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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I hope this works out for you and the grey. Get all the information you can from the owner like diet, likes, dislikes, favorite toys and any schedule and interactions she has come to know and enjoy. The more information you have, the easier transition will be for her and you. I look forward to hearing an update on this.
  2. Welcome Parrrots Lover. As Steve said, more information would help us to help you.
  3. Oh Sterling, I am so sorry to hear this. You have my deepest condolences.
  4. Well, you knew you he was at least 5o + years old. Thats the oldest Ive heard so far. What a peaceful way to go, yet sad. That mental image brought a tear to my eyes as well.
  5. Loved it. That put a smile on my face this early Tuesday morning. Thanks Dave!
  6. LOL Dayo would tell our dobermans Bentley and Chloe to "Be Quite" when they started barking. They would look back with the stink eye thinking "Oh yeah, come on down hear and tell us that". Your right though, they come to think they rule the entire household.... which for the most part they do as we cater to there every request.
  7. We could! I have every feather dayo has lost since we brought him home as a baby. From primaries, secondaries, tertiaries and tail. Big ole freezer bag filled with them. I keep want to make a large dream catcher out of them. Thinking about it, they are to pretty to make a pillow out of. I'll go grab feathers from the huge flocks of geese residing here right now before they migrate south to Mexico.
  8. That is a great portable perch... ordering one now. Thanks for sharing this.
  9. I believe this is the oldest documented grey I have ever heard of.
  10. Jesus, your ancient...... NOT! But, I believe that qualifies.
  11. Removing any fear inducing critters and probable noise inducers before allowing out of cage is fine. That was perfect. The other critters will be more familiar over time as she views them from her cage. In regards the stick/perch question. Since that is what she is used to, yes use it. But, you can over time get rid of it by inching your hand forward when you get it and offer a step up until your hand is basically right next to her talon when she steps up. The important thing to note as you move it close over the coming days is to watch he comfort level. Use that as your gauge to decide when to move it closer. Ultimately, you'll no longer need the stick.
  12. Ditto Talon. Both my grey and conure have been molting like mad over the last 3 or 4 weeks now. As you say, you can't really tell other than the scratchiness as all those prickly pin feathers come in. They sure love scratches to help with that.
  13. Welcome Michelle and new flock! Sometimes destiny takes over at different times in our lives and we cannot ignore it. It seems this is one of those moments. I am a firm believer in letting the grey chose you. I am very happy this occurred and Nala already seems happy and content in finding her "Meant to be" flock. As they approach six months old, the eye coloration is spot on. I know teaches that take their greys with them to class, one is an ESL teacher and her grey is very excited to go to "Work" with her every day she has a class. The students love her as well. I hope works out well and brings much joy to all the lives you and Nala may just indeed touch and make a big difference in.
  14. Awww, poor thing. The good news is she wants to be out. The bad news is it's all new and the slightest fear inducing event will kick in the "Fight or Flight" mechanism they are have. A loud noise or will also send them flapping around in their cage. I would really suggest just leaving her in the cage for at least 3 or 4 days to get used to the new surroundings, people and flock that resides in your home.
  15. It's Greyt to have you back again and posting. At least he's not afraid of the harness, he just loves viewing it as a great fun toy to play with. The downside, is it will probably end up chewed and you'll need a new one that you will actually over time get fully on and take him out. The most important to do is make certain getting the harness fully on is never a bad experience. If a grey has a bad experience getting a harness on, you may never get it back on again with out a fight and making them absolutely hating it.
  16. Ruby is beautiful. Thanks for sharing the photos.
  17. Welcome Glenn and Jacko! What an interesting story of how and where Jacko was found and your mothers hemorage at the same spot. I hope your mother is ok now. The photos of him are beautiful and show a very happy and well adapted grey loving where he is. Kudo's to you. I look forward to hearing more.
  18. Welcome Buckeye! I look forward to hearing more from you.
  19. Welcome JAMB. It's GreYt having you here. If your going to re-do the cage finish. I would suggest having it done by a professional powder coating company.
  20. You can discourage regurging by stopping whatever you are doing the moment you see it starting to happen. If it happens anyway, just set him aside and get something to clean it up with. When they equate the interrupt of time together when the regurge happens as you stop to clean it up, it will slow down. I will say, there will still be times a regurge will happen and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Like every once in a while if my wife has been gone for several hours, when we come home a she walks up to the cage and says hi as we enter our home, dayo will get so excited he will regurge instantly.
  21. He sounds wonderful and the photos were enjoyable to look at. Thanks for sharing this.
  22. As Talon said, they are flock creatures and by their wild instinct, must stay with the flock or die in their minds. If you leave them caged while you work on something and you do not want them around caging is the best thing to do. Then they will contact call to ensure you are in hearing range and they expect some kind of response even if it's I hear You or Just Wait. Doesn't it feel good to be so needed though? Dee would be more than will for Gilbert to hang on her shoestrings in everything she did, I believe.
  23. How wonderful you have Paco now. It's a blessing to get all the information you did from his previous mom. I keep a "Book" I have been writing over the years on dayo with all his documents and photos the new owner will get when I can no longer care for him.It helpes a great deal to know what a grey likes and is used to.
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