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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Awww, what a lovely pair. :-) Thanks for sharing that photo.
  2. LOL - They are hilarious when they "Get Bad" and attack their toys. :-)
  3. Welcome Sunshine!!! Looking forward to hearing more about you and your Grey and perhaps seeing some photos when you have a chance. :-)
  4. Welcome shazbeb !!! It sounds like you are starting to sort out the part of getting acquainted with your new CAG Chloe. Her personality will really start to shine through as she becomes accustomed to her new surroundings and flock. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  5. Welcome Echosmom!!! What a fine looking CAG you have there. It sounds like the two of you are becoming a flock. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  6. It's good to hear the cover may be the solution to the scary nights. Most Greys are VERY fearful of anything new that they don't recognize. If I walk by mine with a Ladder, tape measure or anything else for that matter and get within 3 or 4 feet of Dayo, he will fluff up and scream. Even adding or moving something will disturb their security for a while. They seem to like things in there place and no change for the most part. My wife dyed her hair just a shade darker and Dayo stared at her for the longest time. He was still friendly and was cuddling with her that evening. But, this just illustrates how much attention to details they pay. It could also be the change in seasons that have set off the night frights with Rascal uncovered. Evening s are not cloudy now and if their are windows allowing moonlight etc. in the area Rascal is kept in. There could be very strange shadows he seeing and items do take on a little different appearance in the dark. Car lights etc could also be shining through the windows at night sending Alarms to Rascal. We have always covered Parrots and other Birds. They seem to enjoy the perceived security of a covering with no monsters peering in at them while they are trying to sleep. :-)
  7. What a nice story of yoru initial meeting and recuing Zazu. Did you give him a Peanut after he was asking for it? :-) If you are truly going to maintain a daily Blog, I would do it in the Blog area.
  8. danmcq


    Hi Sameera, Just keep an eye on her to see if any further blood appears. If it is a blood feather (most likely) they will in most cases coagulate and stop bleeding, as it seems you have indicated that it has. It is very disturbing to see the first time and very alarming. But, in most cases, they will stop and be ok. :-) If you do find it starts again, you can try dabbing some corn starch on it to assist in coagulation. If you can not stop it, then a trip to the vet will be required.
  9. Cool tank Berna. Those Sunsets are pretty and easy to care for. It will also provide entertainment for Elmo while your at work. You may want to pick up a goggle/snorkel set for him though, in case he decides to pay a visit to the tank. ;-) B)
  10. Well Berna - You never know..... someone could appear at your door someday claiming you were it's Mom from a long past Male you impregnated decades ago in a one night... or two stand ;-)
  11. Just wait .............. ;-):laugh:
  12. Throwing food is normal for most Parrots. :-) The photos are wonderful. He is one fine looking CAG. I notice you took the last one with the Cage Door open. How did he take that? he seems fine in the photo.
  13. GreYt Photos PThizzilini !!! What a cute baby you have there. The others have given good cautions on keeping a very close eye on the interactions between your TAG and CAG. Looking forward to more from you. :-)
  14. LOL, yes if he's asking for a neck rub, it sounds like he wants some up-close and peronal attention!!! :-)
  15. Thats great news akagrif. It sounds like you and they are getting along well right out of the starting gates. The Amazon loves water because they are from the rain forests in Amazon jungles. The minute water starts hitting them the "Rain Dance" normally starts, the feathers all go up, the twirling and stooping begins and the let themselves get soaked to the bone. Most Parrots from that area love the water and welcome it readily. In fact, they will let you know they want a bath everyday and start screaming or asking for a bath once they get used to they routine and times. You will find your Grey though, may not appreciate water even getting within 10 feet of him. :-) Looking forward to hearing more of your newly adopted Parrots and seeing photos too. :-)
  16. Greys, for the most part, do not appreciate water on their body. Dayo will run around to avoid it, but always just acquiesces into standing still with feathers as tight as he can suck them in and letting the shower of Aloe and or Water continue until I am done soaking him. The odd thing is, put a Pan of water out and he loves just running through, around and every once in a while touching his belly down it with all his feathers fluffed up and wings extended. But, he will not really get himself wet at all. :-) Like a child hates taking a bath or shower, we just make them do it for their own good. B) But, do it calmly and gently, especially on a new bird you've just re-homed and are trying to build trust, not fear. :-)
  17. Congratulations on your new arrival Amberly!!! If your Grey seems comfortable and wants out if you open the Cage door and offer a hand to step up and he accepts...GO FOR IT!!! :-) It sounds like you are having a wonderful first day together. :-)
  18. pearllyn wrote: Welcome Lyn and Alfie!! It's GreYt to have you here. Alfie sounds like the joy of your life and a well settled in Boy. :-) Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room so other Forum members will realize we have a new member. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing photos of Alfie. :-)
  19. Welcome Donna and Flock!!! Mickey looks to be a Greyt looking young CAG and inquisitive at that. :-) Looking forward to hearing more as you have time.
  20. Welcome M2MM and Flock!!! What a wonderful and informative introductions and photos of your flock, you have provided. They all look GreYt. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos too. :-)
  21. Welcome Kebbie and Floyd!!! It is wonderful of you to take Floyd in, get him setup properly and actually start doing the necessary research to give him a good life, loving home and most importantly actually becoming a member of a flock with social interaction. The photo of him in your Avatar shows he is good looking CAG. It's GreYt you have already got a vet visit scheduled and are working on mending the physical and mental wounds he has. Ask all the questions you want. :-) Looking forward to hear more about Floyd and seeing some more photos when you get a chance.
  22. They do have drugs to stop incontinence. ;-)
  23. Congratulations Susan!! Looking forward to the promised photos. :-)
  24. What a precious baby Jack is. :-)
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