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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Well thats interesting, Marly is for sale here and the new guest named "Marly" bought it a few days ago? Are these on in the same? It is very sad to see a wonderful loving Parrot like Marly put up for sale. Normally a decision to bring a new parrot into your home is a well thought out and life long commitment to keep your Parrot in it's "Flock", well cared for and secure. I am not certain what an expected baby has to do with getting rid of your Grey? I would assume circumstances are such that you can not care for house both at the same time?
  2. Welcome Marly!!! It sounds like you have a wonderful Grey and things are getting on pretty well. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  3. Welcome loosma!! It's nice having you hear. Looking forward to hearing your question and more about your flock. :-)
  4. Congratulations Susan!!! :-)
  5. Amber - "Tuki up!" "Tuki up!" LOL!! Thats is so cute. Tuki knows what she wants. :-)
  6. Welcome Mark and Rikki!!! GreYt to have you here. :-)
  7. Nice video Kaedyn. he looks like quite the adventurous CAG. He sure loves to attack that nail file. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  8. danmcq


    It's still very early in the game and everything is new to him and SCARY. :-) One other thing that may be going on too, is at 5 years old he could be hormonal as sexual maturity and the search for a mate for life starts around that age. Combine hormones with a scary new environment and you really have one freaked out bird. You are handling it well and trying to allow him freedom, yet controlled, which is fine. Perhaps, the next time you need to transfer him, you could offer a snack he can't refuse such as a peanut, almond, sunflower seed etc. to keep him and his beak focused on that, rather than your hand. But, it is still all going to take time, consistency and patience with this new guy. :-)
  9. danmcq


    Mark - We are more than happy to offer all the help we can. We have a very large group of African Owners that have tons of experience in just about anything you will run into. Thats why we are all here, we help each other and just enjoy the company. :-)
  10. Welcome Lauri and Flock!!! Thanks for the nice introduction. I want to commend you for rescuing a Grey or any other Parrot for that matter. As you know, all rescues come with baggage and we just need to overcome it with love, time and patience. What is your Greys Name? Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. We love photos and videos of our Parrots here. :-)
  11. Glad you all found it amusing. I amy need to install a hidden ceiling camera to get him on tape talking. :-)
  12. GreYt to have you back Laurie!! Did you happen to see any of those HUGE Rhinoceros Beetles with 3 horns? Jesus, I walked out of my room one night and one of those guys was waiting for me at outside my door. I didn't bothered to ask him in, I just gave it a good kick and off the balcony he went. :evil:
  13. Motomazzo wrote: Yes, I just went for the "Gusto". The very first Time Dayo ran around a little more as I talked to him gently, he flew up to my arm and then my shoulder a few times and I gently put him back down and kept on squirting. I repeated this everyday for the first week. Then reduced it to 3 times a week. He still runs around, but he does not fly up and he stops running the oval after about the 3rd lap now. :-)
  14. Well, thanks Princess, just let me know when you want your coffee served. :-) {Love-00020116}
  15. Glad to see you finally awoke Penny. :-)
  16. Awwww Pat, Tyco missed his Mommy. :-) They are cute in all the different ways they mainfest their personalities and ATTITUDES, aren't they? Thanks for sharing that!
  17. There are many Parrots born across the land the have missing toes. Some are definitely "Special Needs" yet flourish not knowing they are different. Here is one video of such a Conure named Mago, He has the heart of a Lion and Loves his Mommy, as an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P3IpB-eSKU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBERU5BmbcU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjDM-2v6Pks&feature=related
  18. When we were dating: The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody..... Oh, my love, my darling, I've hungered for your touch a long, lonely time, Time goes by so slowly and time can do so much. Are you still mine? I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me. Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea To the open arms of the sea Lonely rivers sigh, 'Wait for me, wait for me' 'I'll be coming home, wait for me!' Are you still mine? I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me
  19. I just get up, put the coffee on, go outside and have a smoke, get a cup of freshly brewed coffee, go back outside and watch the Stars in wonder and awe. Then once I'm awake, I come to the forum and start reading and posting, put the "Early Cnn" news on, get the updates and make sure the World is still the same...yep it's the same, come back and check the forum and then head for the office on weekdays around 430 or 5 am. Oh and keep the Dogs quite on weekends so the Princess can sleep or heads will start rolling!! :laugh:
  20. danmcq


