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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. What a Big Heart this wonderful and naked Cockatoo has.....
  2. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Alfie at such a young Age. I can not imagine losing a Grey as you have after spending 20 years of enjoying, loving and laughing with them as a member of your Family. It is good to hear that you are rebounding, but I do know Alfie will forever be in your heart and waiting for you on the other side. :-)
  3. LOL Laurie!! Now you need to "Wean" yourself off the huge quanties of Chocolate youve been consuming. Congratulations on making the second month of a smoke free life. That is a HUGE accomplishment!! Talon and Judy - Just follow my routine and you'll be fine.... look at me ;-) Hmmm - something happened to the photo link...I'll post it the hard way.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/31 22:01
  4. Yes, Chet is all about money and has learned to put a very effective marketing campaign together with the sole purpose of making money. He does not care if you, I or anyone else loses our bird or possibly do something following his incorrect methods that may result in the death of it. He is no Parrot expert and certainly is not doing anything out of the kindness of his heart or concern for any breed of Parrot. Unfortunately, the way the web works, if I for example placed a banner of this website for a product, say tide soap. I could get upto 1.00 for each "Click through" off that banner. When you consider how many millions of people surf and click on things that interest them each hour of everyday. That equates to thousands of dollars per hour just from people clicking through a banner on your website. It is the "Cut" for allowing that space on the webpage for advertising. So we will never see those banner come off all those supposed "Caring Parrot" websites, unless of their consciousness of what they are evangelizing for money is harming Parrots and they take a stand for the Birds, rather than for the money. They only way any true caring bird owner can fight that, is to tell everyone they know to Boycott every website the places a banner or link to "BirdTricks" and take the websites traffic down to a halt.
  5. I agree also. A Cage is a necessity. It is their refuge, their "Own" place of safety, solitude and sleeping comfort. In the wild, they all have a "Place" they retreat to such as a hole in a tree that is where they go to get out of the weather, escape predators, to sleep and raise their young. It is natural for them to have a shelter.
  6. The big intrigue for myself was the intelligence of the Grey and being able to use reasoning. Dr. Pepperbergs studies highlighted that greatly and brought it to the public eye more than any other in history. The communication abilities of course are of great importance in demonstrating the level of understanding these creatures have. As Dave said, paying careful attention to your Grey's actions, body language and sometimes speech as a whole, tells you precise communications at times. At other times, they are just happily singing, making noises and whistling just because they want to. :-) Dayo now "Mocks" the Mockingbird morning song due to hearing it every morning for the last Month. I had to do a double check yesterday, to make sure one had not flown into our house. B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/31 15:08
  7. shanlung wrote: I agree with you on this 100% Shanlung. Many people can only relate raising and interacting with a Dog from Puppy to Adult. Birds of any type are completely self sufficient and have no "Pack pecking order". Any time we bring a critter in to our homes. We have the responsibility to study and understand (Hopefully beforehand) that critter, it's natural characteristics and expect it to act nothing less than it's species specific traits, strengths, weaknesses etc. Granted, taking it from it's wild and natural habitat, breeding them and then trying to domesticate them from chick up, changes many things. But, it does not change the foundational driving instincts, physical or mental attributes they come pre-programmed with. Each Grey or any other Parrot for that matter, is an individual, while retaining the general and prevalent physical and mental characteristics of it's species specific traits. It will develop it's own, view, style and level of relationship it decides to build with each and every individual it interacts with from birth to death. The first actions and steps any owner takes with their Grey's are the foundations upon how it will decide which relationship level he/she and that owner will have. It has nothing to do with what the owner wants. However, the owner can guide that relationship from the beginning, if they have studied, remain observant and respond appropriately to the minute by minute reactions from that Grey from the moment they meet them and continue doing so through out their life as that relationship continues and grows. I view plucking and self destructive behavior as nothing more than a reaction to 1) boredom 2) nervous behavior out of fear or frustration 3) insufficient emotional/physical interaction 4) A call for help from their "Cell" (Cage) 5) A continuance of a behavior once started, that has now become just a "Habit" (Like Nail Biting)that keeps them amused. I believe this is true in most cases if no underlying health problem exists. I do not think, that plucking or other phobias, are a result of hand-feeding to the weaned point and then letting the new owners take the Grey home before they are a year old. On the other hand, I do not believe that taking the un-weaned baby home thinking that by finishing the weaning process, the new owner will have a "Closer" bond with their bird. It is dangerous, when performed by an unexperienced person and does nothing towards guaranteeing that bird will love them deeply for it.
