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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. When he is relaxed during the day or evening when we are just kicking back watching a movie or something. Dayo will every once in a while drift off, place his head between his wings in back and sleep.
  2. Yes, just shell them and ensure the nut inside is not blackened and has the normal coloring you are used to seeing in stores. Walnuts are actually very healthy nut for our parrots. Crows love them too, thus you see them dropping them on the road to crack them open and then eating the nut.
  3. Lulu is a four letter word that miss G is using for you! Enjoy your newly made over grey with a tude. This is what you have been working on for the last 3 years and it is happening. Note: Adding a trap door will only work on you, as miss G gets you so wound up that you will activate it and fall in yourself. I would rethink the thoughts of booby traps (well a little pun intended) ..... You will end up setting everyone off. Your going to need that bullet proof battle gear. I am so loving reading of Miss G's flowering personality, boldness and exploration. Thanks for always keeping this thread updated. :)
  4. danmcq

    RIP Cesar

    I am very sorry to hear of the loss of Cesar. You have my condolences. It is painful to lose such a loved one.
  5. Welcome Sherry and Flock! Thanks for the photos of each bird. They all look good and happy to be in your home. Thanks for the intro and photos.
  6. Make the boyfriend cage Nilah and you go to work on time! That or forbid him from ever coming over again, because he is a trouble maker.
  7. Welcome Lupine. It's GreYt having you here. Ask all the questions you wish. I would love to see any photos you may have of the Raptors you work with and also hearing about your experiences with them.
  8. Well, tree limbs are wood which is what they sleep on in the wild. So, wood, cement, rope etc. whatever is the highest and their preference is where they will perch and sleep.
  9. LOL!!! Loved it! Now stop giving Dayo bad ideas! He hates getting misted and the shower stall is the evil door leading to Hell!
  10. Thanks for the update and photos. He looks very happy and healthy.
  11. Wow, that was a pretty good battle. You may need to start suiting up in body armor for these, although she needs none. It kind of reminds me of the 300, but in this case it's just 1 grey weighing less than a pound fighting off a giant over 100 pounds. You may end up having to move out of HER house. She is certainly overcoming the fear of the unknown very quickly now it seems. I love hearing about her explorations of distant lands.
  12. How dare you pick up something she just placed on the floor by dropping!!! She's a genius, don't you know? If she wasn't so done with that foot toy, she wouldn't have been dumb enough to drop it to the floor. What were thinking? Now you've gone and raised the gates of hell and the Loki the master of mischief and disaster. She's gonna let you know by doing her best "Punker" destruction of everything to let you know she is tired of the "Establishment" and their rules!!! You need to get with the program and realize you "Normal" (in your mind) Humans need to quit trying to correct a perfectly normal behavior of tossing, trashing, beating the crap of, setting on fire etc. of THEIR stuff if they want to!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!! Rules, we greys make our own and don't forget it!
  13. It's good to hear an update. It sounds like escher is coming along nicely and your all enjoying each other. Thanks for posting this.
  14. Nice photos of Romeo. Thanks for sharing them.
  15. Welcome Keri, it's GreYt having you and morgan here. First you need to build a relationship with her. She is now in a new home and surroundings she is unfamiliar with. It is way too soon to have up close contact like your trying to do on the first day. Also at 15 months old she is just starting to strongly learn to express her will and what she wants. She is still very much a young grey just going in to her terrible twos. It takes them months to get completely settled in to a new home and build a relationship with new people. She may or may not be a grey that really likes being handled much. You just won't know until you two become well acquainted with each other. The first thing you need to do is build trust with her and have her feel safe in your home. Using the grape to get her back in the cage was brilliant on your part and avoided a high stress situation like having to towel her to get her back in the cage. Good job on that one! Right now, just start watching her body language as you interact with her to learn when she is comfortable or when she is not. Thats the first thing to learn. Then respect it and do not force a step up for example if you see she has no desire to. many more here will chime in with thoughts as well. Just keep posting and asking questions.
  16. I agree with all the others posts. Your a GreYt parront for paying such close attention and asking questions about your grey.
  17. Sorry Dave, was just trying to figure out what made this member want to leave all of a sudden. I personally saw nothing wrong with your post either. It was the most complete reply in this thread.
  18. When dayo was being hand fed, he would pump faster and much more violently than the baby grey in that video. So the faster pumping is fine. However, each grey is different. When dayo had enough, he would either just stop the formula from going down his throat and it would start spilling out the sides or he would grab the syringe or spoon with his beak and flip it away. Dayo was never fed in his cage. He was always on a counter top or table top and a hand was gently placed over his back. I suspect your baby gets enough formula and just wants out of the cage instead of continuing to eat. Perhaps try feeding him outside the cage and see if he will take more.
  19. Ok Dave in respect of your dinner time.....everybody just..... Dinner times over now, commenting allowed once again.
  20. My Dayo does not like being separated either when he knows we are in the house. I and my wife both ignore him if we're busy and cannot come in to his view. I do software engineering support from home and have a home office I spend 8 hours on weekdays in except for breaks between calls. Sometimes dayo will start very loudly vocalizing smoke detector sounds, whistles and yelling "I hear you!, Here I am!". The only way I can quiet him for 10 minutes or so is to open my office door and tell him in a very stern voice :I'm on the phone, be quiet!!". Amazingly he complies. He knows what talking on the phone means as he listens to me talking on it all the time. So, given I am in a similar situation as you. I have no advice really other than ignoring it. I truly doubt placing him in the cage and covering it will stop the separation anxiety and screaming. Dayo will scream if he is still left covered in his cage when he knows his cover off cage time is 630am. A few minutes after that time passes, the screaming starts until he is uncovered. We have just come to understand he is a wild and non-domesticated creature that separation from the flock means certain death. Thus the non-stop contact calling.
  21. LOL, thats funny. Of course, I am one to talk... I have told Dayo since he was around a year and a half old when I know he's going to nail me "I'm gonna get your butt" as I would slowly move my hand around and touch his tail. Then he went tail nuts using every word he thought he could fit it into the sentence like Get your butt, wipe my butt, clean my butt, and on and on. They are a riot sometimes experimenting with phrases. I guess he figure if I could wipe his beak when dirty, I could touch up the butt as well.
  22. Very true and well said. Ive had them all at the same time over the years. No longer, but it was all one big happy family.
  23. LOL! I think he and you watched watched too many movies and/or videos with that song in it. Just kidding.
  24. Very true,never name them. I was raised on farms and ranches. Unfortunately when I was around 6 years old, I had given a name to a baby chicken and fed it when I got the chance. One day, my grand father came over, grabbed the then grown chick I had named and quickly proceeded to chop it's head off, then pluck it and serve it for dinner.... The end result was I could not bring myself to eat chicken until I was 23 years old! I could eat anything else with two or four legs other than domesticated pets and chicken. But, at 23 that ended as well. It's hard looking back and remembering how seeming little things to adults were monumental in a childs eyes and affects them for years....
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