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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hmmmm, maybe I'll try some RoudyBush too. :-) Dayo eats very little of the Harrison's and I end up throwing 80% of it away due to becoming stale after a few days in it's separate bowl. It's awe expensive to be throwing away that much. Thanks for the tip. It's great to hear that Booty is doing so well.. Stay in touch more often if you can, we miss you!!
  2. LOL Acapella!! Did you do this just for your Grey to see you do it or do you spritz your face regularly. Greys definitely pick up on our emotional state as Acapella suggests. The first few times I misted Dayo, I became VERY apprehensive due to not wanting to scare him and have him flap around and hurt himself (He didn't) or bite as he did a few times. Dayo could feel my apprehension just walking to our master bedroom for the shower. My Wife kindly did this the next 4 or 5 times until Dayo just mellowed out. Consistency is the key. Dayo does not start preening until he is completely dried out. While drying he just sits like a bump on a log waiting for the drying process to finish. :-)
  3. It was a wonderful show. It highlighted Dr. Pepperberg with Griffin (now 12) and his abilities are, according to Dr. Pepperberg probably going to out do Alex (May he rest in (Peace). They also showed a study she did with a classroom of 3 to 4 year old children asking them to identify colors, matter (substance like Rock) and numbers. Griffin and Alex both equaled the cognitive abilities of this age group. They showed Dr. Pepperberg attending an "Einstein" show with the usual questions of how does a dog sound etc. It was clearly obvious these are rehearsed mimics and not true cognitive abilities as Griffin and Alex have been worked with to achieve. If they rerun it, everyone should have their satellite or cable boxes auto-tune to it so you don't forget. Thats what I did. You can do a search for a key word like Parrot and it will display all the programming for around a week with that word associated. Simply mark the programs you wish to see or record. :-)
  4. Berna and Terri have both given great advice and asked good questions. One other to consider, is if they were opposite sexes and decided they wanted to mate for life with each other. You would then not have Greys to interact with. They would become a closed family and 3 would be a nuisance other than giving them their food and water. :-)
  5. Best friend? Oh Hell no, these Greys consider themselves FAMILY. Bella has just proven that by her intuitive actions and hovering over you making sure your ok. :-) I swear, sometimes it's almost like these Grey are either empaths or can read our minds. Very sorry to hear of the Snake bite. Hopefully Doc is starting to improve.
  6. As the others have stated, they like to talk to themselves. Once he is settled in and comfortable in his new home, he will probably startle you with out of nowhere comments. :-)
  7. Welcome to the world of Parrot ownership. :-)
  8. Normally in the spring. Welcome to the Forum. :-)
  9. Hello Adelt, You indicate that you have left the new toy(s) in sight and near the cage for days/weeks. Have you actually tried just hanging it on the outside of the cage for a few days also? Once your grey is ok with it hanging on the outside, you can then move it to the inside. He will get used to it in his cage in a day or two. The step ups and hand comfort-ability will only come from consistency in working with him on it daily and making him overcome his fear boundary a little more each day. :-)
  10. Hello Rae!!! It's great to hear from you, even though the news is not what we wold have ever wished. I can only imagine how you and family must feel with all that is going on. It's nice that you follow the forum when you feel up to it and now posted an update. I'll PM you. :-) God bless you and know that you are in my prayers.
  11. Welcome Nims!!! Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  12. Welcome Norm!!!! Looking forward to hearing more about your new baby. :-)
  13. Congratulations cdelatorrejr !!! Bobot is such a doll.I love them when they are so young and precious. Thanks for sharing the photos. :-)
  14. Glad you understood it Judy.....Kim didn't get it until I "explained" it to her. :-) Her comment with disdain was "Thats a Guy Joke". Go figure.
  15. Thats GreYt!! Consistency is really a key factor in how they respond to things. After a week or two, the shower will just be part of the routine. :-)
  16. The poor guy......... So this guy has a hard-on, is walking across the room when he stumbles and hits the wall...... The sad part is................. He broke his Nose.
  17. Well thank you. :-) It is always great to celebrate our declaration of indendence, but I won't mention from who, since we are now close freinds and allies now. ;-) :-) Everyone here has been purchasing tons of fireworks to light up the sky in a beautiful display of bursting colors and patterns. The down side is my Dobermans and Parrots do not appreciate the "Big Bangs" whistle petes or snappy/crackely noises they hear for hours.
  18. Oh, what a terrible thing to have happen Marcia!! Even though it was 4 years ago, I would imagine the pain and feelings of being violated are still very disturbing when thought of. I hope they are still alive and well taken care of too. Have you now at least obtained any new Parrots? I am not certain if the list you show are the ones stolen or your existing new flock?
  19. I give Dayo Peanuts, in the shell, but crack them open first to check, like Mark. I also give him shelled peanuts. He loves Almonds, Walnuts and Pine nuts as well. I really do not need to limit Dayo on these items. He will eat a couple, stop and move on to other seeds, veggies or fruits. I believe he may be the exception, in the sense that he eats items in balance manner, rather than just his "favorite". If you check the ingredients of Harrison's pellets, you will find the to principal ingredients are sunflower seeds and peanuts. Always buy only "Human Grade" as others have indicated. :-)
  20. Dayo never shuns me or my wife after one of us have given him a misting in the shower or an outside in the cage soaking. He will however, sit and dry out, then preen himself and start vocalizing with every sound, whistle and words he knows.
  21. Thats a great idea Heather!! Thanks for sharing that. It sounds like Harrison is having fun with the "Whats in compartment #4" Game. :-)
  22. Awwww, congratulations Nasy!!!! I can't wait to hear more about Ricco and see some photos when you have a break from just enjoying the moments with your new flock member. :-)
  23. Yep, very familiar. Everyone should just view the name Cameroon as African for "SCAM" in English. :-)
  24. Nychsa - Bella has made some "BIG FUN" out of watching you scramble when she throws those bowls. I know your frustration, especially with the big mess you described. Either heavy ceramic bowls, locking bowls or supergluing the things in place are about your only options at this point. Bella reminds of our children when they were infants and tossing food, bowls and plates to the floor. :pinch: The other option is to let the tossing continue and let a dog come and eat the food. They generally even lick the spot clean to where all that is left for you to do is give it a quick sanitary mopping. ;-)
  25. poppyparrot wrote: No comment on this one.... :whistle: :laugh:
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