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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. That sounds like a win-win all the way around Penny. :-)
  2. Thats wonderful news. :-) We're all excited for you too and the photos we know you'll be posting once you get him/her home!!
  3. LOL Penny - Well.............. Ok........ - - - - - - - MEMO from the Moderator - - - - - - - - On July 1st a swimsuit photo of each member of the Weight and Exercise Support Group will be required to post a swimsuit photo of "Themselves" and all MUST be posted prior to midnight of that day. If your photo is not posted, we will call your trainer, fitness club etc and notify them of your violation of this directive. ------------------- End Memo ------------------- Ok, now it's official B)
  4. Wow, thats great Penny!! Push up are not a normal thing for women to really concentrate on, since they don't need to build up their "Pecks" like guys do. Laura - I'm glad I inspired you. I am going to start doing an hours worth of swimming laps in my pool now that the weather is warm and the pool water has warmed also. I spring time folks, time to get in shape for all those swim suite photos we'll all be posting here in the next few weeks ;-)
  5. Just remember folks, when us Parrot owners say "kiss" we don't mean a slobery, wet french kiss. We mean a short peck, no fluids involved. ;-) B) Example of how NOT TO Kiss your Grey:
  6. Hahahahahaha Pat, great photos!! Thanks for sharing that "Tyco" moment. :-)
  7. Empress wrote: Wow, well thats good to hear. ;-) No advice coming from me, other than, find someone well grounded, after you get positioned where you are settled, happily on your own with your Grey sitting on your shoulder. :-) B) Best wishes to you on your road ahead!!
  8. Hi Penny, Well, if you want a new Cage, then that route might be best and you could get a lamp that sits directly on top of the Cage. The other option, since your looking a funds either way, would be to have someone install a double fluorescent fixture to the ceiling like I did and purchase the Phillips tubes. My Cage is very tall also and when the opts open it's 6 1/2 feet. The fluorescent fixture is 18 inches above that. So the distance is perfect even if they are perched on top with the lamps on. :-) When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping!!! :woohoo: B)
  9. Dayo - African Yoruba language - meaning "Joy Arrives". Boy has it. :-) A bonus is, he has a Theme song "The banana boat" song: Day-o, Day-ay-ay-o Daylight come and me wan' go home Day, me say day, me say day, me say day Me say day, me say day-ay-ay-o Daylight come and me wan' go home
  10. Welcome Aaron!!! It's nice to have you here. It is also good to hear you have been doing your research, while considering the option of getting a CAG. Rescuing or adopting a Grey or any other parrot for that matter is a wonderful thing to do. If you are the type of person that will put the love, patience and time into providing him/her with the environment they need to flourish and live out their human length lives of possibly 60 to 70 years. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  11. Thank you Andrew for putting this together and propagating it around the web as much as possible. It has a ton of useful facts and information that will greatly benefit any parrot owner that experiences the terrible event of watching their beloved Parrot fly away. If this could be made an Article on this site that is highly visible and easily found, it would be great. I know when our Conure flew off, the first reaction was to try and watch where it went, until it was out of sight. The second was looking, listening and calling for him and the 3rd was to come to this forum for advice and help. The support and advice one receives from a community of experienced parrot owners is both a support group for the person experiencing the loss and a wealth of helpful advice in finding and retrieving it. Again, thank you Andrew!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/06 13:20
  12. Talon wrote: Hi Talon, It's good to hear you got to the bottom of the problem. If it did indeed come with any of the ReptiSun or similar bulbs, the UVA\UVB output is too high and also with it shining from the side is the culprit. The dangers are two fold. 1) The sunburn you noted 2) possible blindness in the eye receiving the light directly from the side. As you know, I did a lot of in-depth research into to Avian lighting. I know you can not construct a setup as I did, but there are premade lighting fixtures you can purchase so they shine down from above and at the proper distance from your Grey. Thanks for the update and I hope you find a good alternative to the lighting you presently have. :-) Outdoors time in the cage works well, if thats an option. Their is no actual match for "Real" sunlight. B)
  13. Welcome Scorpio!! Looking forward to hearing more about your baby Greys and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  14. Awww, what a sweet Grey you have coming along there. It sounds like wonderful progress and the relatioship is building greater day by day. :-)
  15. Welcome GandalfTheGrey!! Lurk all you want and chime in prrecisely when you mean to. ;-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos of Gandalf. :-)
  16. Welcome Andy and Billy!! Congratulations on having a 6 month old baby Grey. I would imagine he is already starting to mimic sounds, noises and probably creating some combinations of his own. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of Billy when you get a chance.
  17. Welcome Eric!! It's good to have you hear. Ask all the questions you wish and as youve already seen, you will get answers from concerned and helpful people here. :-)
  18. Nice photos and captions Dave. Thanks for sharing those. :-)
  19. Great looking playstand and swing. Tyco will not resist the temptation of trying them out soon. :-)
  20. Oh Di, I am so sorry to hear that. If the Greys are going that fast, is it possible to put a deposit down now and claim it before someone else does?
  21. Welcome Carlos!!! Cool and informative website. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of your new TAG when you get him/her home. :-)
  22. Hi Budman, Great photos of you and Tracy. Your absolutely right on with you description and findings that all Greys want to be a part of the Flock. This means if your "Congregational" area is the living room, thats where Tracy wants to be. He sounds like he is making tremendous progress. Aw, come on, whats a phone between "Best Friends". ;-) If it's theirs, it theirs, if it's yours, it's theirs, if it's a a friends, it's theirs..... So get used to it. :-)
  23. Welcome Akdeniz1976 and Frank!! What a wonderful introduction. You are in for the best times of your life with a Grey that will, if not already, be viewed by you as a child. Your love for Frank will become so intense, that you will feel you birthed him. :-) He sounds like a wonderful Grey and a strong desire to become part of your flock. Just the small interaction so far really indicates he is an outgoing guy, but reserved in accepting your hands .... yet. He will, but for now the head is the highest spot and landing zone of preference. I would have loved to seen a photo of your facial expression when he landed. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  24. Welcome Budman and Tracy !!! What a great story that played out literally over years. It is wonderful to see such a good example of patience, determination and not giving up on a Grey or any other bird for that matter. Moving to another room and having such a dramatic change personality is amazing. I guess that adds another thing to try when all else has failed in getting a Grey to settle down. Do you think it was something in the room that was agitating Tracy? Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos. :-)
  25. Welcome Dina!! OUCH what a horrific bite, six stitches, your lucky a tendon was not severed. From the sounds of hanging on to your index finger, it seems he may have been more fearful of falling than wanting to bite, perhaps? The hating women is odd, but not uncommon for a Grey or any other Parrot for that matter in preferring one sex over another. But Ozzie does take it to the extreme in actually biting only them. The photo shows a wonderful looking Grey and hopefully he will learn from your interactions with your TAG that interacting with a woman can be fun. :-) Looking forward to hearing and seeing more from you.
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