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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Wonderful photos of Shelby. She beautiful and obviously having a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing these.
  2. danmcq

    I want to cry

    It's good to hear she is interacting with you both like that again and becoming more like herself once again.
  3. Janet gave good comments in regards her TAG. As she indicated, getting a TAG is no guarantee they will be more social or enjoy children more compared to a CAG. Every Grey is an individual with it's own personality. My grey Dayo (CAG) loves children and adults so much that when they come to visit, I must ensure he stays off of those I know are just flat out fearful of him or don't want a possible poo left on them. Your situation at this time with the breeder changing their mind in regards the TAG you have a deposit on is a tough one. I know how it is when you think you have something and are anxiously awaiting the arrival day. My best advice is take a deep breath, realize this is a bump in the road and to wait until you can get a TAG. The reason I say this, is you have decided through research you feel a TAG is a better fit in your situation and if you went ahead just to quickly get any grey and wound up with a CAG you would have anxiety over the concern if it is going to be well socialized and not be a possible threat to your children or guests.
  4. danmcq

    Alfie says

    All I can say is..... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. LOL! You have got to get a video of this!!! Just Beep out the Cuss word.
  6. What an entertaining interlude by Piper. He is a little whistle box!
  7. Happy Hatch Day Josie!!!! Muuuaaawww
  8. LOL, I know that one well. You know, you see all these other "Workout" programs on TV advertised. We should start one "The African Grey Workout". They think standing in place and doing all the exercises is a good work out? Try having a flighted parrot you must not only do the deep knee bends, stretches, foot lifts, twists, arm pumps, jumping, running etc. while your moving trying desperately to keep up with a flighted 30MPH projectile moving up, down , banking, weaving and hovering as they move spot to spot ripping, tearing, throwing etc. and laughing and saying No No No No No all the way.
  9. LOL Ray. This is going to be a fun thread. Dayo does not even wait for me to start saying No. I can hear him as he is getting or doing something forbidden. I'll start hearing "No No No No No" and when I look, there he is busily at work on that item.
  10. danmcq


    LOL Janet, I know right? My wife always makes me be the "Bad Cop"...... But, that's ok, I love Dayo unconditionally and enjoy the 80 % shoulder riding, scratches and belly tickles that makes up for the occasional bite.
  11. danmcq


    Kevin, we all worry a lot. Years ago when Dayo my grey was around 6 months old he got a hold of a black ink pen. I hear the crack as the shell broke, look up and he has Black in on his beak, tongue and talon. Talk about freaking out. I was posting like a mad man on here for advice while holding Dayo down screaming his bloody head off while I washed and wiped the ink off of his beak and talons and tried my damnedest to keep the powerful beak pulled open to get it off the tongue.....Talk about a heart attack for me and of coarse Dayo because he thought I was killing him.
  12. She uses different voices as well? Very cool! Dayo is a one voice grey.... mine. Poor wife does know if it's me or Dayo talking. But in your case, it sounds like you could think two others in your household are having a conversion that makes no sense.
  13. Welcome Jane and Flock. I look forward to more posts and some photos when you get a chance.
  14. Welcome Toran. I look forward to hearing more from you.
  15. Welcome Gus and Flock! With your experience and writing style, your going to be a lot of joy and experience as a GreYt addition to this forum. I look for ward to seeing more posts and some photos or videos you may have to share as well. In regards bites, heck they are parrots! I still get the occasional bite as well, but in between the scratches, shoulder riding everywhere and even in occasional upside down belly tickle are worth the unexpected bite. To me anyway.
  16. Stephen - I really look forward to seeing that Video of Isaac asking to get out of the cage. I will try to get a new video of Dayo in a few days. We've been so busy here the last few weeks with trying to sell house and get ready to move it's just crazy.
  17. It is amazing! Thanks for adding to and updating this thread. It is so wonderful hearing of just how fast those words and sentences continue to exponentially grow once they start.
  18. danmcq


    Thanks Murfchick. Just a a quick question for you. Is there an "Un-concealer" since now I know these "concealers" exist, I would like to splash some un-concealer on my wife to see what she REALLY looks like!!
  19. Great post Steve. Seeing an avian specialist would certainly be the way to go. The falling off the perch is not a good sign. Did the vet say how calcium levels were? The reason I ask, is low levels can cause seizures and falling. I hope the zinc levels come back indicating a lower level. One thing you may try diet wise, would be to give him all the yogurt he would eat for a few days. This would help in clearing the digestive tract of any contaminants. Still hoping and prayer for the best.
  20. danmcq


    Kevin, that's good news and I have no doubt your relieved.
  21. danmcq


    Hi Nancy. I did not intend to slight you at all or offend. I was just being light hearted and making a joke. As I said in that short reply "coarse I am a man so what the hell would I know". In other words I know nothing of women's cosmetics. I apologize since you took it as offensive.
  22. danmcq


    It is a special potion that makes Tea Tree's invisible. Haven't you ever walked right into a Tea Tree and Bam, "What the Hell" and you feel around and sure enough it's a Tea Tree......coarse I am a man so what the hell would I know other than that obvious answer.
  23. danmcq


    Please get a photo of those pretty legs your grey will have in the morning.
  24. "He is hanging upside down and asking her to help him." I love this. Gilbert is becoming such a character and dropping the "Sentinel" character it seems day by day, as he finds the world outside filled with mean humans is no longer the threat it was in his previous life.
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