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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome 1200babe!! A 19 year old Grey that just started plucking is a tough one. As Mary indicated, an Avian vet visit is probably in order. Also, has anything changed in his cage, surroundings, new guests, new animals etc? Is he undergoing a molt, many Grey's are, at this time. Having had him for 19 years, you have obviously done a great job in caring for him and know him better than anyone. Is his plucking the only change you have noted in his behavior?
  2. I am glad to hear that this may be used outside this Forum. If this article stops a potential new Parrot owner, in their tracks. Which saves a poor Parrot the misery of going through the process of an ill equipped and uncommitted Home. Then, eventually ends up in a rescue with "baggage" as a result. This article has served it's purpose. Secondly, if a potential new Parrot owner spends the time to read the entire article. Hopefully they will consider looking for a rescue. I do not believe many individuals realize that Parrot rescues even exist. Most people become aware of them after the initial purchase.
  3. Nychsa wrote: I thought that was against the law? ;P Your right, I believe we are all eating healthier due to our Greys and other Parrots.
  4. And your worried about me Nychsa?? LOL
  5. Oh Nychsa, Bella just needs some loving and attention. Maybe she had a bad Greymare last night and needs comforting attention and love that it's all ok and the humans are not in control, as her dream indicated. She just needs to be assured that the Grey's still rule over us Humans and all is ok in Greyville. :-)
  6. Well Congratulations Tracy!!! That is a lovely B&G Macaw. I am so happy for you and your dream having come true!! You are granted extra time to bond and nurture your new baby. But, it comes with a very high price.......... TONS OF PHOTOS and VIDEOS POSTED DAILY!!!! :woohoo:
  7. Beautiful photos Graehstone. The Spring flowers are always a sight to behold.
  8. Yes, Sunny is Beautiful Judy!! I'll bet her larger than life personality is no less propotional to her looks!! :-)
  9. Boy, I needed all these laughs and time on the forum with friends to decompress from a "Week of Hell at the Office". :-) Thanks all you Grey Forumites and Domino Pizza delivery Girls. ;-)
  10. Is that a Domino's Pizza Delivery Girl/Women? ;-) Back on track, yes it is probably the worlwide molt that seems to be affecting everyone of our Greys at or near a year old. :-)
  11. I second Penny's thanks. You guys are great self police. :-) Great Tat's, whats left anyway. :-)
  12. danmcq


    LOL ..... Night Night Casper ;-) Thats ok, we can handle concurrent threads very well. :-) As for "Teeth", how many do they each have now? ;-)
  13. danmcq


    Awww, what a pair of Love Birds. ;-) Thanks for sharing that wonderful photo.
  14. What a wonderful site you have CarlyLu!! Great photos, information and "How To's". There is quite a bit of free flight training articles. Good reading and if not for free flight outdoors, it is great stuff to training indoors and recalling. :-)
  15. Weird, No, the first bomb is always foul smelling, ugly and down right offensive!! But, it can be amusing if you perform the nightly feeding in various colored food groups spaced hours apart!! :-)
  16. Well Penny, I didn't mean to alarm you, but thought I should mention it. During my research on optimum Avian lighting, I came across that in one of the studies conducted. It does just make sense, when you think about having a tanning lamp shine directly only on one side of your face or more specially in to that one eye. :-) Hopefully you will know if lighting is the culprit or not by just not using it for a few days and observing Talons Eye.
  17. "Mother Parrot's Advice to her Children" Never get up till the sun gets up, Or the mists will give you a cold, And a parrot whose lungs have once been touched Will never live to be old. Never eat plums that are not quite ripe, For perhaps they will give you a pain: And never dispute what the hornbill says, Or you'll never dispute again. Never despise the power of speech: Learn every word as it comes, For this is the pride of the parrot race, That it speaks in a thousand tongues. Never stay up when the sun goes down, But sleep in your own home bed, And if you've been good, as a parrot should, You will dream that your tail is red!!! Ganda, Africa Translated by A.K. Nyabongo
  18. Awwwwww, Happy Birthday Josey!!!!! Wonderful photo Judy and looking forward to MANY more <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/26 21:35
  19. Great thought and Sign Graehstone. ;-) I hope we can leave not only a peaceful World to our next generations, but also a healthy one environmentally. Words of wisdom and hope are great and powerful, but words need to be followed by actions. To secure the future for our next generations, we need to start many critical processes now and have our children attend the necessary schooling to become the next generation of Chemists, Scientists, Mechanical and Electronic Engineers to ensure we can technology to the level needed. This is the only path to stop the reliance upon Fossil Fuel for our Cars, Jets, Mass transit, Electrical Power and the needs of our homes and businesses to operate. The old school and investors in Oil, Coal etcetera need to be shut down and brought down to non-controlling positions of our future critical path. This can only be done using science, chemistry and engineering combined to make the use of Hydrogen, Solar and yet unknown sources a reality. The Earth itself is in upheaval and will not last much longer without "Cleansing" itself of the invading pests (us. Unless we turn our abuse of Mother Earth around and quickly. If people think times and wars are bad now, just wait until Billions have no fuel for their cars, food on the table and the resulting loss of jobs. People become very ugly in the face of desperation, even the mild mannered.
  20. Thanks All - Hopefully it will explain the "Facts" to anyone considering the purchase of a Parrot. :-) We seem to get that question quite often.
  21. Welcome Tammy and Notsu!! It sounds like you have been going through a rough transition, but are coming out of it well and wanting your Grey back with you is only a natural desire. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  22. Well it's wonderful to hear he is just a very rough and tumble guy with a personality that seems to make him 10 feet tall. :-) Kaedyn - Your right, it is your gain and all the others loss. he will learn as he ages when to flap those wings hard and when not to. It just takes some calibrating on his part and as brilliant as these Grey's are, it will not take long. You really need to snap some photos or video of these wild and crazy sessions. I know I would love to see them as well as most others here. :woohoo:
  23. Well, then you REALLY need to put in TONS of OT then That or purchase the pet shop and it will become your home. :-) You have been missed and your wonderful posts, personality and BIG SMILE!!!
  24. What a scary ordeal to live with Graehstone. :-( I assume that your vet has perform blood tests to check Calcium, Vitamin A levels etc. to ensure these seizures are not being brought on by a deficiency of one or possibly both of them? Grey's are known to be highly susceptible to deficiencies of these. Purchasing and keeping Parrots and other critters is a which came first "chicken or egg" trap. Consumers (Us Humans) have an affinity for keeping and domesticating critters since the beginning of time. The money we are willing to pay for such pleasures creates a "Need" that is then filled by the notorious "Trappers" that make a good living off of decimating species from their natural habitat and sometimes to levels of near or at extinction in the wild. Then "Breeders" pop-up that solves the "Demand" situation, starts putting the "Poachers and Trappers" out of business due to a decline in their business and hopefully the wild and natural population returns to normal levels before extinction. So, the are literally 1000s of each species available for purchase at most times that need homes. Then there are the "rescued" unwanted critters that needs a home. Both cases must have a channel to place these critters in loving and caring homes. I personally do not believe either path of obtaining a "Critter" is wrong, since both instances need a home. But, if someone is capable and loving enough to take in a rescue, expecting baggage and even perhaps a low return on the love invested. Then that person is an ideal candidate to take in a rescue. On the other hand, if a person with little or no experience wants a critter. The best path is probably purchasing a domesticated, hand raised and well socialized critter which will keep both the new owner and critter happy and in a good life long relationship. So no guilt should be felt in either case.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/26 18:00
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