injuries. Please pass on my Thoughts and Prayers for her in wishing her a fast recuperation and bounce back to the vibrant person she is.
  17. I'm with Tracy on this too Siobhan. Dayos is about the same. :-) Looks normal. Great link Joe, thanks!!
  18. Hi Falconeer, 350 is a little light for a CAG at 12 weeks. He should be taking around two to three feedings of 60ml each meal of formula and eating/pecking at fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts in between. How much did he weigh when you first got him? They do lose some weight when they start to fledge and eat less to accomplish this so they can fly easier. An example would be Dayo at 12 weeks weighed 527 grams and went down to 450 while fledging.
  19. I mist Dayo also with full-strength Aloe Juice even though it is not his favorite thing to do. It is warming up in California now and something I do with both Dayo (CAG) and Jake (Conure) is roll them in their Cages outside on my pool deck and spray water up in the air and let it fall like natural rain on them. At first they are a little resistive, but once they get a little wet they start getting excited and and really into to it by raising their wings, positioning upside-down to get the undercarriage and just generally clowning around. Once their good and soaked, I spray their cages completely down getting all the dust and poo off everything and then dry them off. Works good for the birds and the cage. :-) Then I let let baste in the sun for a few hours which they also love.
  20. Welcome Tina and Izzy!!! It sounds like you have a very bold and brave new CAG on your hands there. :-) We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing photos.
  21. Welcome Ashley!! Sounds like you have a flock already in your home, that your CAG will become a fun member of and delight you al for decades. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos. :-)
  22. Welcome Emma & Sensei!!! Youve come to the right place with tons of information for you to browse through on every topic under the sun regarding CAGs. We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing photos. :-)
  23. Welcome Lovelylew!!! Five months is a perfect age to get your new CAG. We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing photos. :-)
  24. Welcome Thomas!! Congratulations on the new CAG. We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chance. :-)
  25. Welcome Birdwomanceaser!!! Congratulations on getting a CAG. April is not that far off. We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
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