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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. LOL Nychsa - Is the Microphone still intact? Good videos of Bella, thanks for sharing those. :-)
  2. TabbyTai - That is more than enough time for the house to be aired out. SookyHurst - The sealing chemicals for tile are definitely putting off vapors for at least 2 to 3 days until they are safe. If your tiles are the pre-sealed at the factory type and they are simply laying down and grouting a couple of days will be fine. The only sealing done is on the grout. If they seal.
  3. Tracy - Millie is beautiful!!! I can not believe I missed this thread and your video for so long. I could not help but laugh, when Millie kept flying to "Momma" while your trying to shoot her worldwide debut Video. :-) Keep the videos and photos coming of Millie!!!
  4. It is going to be a challenge to stop the breaking of primary feathers. Depending on how short the Primaries were cut, they may have no support from surrounding feathers to help protect them them. Breaking a blood feather is painful to them, if thats what is breaking. Tyco will learn to ease off on the rough play if pain is being felt. If the rough play is not stopped by Tyco, the primaries may not grow out until a second molt occurs with the proper supporting feathers in place. If you desire for Tyco to become flighted, do not have the wings trimmed again and let them grow out in all their fullness and glory. I wish I had some special advice on helping the probability of the next primaries coming in and remaining undamaged, but I don't. I feel for you and Tyco, Pat. :-( At least Tyco has a very loving companion and home now and things will keep flourishing with time. :-)
  5. Well, this is a new one for the forum. I haven't encountered this yet with Dayo and hopefully won't. Great tips on "No Touchy" areas Tracy. ;-) A good splash of cold water might stop the issue. ;-) B)
  6. siobha9 wrote: And all that, you are Siobha!! :-) After reading Toni's pronunciation of your name. I must say it is nothing like I mentally pronounce it.... Sea-Ob-Ha :-) So much for phonetics I learned from grade 1 up. B) Do you say your name as Toni suggests? Enquiring minds must know!! :-)
  7. For 11 weeks old, Harley sounds very confident and coordinated to tackle that ladder. Did you build that corner platform in the cage yourself? It is very nice and a good perching spot. :-)
  8. Very nice tattoo Jackie. Your daughter has an artistic gift. Thanks for sharing that with us. :-)
  9. That depends on when the painting and mold bombing takes place. If it happens 3 or 4 days prior to bringing your new grey home. You should be fine as long as you have let the house air out good for the days prior to bringing him/her home.
  10. Thats all you need is Jiggy "Jetting" around the house, Terri. LOL Bella will start trying to fly fairly soon, as the wing lift testing is already taking place. The feathers on the wings molt out one by one in matching feather numbers on each wing. She will start flying, but at slower speeds until they are all molted out and grown in. Hopefully her lower speed flying trials will give her the coordination she needs to navigate at higher speeds once all the flight feathers are in. I wouldn't let Bella take off through any real long rooms at first. She could get up too much speed and hit the wall. It will take her a few short "hops" to get her "Coming in for a landing" and "Emergency Brakes or Turns" dialed in. :-) It would be best if you can get her to start short hoops bu flying to your arm or shoulder and then stepping farther away as she gets the hang of it all. Dayo's wings were clipped, but only about an inch and a half. So he could always fly, but not too far or with full control. He is dropping Primaries and regrowing presently also. Every once in a while he clips a wing tip on the walls when navigating around corners to get to the room we move to.
