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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Shelly and adanna!!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos. :-)
  2. Welcome Heather!! Great introduction and a nice photo of your new TAG. :-) Looking forward to hearing much more from you and seeing more of your new and entertaining TAG!!
  3. One thing I have not seen mentioned here yet. Is that I hope you are not thinking they will all be one flock having a ball together. A cage for each will also be required, so space may be an issue also. Having multiple Parrots also changes the entire environment and increases your responsibilities in ensuring each Parrot is safe from attacks and that time with you for attention and maintenance is kept fairy equal. Some may get along with each other, barely tolerate each other or attack and mame. You just never know. With that being said, a young Grey would probably be the best fit at this time if you are certain your really ready to take on more work, learning and responsibility. A rescue, would not be advised at this point in your new world of Parrots. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/04/17 14:00
  4. Wonderful Photos and I love the "sis man" routine. It sounds like you never have a dull moment 2girls. :-)
  5. Welcome James!! Thanks for "officially" introducing yourself. :-) Looking forward to hearing more!!!
  6. Welcome Melissa!! You definitely have Parrot fever. :-) Looking forward to hear more from you.
  7. Hi jj_qpr11, You will need to place that ladder or any thing else new for that matter away from the cage, but with in sight. Then slowly move it closer day by day for your Grey to get comfortable with it. She has obviously not been introduced to many new things over her first 5 years and hopefully will become more accustom to change over time as you work with her on this. Other than that though, she sounds like a wonderful addition to your family. :-) Also, Welcome!! Why don't yo introduce yourself in the New members welcome room when you get a chance? :-)
  8. Perfect place for this Tracy!!! :-)
  9. Congratulations Char!!! It sounds like Simon is fitting right in and stealing your heart. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing all those photo moments. :-)
  10. Congratulations HC on bring your baby home!! It will take some time for him to become accustom to the new surroundings and cage. But, you will get there. Just ask those questions as they come up. There are many of us here more than willing to help and also a ton of information on this site. :-)
  11. Congratulations Raposa!! It sounds like Jenna is a very well rounded and fearless Grey. :-) Looking forward to seeing photos!! :-)
  12. Half way to the weekend now Resi. Looking forward to seeing those photos!! :-)
  13. Well a BIG Congratulations to you dsgnz !!! I'll bet you are tickled pink. :-) I am so happy for you!!
  14. Hi Makena, I would hold off on the drugs. Your Grey is not crazy!! Something may be bothering Makena, but I always defer the minute any doctors first recommendation is to treat an issue with drugs to calm them down or dope them up. It is not a proper treatment for humans, animals or birds, in my opinion. It is just a mind altering drug "Masking" the problem. Maybe suggest your Doctor get "Off" the drugs ;-) Sorry, that's my opinion. I obviously do not like drugs as the answer when behavioral problems arise. The "Cause" for the change in behavior needs to addressed, not masked.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/04/16 14:19
  15. Welcome hjcruzer!!! What a great looking CAG. Thanks for sharing that. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  16. Welcome fairymyst78!!! Well congratulations on placing your deposit down this Friday on a CAG. You will not be disappointed. Will you be able to visit regularly? It is a wonderful experience if you can. Three months will give you plenty of time to be prepared for bringing him/her home once ready. :-)
  17. Welcome Johnny!! Looking forward to hearing more about Monster and also seeing some photos. :-)
  18. danmcq


    I do the same as LovemyGreys. There is food such as seeds, nuts and pellets all day long. They seem to just "graze" through out the day and eat the "Biggie" meals in morning at night which are veggies, fruits, eggs etc. that must be removed after no longer than 2 hours to prevent spoilage. Of course the other "Biggie" is sometimes standing on "Dads" shoulder and grabbing food off his plate :-)
  19. Never heard of "African Grey" shampoo. I would stick with misting with Aloe and/or showers and bowls for baths also. But, Aloe seems to working the best at removing the dust and also soothing the irritated skin and making it much more supple.
  20. danmcq

    sore foot

    It sounds like you have good perch types. The picture should help to understand a little more about what you are describing. :-)
  21. Dayo bites the misting bottle, but intends to hurt it. He does not enjoy showers or misting and NEVER Opens his wings or fluffs up as a bird does when enjoying the spritzing. But, he gets it anyway. :-)
  22. Hi tikatoy1995 !! Good to see you back, but sorry it is not with good news and I am truly sorry to hear of your health issues and also needing to find a home for your long time Grey. :-( It sounds like you are on the right path and will scrutinize any interested parties to the fullest to ensure your Grey finds another caring person to love and cherish him for many decades. :-) Good Luck!!
  23. Welcome freespirit!! Loks like until we hear a little more information on this, it will be tough to zero in. Dave asked some great questions. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  24. Welcome Marty!! Good to have you here. We'll look froward to hearing more about you. :-)
  25. Oh Tracy, give her our best!! :-)
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