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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Uh Oh - Liath is Bipolar. ;-) The switch from Male to Female voice is very evident. I loved the portion of this video when the two started beak jousting and Liath said "No"....."No..something I couldn't make out". GreYt video Siobha, thanks for posting it!!!
  2. danmcq


    LOL Dave - Your not right..... B) Nychsa - Your right, Bella will figure out new games to manipulate you and amuse herself at your expense. ;-) But, you love it and you know it. :-)
  3. Oh those are precious photos. Thanks for posting them. The are truly wonderful and bring back good memories to all that had the goods fortune of being able to visit their Grey while growing from an infant. :-)
  4. Well, thats very ambigous of you Chevron (Siobha in English). B)
  5. danmcq


    Yep, Bella is definately a manipulator. She is getting GreYt satisfaction and enjoyment playing the "Dump the Water Bowl Game" and watching mommy freak out.... BIG FUN!!! Waaaaa Hooooo, lets do this one again!!! :woohoo: While your running around signing the old Rolling Stones "I can't get no....... SaTisFaction". B) Dayo does the same thing by flinging large cooking utensils off a hanging rack. He says "Uh Oh!!!" and I go pick them up and put them back and the cycle continues until I just leave them there. I must say I feed into this, because I enjoy it too. But, he knows the games over when the utensils just stay on the floor. :-)
  6. You can dress it up with some toys that you attach to the perch, but he is not going to climb down off the perch to play with foot toys. This is not a playstand. It is a just a stand with perch, food/water bowls and a Poo catcher. I have a similar stand I perch Dayo on when I want him out of the way for a while. :-)
  7. Well, being left in a room alone is a 911 ;-)
  8. Dayo had some "Red" in odd places also when he was a baby. They have since been molted out and normal colored feathers have grown in place of them. You just never know, as Judy stated. :-) Looking forward to seeing those photos when you get them.
  9. LOL Thunkened!! Your right, I work from home sometimes too and am involved in conference calls that I must sometimes quickly hit the mute button to alleviate the "Others" from wondering where I really am. :-) Well, then I guess you can scratch the idea of him/her being in the room solving the issue. But, it may if you can somehow convince him he needs to be quite when your on the phone. Maybe "Clicker" training would associate the action of "Being Quite" when he/she see's you on the phone.
  10. LOL - The picture speaks a thousand words. :-) But, it's not as "Real" as a video. ;-)
  11. The ringing, I assume is you Phone? If so, he has linked the phone ring to you come running in and pick it up. He expects the same, He rings, you are supposed to come and pick him up. It is like a contact call, but much, much more. :-) Parrots do not respond to punishment, as already mentioned. Perhaps if you would take him/her in the room you are spending hours in would stop the issue and he/she would be happy to just be with the rest of the flock.
  12. Well, I finally snuck in a video of Dayo running through his "Sounds" list. Not really any verbalizing in this slew of sounds. I was watching a documentary in the living and realized he was going through his "Feelin Good in the Neighborhood" sound list. So, instead of running in with the video camera blazing and having him "Put the Clamp down", I turned the TV sound off and started rolling from the darkened living room. I apologize for the camera shaking. I had to zoom in around 50 feet and any movement at all seems like a lot at that zoom level. I hope you enjoy this. :-) <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/29 23:19
  13. Thats wonderful Kaedyn, thanks for sharing the cute video of him/her eating the porridge. Looking forward to seeing more!! IN regards introducing the two, I can only assume they are in separate cages, in the same room. How do they seem to be in terms of looking at or interest in one another? As I am sure you know, it's extreme caution at a distance when you have them out together. Until you know how they will get along. :-)
  14. LOL Nyscha - You really must get a video of that.!! Infact, it's been at least a week or two since your last video. You know we love em. :-)
  15. Hello Amanda, First, I commend you for taking the initiative to research and ask questions regarding the up-keep of a Grey. Most your age do not give such import matters a thought at all. The others have given excellent responses, though they may seem a little unfair at the moment. I think in a few years you will look back and realize the wisdom in their words. Once you are out on your own and have the resources, time and home to accommodate one of these magnificent creatures. If you still have that hole in your heart that wants a Grey. Then is the right time to get one. Cheers to you and I wish you well. :-)
  16. Thats GreYt news Pat!! You'll have to get a video of Tyco doing the bath routine and post it. :-) You know how addicted we are to photos and videos!!
  17. Great to hear that Di! I'm glad you didn't need to make a mad dash searching for a new latch. That can be hard to find in a local store. :-)
  18. A food grade silicon spray would work great. WD 40 would work also, but you would need to ensure you completely remove any residue. It is a very poisonous combination of chemicals.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/29 17:59
  19. Hello Christine, Greys in the wild only flock with Greys. Amazons, Macaws and Conures inter-mingle in the wild and readily accept the presence of other species. Greys normally tolerate each other, but in a reserved manner, in most cases, excepting their mate. :-)
  20. Hello Tracy, If you are having problems posting a file. Please let me know what type it is and I can help you get it posted. As I stated in your initial post regarding "Smokey", you have my condolences..... I can not imagine the pain. Thank you for posting the necropsy in advance, as it will help others to perhaps avoid a similar event.
  21. Welcome Crystine!!! What a nice introduction. It's always good when you can pay visits to your CAG while they are being weaned and get to know them. It really makes the first day in their new home much more relaxed, than if the home and people are are strange to them. Picking a Name is a very tough decision, if you put a lot of importance and thought into it. I did and am glad. Names are something very personal and everyone has their opinions on which naming convention to use. I chose to use an African name that fit Dayo. Some name theirs based on cartoons, TV shows etc. It all depends on your preferences. Greys are one of the Parrot species that stick to themselves in the wild. They do not flock with any other species. Amazons and other South American Parrots do flock with each other. You can see this in some of the Videos online regarding Macaws, Amazons and Conures. They assemble first thing in the morning at the "Red Clay" cliffs and consume that clay to absorb any poison they may ingest from the various plants and other items they eat during the day. I know you must be VERY excited as the final countdown to the day you bring your CAG home rapidly approaches. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of your new CAG when you get a chance to post them.
  22. Many Greys will normally bond very closely with one person. There is not much you can do to change their "Favorite". You can however improve your relationship with him by just being willing to accept his time, scratches etc on his terms. Just keep offering him treats, the option to step-up etc. Have` your hubby hand the Grey over to you. The first thing he may do of course, is look at you for a minute and then fly back to your husband. Just have your husband again hand the Grey back to you. This will establish the fact that it is ok with your hubby for the Grey to be with you even when he is present. Be happy to have him just sit with you and "Preen" if he does not want scratches at the moment or to play. Let him feel safe in the fact that he can just "Perch" on your leg, hand or arm and preen or relax without being bothered. Time, patience and consistency is the only thing that will improve this. :-)
  23. Thanks for posting this GreYt list of "Must Reads" for all Grey and Parrot owners in general. It will add nicely to the content already existing. :-)
  24. Oh Sameera, I am so sorry to hear of the ordeal you have gone through. The others have all given great advice and comments. A change of vets is definitely in order.
  25. Nice photo of you two. Thanks for sharing it Ashley. :-)
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