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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. What a cutie Bella is at 7 weeks. :-) Thanks for sharing that photo.
  2. Yes, you should definitely watch Judy, i is very good and some good laughs at times too. :-)
  3. Hahahahahahaha - Your right, we are all a little "Whacked".
  4. Hi Amberly, At six years old, you have a fully mature Grey. It knows who it's present owner is and is leery of anyone else. A tip on getting a strange or uncooperative Parrot to step up without taking a hard beaking or bite is to come in from the back gently. That way they do not see a strangers hand coming, anticipate it and bite or beak hard to warn you. The best thing you can do, is bring him home and let him settle in his new surroundings and flock for a few days. Do not press the step up or activities he/she does not want to participate in. Remember, it's a strange new world and people to him. Give him treats by hand, sit next to his cage, talk gently to him/her and make sure it is in a room you are in most the time. This will make him start feeling like he is now part of a new flock. As far as introducing the Grey to a cat. Let that take place with him/her safely inside the cage and do not allow your cat to take any swipes at him/her through the cage bars. One cat scratch can mean death to your Grey. They may not get along at all, considering a bird is one of the cats natural meals and they are very sight oriented. Just take it slow and easy. I know your excited and I am for you also. There is nothing better than adopting a bird or animal in needing a good, secure and loving home to spend the rest of it's life in. :-)
  5. I agree with Mark, the extra weight of full primaries will add a little weight... couple grams. The muscle is the big factor in adding "Good" weight. Dayo never eats the large quantities you are describing. If I place bowls of veggies, nuts, seeds and Harrison's pellets in his cage first thing in the morning. He will eat maybe a 1/4 cup total with all combined. Evenings he will eat some fruit like apples, grapes mango etc., but only 1/16th cup at most. Then he will eat some more Harrison's/Seed/Veggies and a speck total off a dinner plate once the thrown and thrashed food is deducted. I would venture to estimate he eats no more than a half cup of everything combined at night - night time. His weight stays steady at 425 to 450 all the time. he is around 14 1/2 to 15 inches long also best measurements I can get head to tail tip. Are you weighing Bella first thing in the morning, right after she lets the "Bomb" go and before she eats anything? Thats the best method to establish a consistent weight. :-) If it is at varying times in the day, she could have 30 to 50 grams of food in the crop/system.
  6. Sameera - You have not let your Grey down!! You are doing everything in your power to help Zahzu. Misting with Aloe Juice everyday will help that bald area as well as diminish any itchy areas troublesome nature. Zahzu has been through a lot of malpractice at the hands of your present vet. I would contact the vet that breeds greys and get a feel for how competent they are. I would imagine they may be more so than the present vet your visiting. Keep up the great work you've been doing and as Zahzu heals from all the wounds inflected she will become more normal in nature. Presently there is no way of knowing how much irritation is being experienced from all the filed, clipped and pulled feather areas. It could be that it is almost unbearable. Do not doubt yourself, your right on track and doing everything you can. :-)
  7. I am so sorry to hear this Sameera. I know you have been exhausting every source you can find to help alleviate this plucking problem. It may be time to take Zahzu to an Avian vet and get a full blood panel and check-up to ensure there is not a vitamin deficiency or other issue.
  8. LOL You two!!! YOu did not get the true meaning of the movie!! Again I say, your both whacked. PS: Don't forget the two questions you must answer before entering into your place of eternity.... The answers are of crisitcal importance, as to where your etxernal home will be.... B)
  9. LOL - Your all whacked!! I'll see what I can do for a photo after Dayo is done slinging and wiping his beak all over me. :-) BTW - I don't let Dayo eat mushy stuff like Yams, juicy Fruits sitting on me. Those are Kitchen only items that makes for easy clean up. :-)
  10. Well Terri, Bella could just be a big birdy with massive muscles too. Really, only you can tell by feeling her and judging how much she's eating and of what. :-) But, I do know they are fully grown at 6 months of age.
  11. Wow, 550 is big. I would suspect she may be a little over weight. They are normally at their "Full-Grown" state and wieght after they fledge, which is around 14 to 18 weeks. After the initial weight drop associated with fledging, they gain back their normal weigh. You will probably need to start "rationing" the quantities of each food she is allowed to eat.
  12. Toni - Jake is a Peach Front Conure. Terri - I just put up with the mess, no mastery involved. :-) I change T-Shirts once the eating, flinging and Beak wiping is done. B)
  13. Great logic Siobha!! :-) {Characters-00020078}
  14. Well enjoy Laurie!! They probably want to ensure you know all the basics, step-up, come here.... you know. ;-) B)
  15. Glad you liked it. Have you seen the "Bucket List" with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson yet? It is a great movie.
  16. Very nice roomy cage Susan. Your new Grey will have plenty of romping room. :-)
  17. That is one systematic Grey you have there Pat. Tyco probably counts the number of "Chews" before swallowing too. :-) Terri - LOL... Hahahahahahahahaha No Respect!! Bella reminds me of my children at age 6 months to a year old. :-)
  18. If the breath does not smell like something your Grey recently consumed, it is not normal, as Dave pointed out. No Parrots breath has a foul or pungent odor. The only smell I have noticed from Dayo, is that of Garlic after some Spaghetti or other garlic laden dish. A trip to the vet may be in order. Please keep us posted on this. :-)
  19. Salinas, you are from the Bay area then. :-) Hopefully your drive will not be too bad from the smoke and fire in the southern santa cruz mountains blowing that way. I'm excited for you. Please post photos when you have time. :-) Looking forward to hearing about this new addition to your flock.
  20. Glad you guys enjoyed it..... even though he stopped once the video camera came out. :-) Terri - Jake is a Peach Front Conure. B) The sauce was added when we sat down to eat. At which point, Dayo assumed his eating position on my shoulder, I lift my plate so he can reach it, and we both then chow down. He loves Spaghetti and really goes after the pieces of extra lean 7% hamburger...... go figure, he thinks he's a T-Rex. ;-) Thanks for the tips on Ravioli and other pasta types. Thats good food and I give them a shot too. He does love lasanga also, with tons of cheese, but what a mess my face and shoulder are when he gets done. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/22 13:40
  21. Grabbed the video while Dayo started eating a string of Spaghetti like a child sucking it in, but you know, once the camera comes out..... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/21 23:35
  22. Welcome Matt and Dexter!! Dave gave perfect advice, as always. Has Dexter been DNA sexed? It could be Dextrina ;-) They are almost undeniable when they are making cute noises and actions as you describe. But, keep it to head scrathces only, no back rubs or pats and you will help Dexter and yourself before it gets out of control. :-)
  23. All I can say is ... AWWWWwwwwwwww, what a cute baby Jack is. :-) Thanks for sharing that Tiko!!
  24. Bella likes the little "Red" babies attached to your feet. Thats why she's so attached to them. Nice video, thanks for sharing it. You know we are Grey video junkies and can never get enough. :-) B)
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