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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. This appears to me, that your baby grey was fed formula and it dribbled down the neck and breast area. Thus the feathers are matted together. A damp rag and some wiping would clean the right up. Ask your breeder about this as well. They look as if he/she has been wiped with a wet cloth because the formula would appear as yellow mush on that area.
  2. Great comments and thoughts Penny. I also wish to thank everyone for their comments as well. I know it will go well and just be happy when the dust is settled and we're all back to being a normal non-functional parrot/human family. PS - Nancy, I know you would have helped should you have lived closer, NOT!!!
  3. LOL, you must get a video of that!
  4. I don't know any grey that wold prefer to stay in their cage. Digging on the bottom of the cage is a common behavior as well as climbing all over the cage when your in the room and they wish to be with you. As Kevin suggested, have toys in the cage to keep them busy or offer things like He suggested to get his mind off of being out with you.
  5. It sounds like the MIL is the most preferred by Pearl. Being at home in her cage and familiar surroundngs and people would be the best place to stay in my opinion. Enjoy your vacation.
  6. "As a matter of fact I am a Clint Eastwood fan but that has nothing to do with this." I can hear the "Hang em High" music already playing in the background and spurs clanging as the shoot out begins with those low down Poachers.
  7. Thanks Janet. I am hoping and praying for the best in regards Dayo's response. I hope he doesn't come out with any colorful words he may hear me saying during this process. I am gong to try and stay as composed as possible during this to set the proper Parrontal example.
  8. LOL Ray, I am hoping that's how he reacts. Fingers and Talons crossed. The good news, is Jake the Conure doesn't care where he is or whats around him. My little lion hearted larger than life buddy makes a grey look like such a frightened little child afraid of their own shadow person. Of all days, Saturday is jumping to 107 degrees. I hope to be done with the heavy stuff before noon.
  9. Thanks, only about a mile away. So thats the good part.
  10. Oh yeah, this is going to be a good read once others start posting what their new greys are up to. Thanks for starting this Sophie. PS: Do not let your Rom know.
  11. We are moving this Saturday. So I and my wife have been very busy boxing stuff up, taking down things from walls and moving all the boxes and smaller items in preparation for the big move. It's interesting watching Dayo look around every room and inspect places things used to be that are now vacant spots. They are so "Attention to detail" oriented down to a few millimeters it is a perfectionist in the extreme. We did take him over to the new home this last weekend as we did things, put up new curtains etc. as he watched from the Pak-O-Bird and held his Talon high indicating he wanted a step up to get out and be with us. However, we did not feel comfortable doing that just yet due to having skylight windows we did not want an accidental high speed crash if he became spooked by something. Tons of work and time consuming. I can't wait to just be fully moved this weekend! Well ...... then EVERYTHING must be unpacked and put up, but I'll stress over that AFTER the move!
  12. As they age, many do become more Cage aggressive. It is viewed as their home and space. I cannot get Dayo to step up from inside his cage most the. I just watch and if the talon raises high it's safe. If it does not raise at all or only a 1/4 inch, blood will be let if I try to get a step up. My wife however can get a step up from inside the cage anytime. She is his love muffin. Out of the cage, Dayo will readily step up for me unless he wishes to remain where he is and that goes for my wife as well. It could be some attitude showing through right now due to the change in schedule. As they age, they also display feelings more intensely. The bottom line is, many become more and more protective of there cages as the age. But, so never do. Each is an individual case study.
  13. Totally enjoyed listening to this video! I about fell out of my chair laughing at "That's a big Cow and then Moooooo"! Thanks for posting it. More videos please!
  14. Hi Kevin. Thanks for posting this. Any and all thoughts on what worked for you and your is welcomed with open enthusiasm. Music is soothing to the soul of man and beast when you find the type they seem to respond to most favorably. As Judy so well said "The honeymoon is over". But, those first few weeks are still imprinted in Sukies minds and memories that some humans are ok. Specifically you. Wild beasts can learn to trust the "Right" humans over time. Thanks for posting this and please continue to do so rather than lurking.
  15. Wow, you are really taking EMF avoidance seriously in every aspect of your life. I did not intend to lessen the value and good intentions of your informative posts on this topic. So I hope no offense was taken. In todays age, we are surrounded by EMF and becoming aware of the sources of it and the possible long term affects is a good thing for all to consider.
  16. LOL Wingy, I love that example of a grey vocal articulation of EXACTLY what they want you to do.
  17. GreYt example of Grey cognition at it's best! Thanks for sharing this.
  18. No, our Grey Dayo (male) will sometimes regurge for my wife. It has lessened over the years and has always been discourage by not responding to it and getting him to think about something else. When gone for hours as you describe, sometimes the first thing he will do is regurge upon sight of my wife. With a flock creature such as any bird, seperation is death to a bird or their mate. It is something deeply engrained in their mental functions to stay close at all times..
  19. Hi Brandon - I am an electronic engineer...... Wireless router in home output 100 times less RF than a Cell Phone. If you wish to get more worried about EMF, worry about them next electrical outlets and the internal wiring of your home inside walls close to your birds as well. Here are a few references. There has been a ton of studies on this over the last 20 years, http://hps.org/hpspublications/articles/wirelessnetworks.html http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=22&ved=0CDEQFjABOBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsfgov3.org%2Fftp%2Fuploadedfiles%2Fdtis%2Ftech_connect%2Fprocess%2FTropos_wi-fi_safety_statement1%2520.pdf&ei=Xt-rUZTXGcHJiwLdtYHwDA&usg=AFQjCNGyLuXZzu9XhyTAub3AA3Wq8qAD1A&sig2=3O1bVPeU5KXXGgh9DAdqTQ http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/06/18/finally-experts-admit-cellphones-are-a-carcinogen.aspx
  20. Welcome Tinkertonker and Bill! It's GreYt having you here. Thanks for sharing the photo of Bill with his best messy face.
  21. Reputation Rule Book: Click on the Reputation *, it will either let you give Reputation or not. If not, try again later.
  22. So sad to watch this happen once more yesterday and last night. Thoughts and prayers for all affected previously and now.
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