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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing them.
  2. Prayers for all there. It was a horrific event.
  3. Ok, I am going to have get some of this once we move. Thanks for bringing this up Julie. Would you possibly be able to whip up some food so we can try it before we buy it?
  4. Enjoy! http://www.today.com/video/today/51970049#51970049
  5. GreYt photos, thanks for sharing them.
  6. Very Nice! Never have seen one before, it is very beautiful.
  7. danmcq

    I want to cry

    I am so sorry to hear of the plucking increasing. The preen gland infection and skin crusting is no doubt irritating to her. I hope the avian vet has some good information on how to ease this until the infection and side affects subside.
  8. Judy is spot on in regards the regurge. It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job of rehoming Lola. Her progress in interaction with you certainly shows that after only 1 month. Kudos to you for all you have and will continue to do with and for her.
  9. This is very sad to read considering you just lost your previous grey months ago. Considering the tests and results you have already received, I know I cannot give any comments on this other than to advise you to continue down the path your avian vet has outlined. I hope the results from the tests your awaiting give them information to act upon that will not required an endoscope or kidney biopsy. I know it is a lot to put your grey through, but IF it is required to save his life, it must be done if need be. Hoping and praying for the best for your grey.
  10. Nice "Dry Run". I am so glad to hear it did not occur. These monster Tornado's have been terrifying!
  11. Awww, what a wonderful mental picture that paints fo Gilbert with talon held high in the air anxiously awaiting the stepup to your daughter. I have no doubt that walk across the floor with out fear is going to happen in the near future.
  12. It is wonderful reading of Gilberts sudden ramp-up of exploration and interaction with the huge world and people that exist outside of his cage. Wonderful news! Almost as the joy watching a human baby take their first step.
  13. LOl @ looking at the face. That cute look is just so inviting. When they are young they beak everything for texture, taste, hardness etc. That is how they test everything out. What they don't want they toss, what they like they either eat it, shred it or bash it around and watch you pick up the mess. BIG FUN!
  14. As others have said, we leave them with trusted family members to look after them (in our home) or take them with us.
  15. LOL, this pulled me in. Ray, if you get one that looks like John Lennon, please cut out, let it dry and I'll send you a paid return envelope to send back to me. BTW Ray - Funny thread of how you "kick it". I like your style!
  16. WOW, I never thought of using Mealworms for our greys. Great food tip! I used to feed those to my fish sometimes back when I had 200 gallon aquariums around the house and was breeding Black Lace Angels
  17. Indeed!!! We need to have a forum reunion of all us "Old Timers".
  18. I agree with you 100% Branden. Many of us here do not promote nor recommend a pellet diet. I personally and many others provide seed/nut mixes, fresh veggies, fruits, give a chicken thigh or drumstick bone, flax seed etc. just to name a few and put a few drips of Red Palm Oil on portions of it. The key I believe is to provide a bountiful and well rounded diet. It seems direct questions and answers are probably the best route to go for you since as you say there are many threads in this forum on pellets etc. that some members feel are a must in their situations and abilities to provide lots of manually prepared foods like we are discussing here.
  19. Good to have you back Julie, you've been missed!
  20. Nice! I love watching Puffins.
  21. Mmmmmmmm, does that come with Marinara or Alfredo sauce?
  22. Good post Ray. Oh Boy, sweating bullets here. I always just answer away and if it was not addressing what they really wanted to know, then I figure they will let me know. So I guess I need to make sure they had a question, made it clear as to what they were asking and if I answer, I need to know the question... wait a minute let me think about this, hmmm, lets see...I need to make sure they had a question, made it clear as to what they were asking and if I answer, I need to know the question ??? Ok, brain loop, I will need to respond to this better after several iterations of the above.
  23. Some greys love a bath, others avoid it at all costs. My grey has never liked a bath or misting since he was 6 weeks old. I believe he thinks he is melting like witch in the wizard of Oz. But, he has gotten misted with 100% Aloe juice (*pre-wet him with water mist) and offered pans of water etc. to bathe in at least 2 x a week regardless. Sometimes he will go for a splash on his own in a 12 inch pan for example and splash a little. I would recommend just putting a pie pan with water in it on a counter and splash your fingers around it to get him interested and see if he will give it a go on his own.
  24. Nice update. I am happy to hear things are progressing well with escher becoming more settled in and comfortable.
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