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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh jesus Dee! A new Bike does take a little time to learn the new "feel" and handling characteristics. I am so glad you had full riding gear on and came out of it unscathed, well other than pride. Does it have a mono shock? If so, perhaps you could adjust it so the bike will squat a little lower to the ground for you. The only draw back, is when your going through some humps in the road or maybe even doing some jumps, it will bottom out depending on the compression strength of the mono shock. I sure love reading of Gilbert. I just can never get enough.
  2. Nice article on the sensory feedback system for feather positioning. The ability to fully fledge and continue flying to build those synaptic connects is vitally important in a birds development when young. Thanks for sharing this.
  3. Radar speaks very clearly. This video was very entertaining! Thanks for sharing it. I hope to see many more!
  4. I am so sorry to hear of this tragic loss. You have my deepest heartfelt condolences.
  5. Errrrrr Hmmmmmm, let me give this 1 second of thought..... no, but I really appreciate the offer. LOL @ moving in to the shed!!!!!
  6. I may be wrong, since I personally have never owned Cockatoo's. But, I have a friend that has had two for the last 27 years and they are the most clingy needful parrot I have ever seen. Lucky for them, they get constant attention from the owners. I do know when they are away and need bird sitters, the Too's do scream constantly. The best I can figure, is what Greywings suggested in ignoring it, just like we must to a grey that starts a screaming behavior. But, Too's are a screamer on steroids for up close and personal attention. I suspect since this behavior started directly after having that close personal time in your bedroom, Gus wants that again dearly and constantly. I suspect the only way to quell that, is never do that again, so Gus knows it's not going to happen and over time quit screaming for it. But, i have no doubt your ears will be ringing before this episode is over. Maybe get headphones for you and hubby while riding this one out.
  7. You nailed it Steve! Dayo considers her HIS woman.
  8. I enjoyed the video and laughed at "Whats a Chicken say, buk buk buk?". Dayo sits and chills, going through phrases, preening or just watching what is going on outside or us inside. He will also playing with various toys on the tree stands or come and ride around on our shoulders. Most greys as they age, became less actively flying around, murdering their toys etc. They still do it, but much less often.
  9. Congrats on the first words. They are always a word/sound that is important to them and normally one that is used with enthusiasm. It is rarely a word that you just use over and over that you want them to say first. You have your priorities, they have theirs. They are rarely the same. I can guarantee a word said with high emotion and gusto will be picked up almost instantly. Like a situation where something happens, you flip out and cuss. Thankfully, I am certain you never do.
  10. It's good to hear you have gotten an avian light for Sukei. The uva it produces will light up the 4th visible portion of they have that we humans do not. The uvb will start the production of vitamin D3. Every home that has birds in them should have avian lighting for each cage. I don't think most people understand that with out it, a birds physical and mental health is drastically affected.
  11. Thanks or the update. Still hoping and praying for the best results.
  12. Very entertaining video! I do not understand the language being spoken, but there is no doubt many words were said. Thanks for sharing this.
  13. Jeff - Not all greys will decide to spend the time to calibrate and perfect the exact sound of a persons voice. Sometimes they prefer to develop their own personal voice instead. Gracie is a perfect example of this. Her speech is perfectly clear and she has added at least 200 words and phrases to her vocabulary and that is impressive. Maybe she wants to sound more female to keep her love muffin (You) just melting when she speaks. My theory on Dayo's imitating my voice perfectly. Is he has been wanting to replace me and have kim all to himself since the day he met her at the breeders.
  14. Very Cool! Gracie is such a smart girl. She got the spelling right or pretty close all the times she spelled it. Very impressive. Thanks for sharing this video.
  15. Dee, Dayo does not have a raspiness when he breaths hard. It just kind of sounds likes a winded human. You may need to check with your vet on that and see what they think. It could just be the air sacks never being fully used for years and dander etc. build up. But, thats just me hypothesizing. Only a vet could determine if all was well in that area. LOL at the step in poop potty mouth at your disdain of stepping in it. They know our emotions instantaneously and respond to them. I would half to hold back the laughter at such an outburst. i know it's truly not funny, but it is. We just can't let them know it. Dayo came out with a not heard for around 5 years of "Oh Shxt" when he knocked over a standing surround speaker the other day. It took my utmost most strength to keep the belly laugh in. I have a feeling you will receive a Toe pinch before it advances to the neck pinches. It is impressive that Gilbert is already gaining altitude from the floor to the couch. Those muscles are building and will continue to at a fairly rapid rate I would expect. Not long before you have a flying Pterodactyl screaming in flight on your hands.
  16. It is fun to watch our greys reactions when they are watching videos of other greys. They certainly do have their moments when whatever it is sparks a reaction.
  17. Thats a great photo Steve. Thanks for sharing it.
  18. Thats a lot of watching to do! Thanks for viewing them.
  19. Love the photo! They love frozen stuff, even ice cubes. We let Dayo have some of our Dreyers natural fruit Popsicles, grape, peach, strawberry, mango etc. I think he gets brain freeze sometimes, but just keeps on eating them. Thanks for sharing this.
  20. Thanks for the update on radar and echo. It sounds like life is becoming very interesting. I love reading cute interactions like you have described. They are a never ending joy to watch and love for who they are. Get some photos or videos of these when you get a chance.
  21. Awww, what a cutey. Thanks for posting the photo. I have no doubt she will flourish under your loving care.
  22. Dayo does certainly lke going outside and watching us water and also all the wildlife activities going on constantly in our rural setting where our new home is. He has settled in nicely and so has jake. Dayo masted turning lights on and off a few years ago when he could reach any switch and do so. He also knows that pulling the chain on the ceiling fan lights turns them on and off, thus pulling hanging items in his cage and saying "There and/or Thats better". He has mastered my voice well and sometimes when Kim thinks I am still in ear shot thinks it's me talking until she turns and see's it is dayo and I am long gone. Here is a few shots of the view when outside with some of the wildlife. The Coyote visits the plowed field two or three times everyday hoping to snag a squirrel, which he hasn't that we know of. House Finchs frequent our bird feeder all day long The King of the Squirrels setting on his thrown and gives us an audience sometimes.
  23. Well it seems she has grown tired of the paparazzi snapping photos and let you know it. It's good to hear she is yours and now you can enjoy her and show her how a good home can be. I hope to hear much more about her as she gets settled in.
  24. Good to see you back. Kudos to you form taking in Smokey. Wow, only 3 years old and as many homes. It god to hear he has reached his final home and can now learn that life with humans can be good, safe and a long term commitment. I look forward to hearing more from you on him and the rest of the flock.
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