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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. That is really good news. Echo is such a sweetheart ...Foot Up, "Step Up"....I could not resist that sweet and cute request. :-) Echo is a real fighter and determined to get back to normal for some good old romping around!!
  2. Congratulations Jody!!!! Cant wait to hear the stories and see the photos!!! :woohoo:
  3. Awwwww, Oooohhhhh, they are all wonderful Berna. Thanks for sharing those photos. :-)
  4. Dayo was first outside at about 5 Months old (barring the car rides from 12 weeks to 16 weeks, between the breeders and our house for short 3 hour visits.)with an Aviator harness on. He went out on my shoulder, harness attached, we walked around the backyard and pool SLOWLY, I could feel his Talons digging in and him pressing against the side of my head as we passed shrubs and trees around the pool. He did well until, we walked past a hanging Iron incense burner, jumped off flying, of course going in circles around me like a model airplane. I gently got a hold of him and took him back over to our patio and then just sat and reassured him as he took in the view, made little "Gasps" like "Whats That" checking it out profusely with one eye focused on a blowing tree, bush, bird flying over etc. You must consider, when you take you bird outside the first time, everything "Lights Up" for them in a color range they are not used to seeing. This is because inside your home there is no UVA or UVB wave lengths of light. The Sun provides those wave lengths in abundance and things they are perhaps used to seeing now appear completely different with "Fluoresced" colors we can not see. Then count in all the strange noises, smells and objects they have never encountered before and it is truly a walk through a very strange new world for them. But, once the initial shock is over, they really do love it outside and look forward to going out whether in a Cage, Aviary or attached to a harness. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/25 14:54
  5. CAG's normally start around a year old. Dayo about 12 months, started mumbling very low-tone "Calibrating" and practicing. But, you could not really tell what he was practicing. Now, at 14 months, he is clearly saying several words and even phrases. Once they start, it begins pouring out.....Last night, Kim was putting Dayo in his Cage to go night-night and he came back with "Go Outside? Wanna Go Outside? First time he's ever said that, but he has heard it constantly for months. :-) They start out young with all there chirps, peeps, whistles, then advance to mimicking noises and sounds, then mumbling..... A Greys eyes turn yellow at around age two.
  6. Welcome Jennifer and Mischief!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing additional photos. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/25 14:06
  7. Awwwww, great photo. They are so cute that young and everyday they grow. It's amazng isn't it. :-)
  8. Awwww, great photos of those two PThizzilini. Thanks for sharing them. Your baby CAG looks like a healthy and content baby...love those black eyes. Looking forward to seeing more photos and hearing more from you. :-) BTW - YOu can add multiple photos to one post, by establishing an account on a website such as photobucket.com. Up load your resized photo to their. Then simply click on the imgage links that copied them individually and then past each of those link in your post, example: Hope this helps. :-)
  9. Welcome Nicole and Zazu!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those promised photos. :-)
  10. Thanks for the update and information on finding a good vet that is willing to perform the necropsy for $100. That will at least put some closure for you on the "What Happened" and give a small sense of closure. Secondly, it may well provide valuable information for all us "Other" Grey owners to perhaps avoid such a sudden and unexpected death. :-)
  11. Welcome ShyFire, Zeus and Mia!!! How wonderful of you to take in these two 5 year old Greys. You do have a lot of work to do in the trust building department, but it sounds like you are already seeing positive results from your 24/7 presence and interaction with them at whatever level that is presently. Looking forward to all your questions and more photos of your Zeus and Mia. :-)
  12. Tracey, what a heart wrenching story Smoky and his passing on in your Arms. :-( You have my condolences and prayers for you and your families hearts to mend. As others have said, an autopsy is the only way of knowing the underlying cause.
  13. Welcome Erica!!! Happy Birthday and congratulations on getting your first CAG. Looking forward to hearing more as this wonderful news progresses. :-)
  14. Awww, what a cute baby Grey you have there Di. :-) I notice from the Newspaper article, that he has made some self improvement, even at such a young age. The article stating " I was a Country Bumpkin with yellow Teeth" is what I am referring to. Congratulations!!!
  15. Zpyder wrote: Welcome to both the Forum and a the "Bite Me Club" as a new member. I do believe this is a "First" Considering your friends thinking it was self induced cuts and bruises. You have reached a level in this Club that sets a new standard for NO ONE to ever try to attain. :pinch: :-) Again, Welcome to both the Forum and the "Bite Me Club"!!
  16. Hahahahahaha Pixiexoxo..... Indeed!! :laugh:
  17. Welcome back Marcia !! I am glad you found your way back. Sorry to hear of you set back, but it sounds like you and your husband have continued very aggressively in helping rescue all those new critters and provide a loving home for them. Looking forard to hearing more from you when you have time. :-)
  18. Welcome Michael!! Thanks for the nice inroduction. Lookingforward to hearing more when you geta chance. It sounds like you are VERY busy right now. :-)
  19. Welcome Cagal08 !!! It's GreYt to have you here. Looing forward to hearing more and seeing photos of your new baby when you get a chance. :-)
  20. Thats GreYt news Di!! Looking forward to those photos. :-)
  21. The idea of using this opportunity to clean and fix up Dorian's cage, is a good one. Your plan to let him watch and basically be a part of it, is also good. If you can video the move into the new cage as mentioned, that would be great! Looking forward to hearing how all progresses. :-)
  22. Nychsa wrote: Yes, it did startle me. I actually brought 2 Greys homes, Dayo and a female (same age different clutch). We took the female back the next day due to her losing more weight than Dayo. They were both starting to fledge when we brought them home at 16 weeks old. Also, I took a baseline weight the minute I got them home. After speaking with the breeder, she had just fed them before we picked them up. So I know they had at least 20 to 30 grams of formula in them, plus what ever seeds, pellets and bean mix they had eaten also. I was ok, once Dayo leveled out and stayed fairy consistent day to day. What is interesting, is he will gain weight for a week, then start slowly going back down again. I did notice when the colder months started sitting in, he really ate more than previously. As the climate started warming again, his appetite started slowly again. I also take into consideration, since February, he started molting and now is losing the larger Tail and Primary feathers, which I know only weigh a gram or two each, but thats a loss along with all the little downy and smaller feathers as well. I only posted the average for each month. I did not go through each day or week as I believe Mark did. If we can get others to post charts of their Greys weight, this could become a very valuable thread that does not seem to exist anywhere in webland.
  23. LOL - Go Bella Go!!! I must say, she has GreYt taste. :-)
  24. Awwwww, what a pretty Grey Zahzu is. Thanks for posting these!! :-)
  25. Very interesting topic, with Charts providing great data. Here is Dayo's Chart from the Day I brought him home last August to now. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/22 23:46
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