  8. Welome Walt, Karen and Kiko!!! That was a nice introduction. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  9. Talon - You mean thats not exercise??? LOL :-)
  10. That is sad. If those Greys were hand raised and used to human interaction, head scratches and the mental stimulation most of us provide to our Greys. Being in a cage as pictured would be pure torture, boring and nothing more than just an existence, watching Humans walking by and wishing one would say "Step-Up you sweet thing and lets go". :-( It is very sad, if they do not try to find good loving homes for them, where they could thrive, be happy and loved and live out their 60 + years as they deserve to. Not stuck in a cage with no stimulation or personal love from the Human kind they are used to. I personally would be tempted to Free them. So they could at least enjoy some out of cage time. :-)
  11. Yes, we had "Dayo" DNA tested at 12 weeks whil ehe was still at the breeders. It was only $20. I prefere to know up-front what sex a bird is before naming and assuming. ;-)
  12. Ok, I'm game. I work out on 15 different items too, first thing in the morning: 1 - I do my initial "Burn" on the Coffee maker. Lifting coffee can, carrying water, pushing buttons.... the whole gamut of possible workout modes on this high-tech machine. 2 - I then get those legs going walking over to turn the TV on (boy, I'm working up a sweat now, power lift the remote, push the buttons with such force it bends, doing atleast 20 reps on this guy Whew!! 3 - Then I jog full-speed into the kitchen, lift that coffee pot, poor that cup full, perform 20 reps of shoveling sugar into that cup and then stirring at high speed for atleast 50 Reps....Yeah Baby REALLY got things cooking now in burning those calories away. 4 - Jog back into the living room, do squats to sit on couch then do 20 reps with each arm of lifting that coffee cup up, tightening facial muscles and exercising those lips to do an additional 40 reps on facial toning. 5 - Do several "power lifts" trying to get out of the sink-hole called a Sofa, jog back into the kitchen, jump several times over the now awake and hungry dobermans and really get the burn on now. Man feel that blood pumping wooo hoooo 6 - Perform the hard can opening tasks, shovel out that protein and vitamin enriched canned food, then go do twenty squats with the 50 pound bag of dried dog food and shovel that stuff into the bowls. Do more jumping and hopping as I race out the door over the dogs and then do several more squats putting those food bowls down. 7 - Chase dogs around yard, lift the pooper-scupper and jog as I whisk those donuts on to the scoop, man got the cardio going now and breathing rate up to 80 breaths per minute, heart at 130 and feeling the burn now as it just pulses through my body eating up all those carbs and at cells. 8 - Run back in the house, wash those doggy bowls with a frenzy of action, dry doing hard presses and then some strectes putting them away. 9 - Run and wake Kim up to see if see wants to join in on some push-ups ;-) , run away at full speed to avoid being harmed severely, dog s join in the chase and we do several laps around the bloc, waiting for the coast to clear :dry: 10 - Jump in shower and exercise those vocal cords while at the same time performing Tai Chi in slow motion washing and scrubbing actions, dry off by running several laps around the block, neighbors chase yelling something that sounds like "There goes that crazy wet streaker again". :whistle: 11 - Perform several curls with laptop, briefcase and peripherals dashing out to car. 12 - perform several foot pumps mashing that gas pedal and slamming on brakes. 13 - get the burn going in the middle finger using it to also indicate my feelings towards all the idiots on the road..now even the juggler veins are visibly pumping, face glowing bright red as I yell "#$#HHH!!!!!" moron!! Which really gives those lings a good work out 14 - Dash into office, perform several aerobic exercises in hooking up all the electronics, bending stooping, pulling wire, forcing cables to plug into the wrong connectors and get those fingers flying on the keyboard barking out orders, questions and a few jokes to my few close friends....... :-) 15 - Cool down at the water cooler now, slow heart rate, breath in breath out, breath in breath out. Body is now returning to normal mode, heart slowing, but..... Blood pressure going up, the 911's start being reports by several employees and I'm back on the treadmill putting those fires out and soothing the disgruntled users...... Now, relaxing in office, PC just purring away, cup of coffee, posting to forum and enjoying the company :-)
  13. Welcome kukushka!!! You have certainly come to the right place to do your "Grey" research and get answers from caring members. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  14. Welcome Ronda!! It GreYt having you here. :-)
  15. Welcome Empress!! You came to the right place for information and a good community of caring members willing to help you a long your path in determining what is right for you, when asked. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  16. Welcome Codysmom!!! Great to have you hear. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  17. danmcq

    Grey Fun

    LOL - I would probably say the same thing to a Doctor wanting to due any snipping on me too. :-) Atleast the timing was impeccable. B)
  18. I am getting really sick of BirdTricks and their propaganda machine. They just started "Free-Flying" their Grey a few months ago and now they are experts? The idiot almost lost his Grey on the 3rd outing to gusty winds. It amazes me how they have become the "Experts" on everything in just a few years. I must say they have been brilliant in using the web to promulgate their website and now have "Banners" and "Links" on almost every Parrot related website out there. Thanks for posting this. Hopefully it will be made a permanent "posty" here. Makes one want to revert to the old ways from a previous lifestyle in getting people like that off the air.
  19. I am so sorry to hear that George lost the great fight he put up. You have my families condolences. Please stay in touch and let us know if there is anything you need.
  20. I guess this dates me, but those were the fun and carefree days of long ago...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENABi7Fvlc4&feature=related What were yours??? B)
  21. Thats great, I am certain Sammie also enjoyed the outdoors and the the "UV" enhanced vision he experienced. As all the things dull through the looking glass (Window) "Illuminated" with a burst of colors Sammie had never seen before on all the surroundings. Thanks for sharing that picture.
  22. The Epiphany I looked at all the parrots... the casts offs of human society... I saw in their eyes; Love, Hope, Fear and Dreads... Sadness and Betrayal. And I was Angry! "God", I said.. "This is terrible! Why don`t you do something?" God was silent for a moment.. Then softly said: "I HAVE done something.... I created YOU!"
  23. Hello Di, Your not getting excited are you? ;-) First, let they Grey pick you. Interact with them, check out their personalities, physical characteristics, cere's - no mucus wet/dried, clear eyes and most importantly a bounce in their step. :-) Get photos, so we can tell you which one to go with. Seriously though, if you have specific questions, just ask!!
  24. Good Morning to all. A Scottish Blessing to my forum friends: May there always be work for your hands to do. May your purse always hold a coin or two. May the sun always shine upon your window pane. May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near to you and May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
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