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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It is always disturbing to read and see stories like this. Unfortunately, it will continue as long as there is a market for them and countries do not ban the import of wild caught greys.
  2. I get the private message as well. It seems the security permissions changed on this video since first posted.
  3. Corky is one sharp cookie. It was fun watching all the action in this video.
  4. Wingy is spot on in regards busting those wing nuts loose and then sliding and angling that perch to get it out. Where you placed that cement perch on the out side looks great. Unless you already perchs you can run back to front for the two sides of the cage, do not move the existing perch going across. I would wait until you can get them in for him to traverse back and forth.
  5. I suspect (may be wrong) that perhaps the previous owner allowed him to sit just like that at night as well? If so, it is a habit you will need to work on changing. Also, let him scream his head off for food outside the cage and ignore it. Place his food in those bowls inside the cage and when he realizes your not going to hold a bowl for his highness, he will go in the cage to eat or go to sleep without food which won't kill him. I guarantee you he will go in that cage when he gets hungry enough. One thing I do see, is there are no perches in front of the bowls for him to easily sit and enjoy eating out of the bowls. Get some perches and place them along the cage in front of them. Move that long perch that presently crosses the middle of the cage way up say 14 to 16 inches from the top. They will always wish to perch in the highest location when kicking back and sleeping at night. It is instinctive for them to do so. This perch placed there may just well become the place he wishes to perch rather than the cage door that will then be lower. Also, get one of those nice twisted looking cement perches and mount it on the side of the door so when you open it, he will have that to perch on instead of the top of the cage door.
  6. Done! I really despise scams like this that harm others.
  7. It was not your imagination Dee. She needs a rest after all that combat with you in the new lands she is claiming as hers.
  8. GreYt idea! We can also then watch as Dee in her tactical gear tries to interact with Miss Gilbert. That should prove to be a viral live show.
  9. Very entertaining video! Sully is calibrating several words and sounds. Thanks for sharing this.
  10. Tonys a good looking cag. As the others said, let him get used to the new surroundings, people and sounds. He will venture out and request up close attention when he is ready. Congrats!
  11. Sorry to hear this. I hope your surgery and recovery go well. I understand your sick feeling of a decision made that you regret afterwards. Everyone human on this planet has done it many times, especially under duress and time constraints. Wishing you a quick recovering and your life returning to normal quickly.
  12. "I try not to equate a Greys intelligence to a humans, however I think they have an intelligence that we'll probably never fully understand." Well said Rick. The tiki hut is a perfect example. Thanks for sharing it.
  13. LOL, love that growl you and misty came up with. You two are a riot!
  14. "If you have had the patience to read this entire post, thank you for sharing my enthusiasm and delight in my later-life companion" No, thank you for sharing this last weeks journal with us. Most of us thrive on reading updates and news of others greys, just as most non-parrot owners thrive on reading or watching the morning and evening news editions. Inara is certainly "At Home" already it seems. GreYt job in helping her accomplish this!
  15. How very true! When we learn Parrotese, they respond and appreciate it and we gain interaction on a completely different level when that occurs.
  16. Loved the video of George. He is too cute! Thanks for sharing this.
  17. Your doing a good job in comforting Chloe and making her feel safe and at home with a "Good Pack" that she can run to and be consoled and protected by. We've been rescuing Dobermans for about 20 years. One of the last ones we had was interestingly named Chloe as well and she came in from a puppy mill raid. God knows how many puppies she provided to these deplorable breeders, but she no doubt was a perfect mother. She did not know anything really. Her best friend and safe place was her large crate. I suppose she felt safe and secure in a caged environment since that was what she was used to. We kept the crate in our bedroom for at least a year. She would always nap in it, run back to it when given a "Milk Bone" to consume it away from our other doberman. She would relax in it most the day as well. Oh, and I bought little stuffed furry toys for her all the time. her crate was full of them. She would take them outside on a rotation one at a time and lay them in the sun for getting some rays and their daily vitamin D. One by one she would go to the patio door and turn to stare at us to let her out. She would place the next baby and bring the other back in and return it to her crate.Leash training was a first challenge that took a long time. She was terrified of any loud noises like a hammer strike, fire cracker and yes thunder storms. She would go instantly to her crate and stay there and chill in her "Safe House". She did over time start preferring to relax sleeping with her head on my lap in the evenings when we watched tv etc. and love head scratches and petting. Leash training took forever and she was never really a great leash dog. But, bless her heart, she did as good as she could. Anyway, long story short is god knows what a rescue has really been through. So getting inside their head and truly understanding their fears and what works in comforting them takes a while. It sounds to me like your doing a great job of that and your Chloe is responding to it in a positive way. Bless you for taking in a rescue!
  18. "it's **the constant interaction we have that I believe has built our relationship so strong" Indeed it is. Thanks for sharing this glimpse in to it! GreYt post.
  19. The fats you listed from those foods are fine and actually essential in a greys diet. Greys are not affected by high good fat diets like some other parrot species are. They actually consume huge quantities of Red Palm fruit in the wild as a main staple. The key is, as you said are the good fats along with high vitamin A, E Omega's etc. content in them. Most of us purchase and add Red Palm Oil to our greys diets daily.
  20. Welcome Carrie. The others have given plenty of good advice and comments. It is wonderful to hear your taking in Baby so he stays with his "Family". I am certain your Grandmother is smiley as she see's Baby is being taken in by you. If you can, bring that T-Stand or perch with you as well. He will recognize it is a familiar and safe place to hang out. Also, any toys that are still in good shape in his cage as more familiar items. I look forward to hearing more from you.
  21. Welcome William and George. It's GreYt having you here. Thanks for posting this introduction here. I look forward to hearing more (on top of the other posts you've made) and seeng plenty of photos.
  22. I agree with Timbersmom. Since getting Nilah back in the cage in the mornings is so dramatic, just do not let her out. That is a much better solution than clipping her. I believe this is just a phase and it will pass over time. It's not like she doesn't cuddle with you and sit nicely on your shoulder, she does that. It's just the not wanting to be put back in the cage early morning when in her mind there are a ton of things she would rather do than sit confined in her cage. Dayo was like that just a few years ago. So the solution was if we knew we had to go some place in the morning, he was not let out. He would go in his cage at night no problem. So it reduces stress and frustration both on you and nilah by just leaving her in it. Thats a win - win in my book and is not neglecting her in any way. You can work on getting back in the cage on weekends maybe when you do don't need to be stressed out about going to work late etc. Your stressed, Nilah feels it, gets stressed and you two feed off each other and it keeps escalating. So as you work on this over time on days you can just casually get a step up and take her to the cage and place her in it. Do it say every 30 minutes to an hour. This will take time but it will get her used to a routine that she will just go back to the cage without a fight. After you've got her in, reward her with her special treat. Do not clip Nilah, you don't want to make me fly back there on a 911 trip to rescue her from this.
  23. danmcq

    New baby

    Thanks for the update and for being such an excellent parront by trying to get Luna in asap. I would love to see more photos and hear updates as you have time over the coming days.
  24. Oh boy, Ray your going to make me go out and get a zon now after watching this endearing video of you and cricket. What a sweetheart she is. Just wants to hang out wit Daddy. Thanks for sharing this. Now that your rolling, I want to see many more.
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