    M2MM you wrote: " You could say I was a compulsive researcher. " I believe that is an accurate statement and maybe an under statement. :-) MM2MM has given great advice and list of books to read. Karma to M2MM for the good reply!! The key is going to be time and patience. Your new Grey is not yet accustomed to his new Home, Cage, You and family, strange noises and smells etc. The last thing he/she wants is to accept a strangers hand. They must trust you and your hands before that will ever happen. Sitting on your shoulder, he/she knows they are in control and can be gone in case they are alarmed. Just take it slow and easy, always reassuring him/her that you are not a predator or going to mis-handle in any way. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/07/01 22:00
  21. danmcq


    Welcome xxspark!! I would hate to see Rikki get re-homed again too. Greys are sometimes preferential to one sex from the other. They can also be messy eaters. Dayos Cage has the side mount stainless cups that swing out at the mid-level portion of the Cage. We soon learned to keep his food bowls sitting on a Towel on one side of the cage, on the bottom. They are positioned in a spot where he never Poops. This resolved the mess issue. :-) They do love to entertain themselves with every noise, sound and word/phrase they know when just "Kicking It". I understand your wife is babysitting a very young infant, but is it possible to have the Grey in the same room on a stand, if he isn't already? M2MM has given great information on book resources you may want to reference, if you do not already have them. Of course, we will be more than happy to give you are best shots at possible ideas and solutions also. :-)
  22. I understand Harrison's "Stain" disappeared. :-) Dayo has molted in new feathers on both sides and they are a shade darker in the ear area. Here is a photo I just snapped as he tried to eat the Camera:
  23. M2MM wrote: Hahahahaha - Truly!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  24. You Wrote: " the last thing I want to be is naked, trying to wrestle a bird. " Been there, done that, no fun!! I tried the moving a shower perch down over a a week or so. Once the droplets of water started hitting him, it it was all over, but for the getting the hell out of his way. I block his way out in the shower, he runs around in circles for about 30 seconds, tries to climb up the bottle, bites the bottle and then just finally sits in submission, knowing this is the way it ALWAYS goes and lets me drench him. You can certainly use a "pump-up" sprayer as I know of some Grey owners that do. Regarding your question if they flap around in their cages, no they do not. The Conure by nature loves the water and even a good 15 minutes of soaking still results in his squawking for more when I stop. He climbs all over his perches, lifting all his feathers, almost making a cooing sound and twirls in circles, hangs upside down etc. He absolutely loves the water. Dayo on the other hand HATES water. I always spray shooting the fine spray in the air and let it fall gently down on both the birds. Dayo will start running around his perches, climbing up and down the bars etc. at first. After about a minute of that, he just finds the spot with the least amount of water droplets hitting him and Parks until I am done. :-)
  25. Thats a good point M2MM. Trying something they like mixed with other items/things can be a good entice for them to "Explore". Every Grey seems to have likes and dislikes, just like our children. One may love banana's and the other hate them. The good news though, is their likes and dislikes change as the mature. Example: Dayo liked baby food warmed up for a while, such as squash, green beans, carrots etc. Then he just started refusing it. He liked cooked Pumpkin and Yams for a while, then stopped eating them. He does like Green beans, Peas, Corn, Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower in the veggie side and Grapes, Apples and sometimes will pick at an apricot, Plum or Cherry. One way to figure out what they like/dislike, is to just cut up a bunch of various types of Veggies, raw or cooked and see what they may like. Do the same thing with various fruit. That was the only way I could quickly figure out what Dayo liked or not. I do still offer items he previously showed disdain for because you never know. Sometimes the switch just flips and they dive into it like they have always loved it. :-) Getting a weight reading everyday, first thing in the morning after they drop the first bomb is very important to ensure they are eating enough to maintain and also gain weight at that young age.
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