  11. Nice video of Que eating and slinging those Carrots Tari! :-) You should get bored and post videos more often!!
  12. I am sorry to hear your Son is under going Chemo. Your very wise in insuring those Parrots have no transmittable diseases. As you know, Chemo patients immune systems are very low and an infection of any type can quickly become a life threatening issue. I do hope the Parrots tests come back clean. I would imagine those two Parrots will bring a smile to your Son's face everyday, which he needs. :-)
  13. Welcome Jackboy!! Those pin feathers feel weird to you and make your Grey scratchy. As others have said, a good shower and/or spray with 100% Aloe Juice will get him moisturized, less scratchy and help him remove the sheaths over those pin feathers a little easier. :-)
  14. Welcome Tonja & Harley!!! What a GreYt introduction and nice photos you have posted of Harley. :-) At 11 weeks old they are so cute. he is one fine looking CAG. One thing I did notice, is an ashtray with ciggarettes in it. Soking indoors around your Grey is very bad for them or any other Parrot. They breath in much deeper than we do and have very sensitive respiratory systems. I smoke, but only outside and in bed (but in a physical way). :-) Looking forward to hearing and seeing more from you.
  15. Late Happy Birthday on Friday the 13th Judy!! How old are you now, 30? ;-) Since it was Friday the 13th, my goulish friend say's a laughing BUuuaaaahhhahahahahahaha to you... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/14 20:43
  16. Welcome Amberly!! It's GreYt to have you here. The secret tip I can give is, I joined several Forums, settled down here, did my reading and research and started asking questions once I felt confident enough to do so. So ask away!! :-)
  17. Thanks for the great feedback, links and ideas CarlyLu. :-) As all the information you have provided states, it is going to take a lot of time, devotion and training to ever consider free flight. Presently, I know I do not have the time and schedule to maintain a consistency level required to accomplish this. But, just training at any level on recall training indoors is great exercise and training for all our Greys. :-)
  18. What a nice thing to say regarding this forum and it's members. :-) Thanks for the photo, I'm glad they don't put Greys in the petstore windows like they do puppies. Who could pass by and not want to just get "one more".....? :-)
  19. Very interesting thread and discussion. I find it intriguing and refreshing to see such a broad spectrum of opinions and suggestions. The Sail Boat homing of any animal or bird is certainly a different scenario that I believe none here have ever considered or tried as SFSailor is doing. If I read in between the lines correctly, SFSailor is living in the Sail Boat and traveling the open Sea's and Docking in ports of various countries. How interesting is that? I am keenly interested in SFSailors unique situation and the completely different landscape/seascape homing of a Grey and all that must be taken into consideration in this unique and ever changing environment. I understand everyones concerns and opinions, but at this point, I would love to just sit back, listen and absorb what SFSailor has to tell us all in regards the "Wild Times" and situations he has encountered at Sea and in Port with his Grey. It would shed a great amount of light on situations encountered in this completely different living environment that is truly "Foreign" to us all. Rather than bringing up all the objections, can we all listen to SFSialors story? I hope we can refrain from judging a situation that is so intriguing and different. :-)
  20. Has Elmo seen Shrek? Especially the Donkey singing "I like big Butts"? ;-) It sounds hilarious Berna, please set a video camera up and get that on tape and post it!!! :-)
  21. Great information and examples Dave, Thanks!!
  22. Welcome Satchel!! As LovemyGreys stated, a bird is the prey and dogs/cats are they predators. Vigilance is mandatory when both are present. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  23. What a get down and boogy guy you have there. Thanks for sharing that. :-)
  24. Great post Berna. Our loved pets are something everyone seems to forget in a disaster.
  25. Scorpio, I am sorry to hear of the crop issue your one baby Grey has. At this point, the main concern is getting the crop repaired by the avian vet to ensure your baby remains healthy and safe. I would be upset with the breeder just as you are. Since you have no legal recourse. The best way you can get some type of personal satisfaction out of this terrible situation. Would be to take actions on your own against that breeder. Star blogs all over the web naming that breeder along with their address and website if they have one. Post notes on all Parrot forums regarding this breeders lack of professionalism, fairness and most importantly their lack of concern in providing the baby parrots the environment they NEED to STAY in until WEANED. Many States have now passed laws against anyone selling unweaned birds. If CT has such laws, you can take action through the state animal control or resources boards against that breeder and at least fined if not put out of business all together. Again, I feel your pain and anger, so sorry this happened to you.
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