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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Man, what did Brutus drink last night? Nice shot, Dayo does the same when splashing around.
  2. Yes, just time and patience and the step up will come. At least he's nice about it. Some would rip some flesh.
  3. Congrats on the first word. There will be many more to follow over time.
  4. Thats interesting Kevin that she only seems to like and respond back to her own voice or perhaps sound affects. My Grey is just the opposite, if I play his videos he sits and seems very bored. But when I play another Grey speaking or whistling and even sound effects, Dayo will respond back. But my thought is, if it stimulates Sukei to respond, then continue to do so.
  5. Wow, wonderful outcome from such a horrifying event. Kudos to you for being relentless in your efforts and determination in finding her!
  6. It's those impromptu 30 second moments in time that build trust as you take them. Congrats on this and thanks for sharing it.
  7. When you become senile, you won't know it. - Bill Cosby
  8. Nice photos. Thanks for sharing them.
  9. Cute video. He is smart. He got your attention doing it and even succeeded in making it to the big screen for all the world to see him in action.
  10. Nice photos. He is coming along nicely it seems, as you continue to go slowly in building trust.
  11. Are you taking about me Ray??? I do this constantly!!!
  12. It is nice to see breeders and shops over there offering locally breed and hatched babies. Thanks for sharing this nice video. You could tell the young greys stood tall and proper while viewing the Macaw as an undignified buffoon.
  13. Not too long now, even though it will seem like eons before Saturday. So stay busy, do lots of lunges, squats, jumps up in the air like your going to perform a dunk shot and run 10 miles each morning to get ready for the new arrival. This will help time fly (tongue in cheek) faster. Oh and start cooking huge breakfasts early in the morning to get used to your new baby grey demands.
  14. Nice update Phoenix. Yes, you are learning very young that you really need to watch those doctors and their probes. They also do the Yuckiest things!!
  15. Aww, cute photo. I remember the wait for Dayo when we started visiting the breeder when he was just 6 weeks old. It seemed like an eternity before we could bring him home. I'll bet you are shocked at just how fast they grow. Each time you visit they are bigger.
  16. LOL! I know you are 100 % correct on that one. I kind of have a secret self serving wish for him to stay more needful. But, that wouldn't be the Dayo I love and look forward to seeing once again the brazen acts he is known for. I would never wish for any creatures "Spirit" to be broken.
  17. It's good to hear that the move to a different home for us and our birds is shedding light for you and hopefully for others. Other than bringing Dayo home from the breeders several years ago, this was the largest change he has ever experienced. Gilberts behavior does indeed sound identical to Dayo's when they need emotional support and assurance the "Flock" will guide them down the safe path.
  18. Cute video. Yes, it is better to remove the core/seeds.
  19. Awwww, how cute. I loved the photos!
  20. As he watched us move furnishings around to their final resting spot, he would occasionally say "There, that's better". His real-time navigation skills were not lacking at all. He spotted where things were that he recognzed and flew directly to them. There are times he will launch and fly a few times around the living room getting the aerial perspective or venture down the hallway a bit or kitchen and then return to his cage or T-Stand or Tree stand. He will not land on any spot in the kitchen yet. He will go and relax on my shoulder in the kitchen and I can see from my peripheral vision that he is still observing, mapping and deciding where there safe places are so he will not die. He has realized he can fly much higher with the vaulted ceilings in the living room and recognizes the skylights are windows and thus no accidental crashes in to them. I will say he seems very needful right now and first view of my wife peeking in his cage in the morning is an instantaneous regurge or if we have been outside and come back in he fly's to her and regurges instantly. I can only assume this is the deeply embedded instinctive knowledge that separation from the flock means certain death. He also makes a sound coming from the inside that is a very endearing one. It has been rarely heard by us over the years, but you know it is from a deep emotional feeling of relief and love.
  21. Sounds like a good trip and landing in your home with feeling safe in your care. I hope the naming process comes out peacefully with out any drama.
  22. Uh Oh, be careful Steve ... something really big and bad is coming soon.
  23. This is wonderful news. She is a beautiful girl and could not have found a better loving family to share her life with. Thanks for the update and photos. I look forward to many more!
  24. No clue why. I would suspect just some type of acknowledgment of hearing you? Good question, but only time may tell what it truly means. Greys are a life long study, at least so far with me and I mean individually. It takes months sometimes to figure out a certain body language like your describing may mean.
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