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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. LOL Dee! Thanks for sharing that story of Kopi tormenting the Dogs.
  2. Washing our fruits with water and vinegar will remove those substances. Everyone should wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly. If you don't, the chemicals and bacteria will be ingested by you and your birds.
  3. Banana Peels are fine to eat for humans, animals and birds. It's to hear you wash them though. Who knows what residue they could have on them.
  4. Some members have been posting about their greys using language to pull them in to do something normal like bedtime, give a treat or other such thing. Then as the gullible loving parront they are complies their sweethearts request and once they get within striking range are bitten. Greys are the masters of deception with their poker faces, sweet talking and lighting fast reflexes. We are of course upset, hurt feelings etc. and scratching our heads wondering why the hell that just happened. Well because it's big fun to the grey. It could also be because you slighted them in some way or it's a time like night-night and they do not want to go in their cage or you have been ignoring while you work etc. .. It could just be they are looking for some entertainment. With that said, here is a video from about 4 years ago of Dayo buttering up Jake hoping to nail him if he can successfully dupe Jake in to believing his smooth moves and phrases. You will learn over time how and when these fake requests take place and to be more cautious should you decide to see IF thats truly what they want.
  5. What a nice story Janet. thanks for sharing it.
  6. Jeff, just some thoughts for you to consider. The "nite nite" ritual first. Gracie could be telling you she see's no reason to be locked in her cage. She is out all day in your absence for example, so why would you wish to at night? She could be letting you know if she wishes to sleep in her cage, she will get in on her own. Thus the "Ah Ah...no no" perhaps. The morning ritual before going to work. She knows what is going to happen. You will leave and be gone all day. She wants you to stay or take her with you. It is counter intuitive for a grey to be separated from the flock and a life threatening event their deep rooted instincts are telling them so. She does love you, but she is exasperated, has separation anxiety and is displaying it by acting out as you describe. When you say sometimes it's like a contest. I suppose it could be, but think it is more like a child throwing a tantrum when they don't get their way and just keep trying anyway. They are not bound to the same reasoning and submission we humans all must succumb to or be labeled as outcasts or hellions by our peers and society. Grey don't care if we think they are "Bad to the bone" at times. They just want their way sometimes and really are tired of us forcing our will on them. At least thats my take on watching Dayo and other greys. They are wondering just who the hell we think we are. The supreme rulers of the world? They let us know, we are NOT!
  7. Thought I would share this cnn story about a Crow that obviously encountered a Porcupine. Thus the need for human assistance to remove the quills.
  8. Gracie is certainly putting to task those cognitive abilities. It is so intriguing when they come out with those "one time heard words" sometime in the future and in context. It's makes one pause for a moment to consider the true complexity of what goes on in that grey's mind. Thanks for sharing this!
  9. Hang in there Nancy and take care of yourself. Never lose hope!
  10. Congrats on Peanut saying "HaeWhoa" to to world! Just the first of more to come, I am certain.
  11. That is mating behavior. I would not advise you stroke Cosmos back and encourage it. It could lead to frustration on Cosmos part and some serious bites on yours.
  12. Very inspirational video of rescue. Thanks for sharing this. I love the Santa Clarita area and had no clue this place existed. I plan on stopping by there the next time we pass through.
  13. Happy Hatch Day! Thanks for the background story. Life with Comso sounds like a Hoot! Thanks for the photos, I enjoyed viewing them.
  14. True Greywings, you could say Flap Jacks a hundred times a day for 20 years and your Grey never use it UNLESS they have a use for it. To them it's just a moron human babbling nonsense words of no use.
  15. Hello Carolz, no you spray the 100 % Aloe Juice undiluted. You can pre-bathe/Mist/Shower with water (which I do) to remove loose dander first. Then spray with the Aloe Juice.
  16. I have no doubt Harley will object. Most greys hate water, unless it is their idea. But, they really need a bath/Misting 2 to 3 times a week, especially with Aloe Juice on that plucked area. You will probably need to do it in his cage unless he allows you to do so outside of it.
  17. LOL, She knows her name! They are highly intelligent, use words and phrases in context and will let you and any other flock member know when you got something wrong or another like Anabelle is irritating her. I suspect she has a very large vocabulary and will slowly start using as she feels more and more comfortable to do so.
  18. So Harley has been plucking for almost a year and a half now? As, Janet asked, have you had the vet check him out? After plucking for that long, there is a possibility it has become chronic plucking. I hope not. Do you bath him often and mist with 100% Aloe Juice 2 or 3 times a week, especially in that plucked and irritated area?
  19. LOL, gotta love Star Wars sound effects!!! Thanks for sharing this.
  20. Welcome Turzzock and Flock! Congrats on rescuing Cheyenne from that pet store. It sounds like a "Love at first sight" event. Thanks for the photos and the introduction. You have a beautiful flock there and I am certain will have many stories to share.
  21. Lilly, it's a matter of time as Judy said. So it's not IF, it's WHEN... and that won't be very long now.
  22. Still hoping and praying you and kiki will be united once again soon. Don't ever give up. It took me 3 weeks to get jake the conure back and there are tons of hawks in our area as well. he was 45 miles away believe it or not! People saw my post on Craigslist and responded.
  23. I know where your coming from Dave. At least I had the opportunity of having 5 teachers that cared about the students, made learning that subject fun or at least entertaining enough that you wanted to plug-in and participate. Others were bored out of their minds having probably taught the same subject for 20 years and were non-emotion robots with no distinguishable expressions and a monotone voice. I either slept through those classes, passed notes or whispered in them. Needless to say I don't even remember their names any longer, just their blank faces. They should NOT be teachers and one would wish the school board would just fire them and find someone that wants to TEACH. Not just get a paycheck and build up a little retirement account for showing up and doing the least possible work.
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