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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Debbie, Greyson and Myah!!! Rescuing is such a wonderful and rewarding path to take. :-) It sounds like you are already making progress with Greyson. He is learning what a real home filled with love and commitment is like. I am positive he will continue to flourish under your care. Looking forward to hearing more of his progress. :-)
  2. Welcome Ora, Milly and Mr Jimgles!!! Thanks for the information on your experience regarding sonic pest control devices. They can indeed affect our feathered friends. Birds have hearing in frequency ranges we do not. As you described, it may drive one bonkers, while another just endures it with no symptomatic effects such as plucking or other odd behaviour. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  3. Oh donste, I am so sorry to hear this. In light of the enlarged Liver, it must indicate something to the vets you have seen. It would seem that the Calcium injections she has received and the boost they give her, would indicate something to the vet. If feeding her baby formula gets her fed and nourished. I would continue doing that, since she does not seem to ingest enough normal food to sustain her. The baby food also contains high levels of protein and nutrients she needs. Just keeping her sufficiently nourished will help her naturally fight whatever the issue is. Given all the test the vets have run, perhaps they could send all the data and x rays to a leading specialist to review and advise? I do hope the best for you both and you are in my prayers.
  4. Only you can make the call Mas. I know you will base it on the best interests of Zahzu. Your comments on his behaviour yesterday seemed to indicate he was a happy camper and seemingly calmed down a little. Maybe the medication is starting to kick in too. :-)
  5. I would love to hear your Accent Siobha. It adds flare to the commentator. :-) Actually, everyone can participate in these. You just raise your hand in these seesions if you want to speak and if the long winded speaker ;-) decides to give up the platform, they may do so.
  6. danmcq

    About my Grey

    Welcome Hyan!! Jane and Tracy (LMG) has given you good advice and links to read. Time and patience is the key. Please ask all the questions you wish. We are all here to support other Parrot owners such as yourself. :-)
  7. What a great summation of Baxters progress over only six weeks Erika. :-) You have done such a good job in working with him and allowing him space and time to become comfortable in his new home filled with new flock members. It sounds like he is truly blossoming in this fun and loving environment. Just wait until he lets his hair down and you see the real Baxter. :-)
  8. A podcast would be cool. :-) Actually, there are also some forums that have audio streaming capabilities that I have belonged to in the past. User can be allowed the microphone, one at a time and others can post text while you are speaking. It gives the speaker real-time feedback on questions the listening audience has and you can also see what the hecklers have to say textually also. :-) It is a great interactive tool that serves it's purpose well in an organized manner that truly allows a real conversation, debate etc. There are several forums with this capability covering a wide variety of topics and I have never seen it used in regards Parrots. Most are religious, political type debate and commentary forums I finally tired of due to the heated and sometimes ignorant debates I was involved in. It would be a much better environment with Parrot lovers just wanting the best for their Masters delight. :-)
  9. Your right, he is exercising his wishes by not complying. At those times, he does not wish to step up. Sometimes, if there is no reason to make them step up, it is good to let them have their way and just leave them be. If you must have him step up to move him from danger or put him back in his cage etc. Thats when you must persist until he steps up or is forced to do so. I would use only the hand. A perch or stick just adds confusion to the mix and may alarm him. If you normally use your hand, then always use your hand. If you are certain he is going to bite while you are demanding him to step up, ball your hand into a fist and bend it down to tighten the skin on the back of your hand. He will not be able to get a good bite while you force your hand under him and make him step up. If he his VERY bent on not complying, come in with your other hand behind him while keeping him busy with the hand in front. Push under him from behind and he will half to step backwards and up onto your hand. After doing this several times, he will learn when you are demanding a step or just asking if he wishes to. They are highly intelligent and will understand the tonal flucuational changes in your voice between the two, command or question. :-)
  10. danmcq


    As others have said, each Grey has their own preferences. You will learn soon enough which Pogo prefers. Both my Conure and Grey like to be covered. Yours may not and you are taking the right actions to get it dialed in for him and his preferences. :-)
  11. Welcome Abernathy and Morgan!! That is a great photo of your new TAG. Being able to visit the breeders and getting to know your Grey before you bring it home is a wonderful advantage and experience. It makes bringing them home so much easier. They will atleast be with people it know, trusts and loves. That helps ease the impact of moving to a whole new world to them. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing additional photos as you get the chance. :-)
  12. LOL Tarnold!! They do love peek-a-boo. :-) A video would be great, if you can capture it.
  13. Very cute, that baby Grey absolutely loves Apple!! :-)
  14. Very cool stuff Boomer! Now, All our Grey would like to come over and give it all a "Test Run". to make sure it's completely ready for your new baby coming home. ;-)
  15. Oh wow, no I have not experienced a nightmare regarding Dayo. I would not want to experience the horror you each woke up with either. I hope to never have one regarding Dayo. I have had them regarding my children and they are indeed realistic and horrifying.:ohmy:
  16. Grapes and Apples are Dayo's favorites. :-)
  17. danmcq


    Welcome tiamea!! I am not certain where you live or what you would consider a reasonable price. It does sound like your experience in the store at feeding Parrots would have prepared you to take on an unweaned Grey. But, what age are you looking to take one on at? The early weeks from 1 to 7 require a brooder to keep them at a higher temperature, than afterwards. You would need a brooder for a very young Grey or any other Parrot for that matter. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  18. Good idea on changing the cage placement. You just never know sometimes. The cage could be positioned in a place that they just don't like for one reason or another. Hopefully that will help. It good to hear that the collar is helping. If you do need to have it replaced in a week, it's worth it. I hope the test comes back negative. :-)
  19. Wow nows that one BAD Grey!!! B) Thanks for sharing this story and photo. :-)
  20. Great idea mistyparrot. :-) Dayo eats green beans fresh or cooked. But, as with many foods, he only eats them if he's in the mood. One day he'll eat them, the next not. Greys seem to be this way with many foods. It's almost as if they eat what their body/system tells them they need that day. The exception to this of course, is favorites like nuts and fruits. :-)
  21. Awwww, what a cutey Pogo is. Thanks for sharing these photos. The head shaking No to the peanut question is interesting. Did you offer one up close to see if Pogo would take it anyway? :-)
  22. Welcome Jen!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  23. Welcome ccgreen!! It's good having you here. AS others have said, time and patience is the main ingredient here. If the grey takes to your girl friend, it might be good if she could overcome her fear and enjoy the Grey. This could be a quicker path for you to gain the trust of the him. It just depends. Not knowing the history and how well he was socialized, time spent out of cage etc, it's hard to really say much. We have many members here with tons of experience that will chime in as you continue to post more details on your grey. :-)
  24. LOL, a corn cob is a good idea, but messy as you describe. An ice cube works just as well in most cases and the only mess is water..... :-)
  25. LOL Berna!! Judy - Are You feeling left out from the "Spin Doctors" spinning? I will be more than happy now to take the first opportunity. :-) These Greys truly are a reflection of their owners. ;-) :ohmy: :lol:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/29 15:19
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