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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. LOL Lupa!! Best wishes in your endeavor, whatever it may be. B)
  2. The weight loss is in the normal range at weaning/fledging time. My Dayo went from 527 down to 422 in a three week period during that process. around 3 months later he stabilized at 454 and varies up/down 6 to 10 grams through out the week. It is great that you are monitoring his weight on a daily basis. It is important you do so as you are. :-)
  3. Just keep doing what your doing and spend as much one on one time with Shani as possible. Offer treats and try stepping her up while she has the treat in her mouth or offer the treat and as she steps up on your hand, say "good girl" in a very happy and excited when then give her the treat as a reward. It will take trail and error along with more patience, but you'll get there. :-) The other option would be to bar your boy friend for life from your house and have private meetings elsewhere ;-)
  4. Very cool platform and ladder. You did some good design work there. :-)
  5. Welcome Matt!!! What's your Greys name? Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  6. I constructed my own, as detailed in the http://www.greyforums.net/forums/limitstart/20/african-grey/47809-lighting.html thread. I did all the research and analysis and came to the conclusion that the Phillips TL950 Fluorescent were the closest match in Avian requirements when it comes to a Fluorescent ceiling fixture. The Compact Fluorescents you find in the Stand type fixtures are less effective and some not at all. If I were to recommend a stand (which I would not due to shining from the side instead of the top) I would say one of the following bulbs are minimally "ok"... better than a normal household fluorescent: http://www.birdsafestore.com/Products/Avian-Sun-Floor-Lamp__ZM-AVISUN1.aspx
  7. Well your welcome Mary. :-) There is a TON of misinformation out there on the web and of course every website that sells "Avian" Lamps and fixtures claims they have the "Best", which is Hogwash. Very few provide the Full Spectrum needed by a bird of any type to benefit from the UVA and UVB output that their extend vision capabilities take advantage of. If you have a window you can open with the screen still in place, your birds will thank you immensely for the flood of full or even shaded sunlight, which contains more UVA and UVB along with all the rest of the spectrum beneficial to your bird. If there in a sunlight deficient spot, then you need to figure out a way to provide full-spectrum lighting or take them outside in there cage or on a harness. Ok, off my soap box now and back to work. :laugh: B)
  8. Nychsa Wrote:"That little stinker can unsnap a bra within seconds" Jiggy, My Man!! Great Style!! B) Pay no attention to the ""Mom! Get your pervert parrot off me!!!!" " you may hear from some prudes. You are perfectly normal!! You just need to set the mood first, then the Bra snapping takes place. All with experience my Man. You'll get it soon enough. ;-) If you think Jiggy is a pain as a little spit-fire F16, wait until Bella the B-52 Bomber takes to strafing runs. :-)
  9. I still vote for Corvette..... VERY Sexy name for a Girl. B) Z06 edition would be VERY racy!!
  10. I've never seen brown Aloe Juice. It is normally clear like water. As you are spraying, it should be like a stream, not a "Mist" that would be squirting in your Greys eyes and face. That alarms them even more and is irritating to them. Adjust the nozzle to shoot a stream. aim it at the chest, wings, back etc. Not the face. Pulling a bunch of down feathers out in reaction, certainly sounds like a spiteful fit. You only need to give a good soaking one time a day or even just every other day. Probably the worst thing you could do is obssess over him, he will pick up on your anxiety. These Greys are just too smart and sensitive sometimes. :-)
  11. LOL - Ok all you love muffins. :-) Hmmmm, maybe I could start a new career as a "Hunk Aviary Builder". B) Laura - Your vacation sounds fun!! We are taking the 4th of July week off. Just going to go up to the Sequoia National Forest (7000 ft) which is only a drive straight up from Visalia about 35 miles. Camp for a few days and enjoy the rivers, lakes, Giant Sequoia trees and hiking. We'll take Dayo for some real out in the wild adventures. Hopefully no Bears etc will come into camp, as they do if you have food out, as some MORONS due. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/17 16:00
  12. lovemyGreys wrote: Works for Humans, Cats and Dogs.... No special timing, surroundings our diets required. ;-) Tray is right on and Judy too, regarding birds though. B)
  13. I use full spectrum lighting suspended from the ceiling also, built and installed by myself, as you can see in the link Judy supplied. The choice of the correct "Full Spectrum" Lamp (Fluorescent) is critical and not many out there claiming to be "Avian" lamps are actually producing the UVA and UVB in levels perceptible or beneficial to your Grey or other Parrots. NEVER buy a "UV" lamp and shine it on your Greys Cages. It is not the correct light spectrum nor the correct output level for a bird of any type. They are strictly for reptiles. They can also cause blindness in your bird. By very cautious and do your homework before running out an purchasing an avian lamp and fixture. :-)
  14. LOL Laura - Those are Hilarious!! :-) Dayo noises: LOUD BANG - Nail Gun from contruction done on house....I guess it left an impression. ;-) Phone ring - come and get me Door Knock Water trickling Wolf Whistle Pretty whistle Mocking bird - From those surrounding our house singing day and night Dog Bark Whistles - I make to call the dogs to come and eat Cell phone answer tomes Cartoon sound - of something falling Me laughing :-) Says - Hello, What are you doing?, GOOD BOY, Wanna go outside?, Water, make Coffee, Crystal (grand daughters name), Go get in the Pool and a bunch of stuff being mumbled I can't quite make out yet.
  15. Hello wastrox, Getting another Parrot, especially of a different species is not something I would count on having them become buddies. At best, they may tolerate each other or at worse, they will not be able to have "Out" time together. It just depends, as I am sure you have read on the many threads regarding this. As others have stated, supervision is a must at all times they are out together. One bite can take a leg off in the blink of an eye.
  16. Ok, so lets suggest naming the Grey Corvette then and be done with it. ;-) Chevron is good too. :-)
  17. Hi Sameera - With all the actions you are taking in helping Zahzu get rid of those tattered and irritating feathers, cage arranging and baths. It would seem that the plucking should start lessening as you indicate it has. Only time will tell, as plucking a difficult issue to resolve sometimes. Just keep up the Red Palm Oil in diet and misting with Aloe Juice often and your chances should be greatly increased of putting a stop to it. :-)
  18. LOL Judy - The output color of our birdies Poo, is always directly linked to the input color. If you give them blue berries and green peas, it should be turquoise according to color charts. B)
  19. Hello wastrox, You are making the right choice in getting rid of any Teflon cookware. The scented candles are also reported by some to cause problems. Potpourri is normally made of natural items with god smells. the only issue here would be ingestion of it by your parrot as it could be poisonous. Mary provided a good link on dangers and poisons. You are just like a new mother with her first child. We all have gone through that. Your doing great and reacting normally as we all did as we studied and learned of all the hazards to watch out for. :-)
  20. Welcome slmclean and Chloe!!! It's GreYt to have you here. It sounds like you and Chloe are getting the ground rules in place and becoming friends. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  21. Well, if no one can go on vacation this summer. Then take just a small portion of the money you would have spent and create a nice outdoor aviary for your much beloved Parrots. Materials are cheap and most husbands could put one together fairly fast. For those of you not married, hire a hunk to do it and watch him sweat. ;-)
  22. Make sure you have some treats your Grey likes and sit him on the stand. Also, have some little toys for him to play with too if possible. If he flies to you, just take him back over and set him back down on the stand.
  23. Congratulations Pat!! That is a huge step forward in your relationship!! :-)
  24. Welcome Jody!! :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  25. Bobo's wieght is fine. How old is he now? Has he fledged?
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