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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It's the thought that counts. Thanks BaileyPapa. I looked their site over and it only lists dogs, cats, horses and small pets with no mention of birds at all. But, most communitites do have some type of emergency veterinarian clinics staffed during non business hours and weekends. How ever, most are not avian certified. It really pyas to have an avian vet you develop a relationship with and have emergency contact numbers for non office hours should a 911 occur. Most regular veterinarian offices really cannot handle an avian 911. They may try, but they really do not have the unique education and skills most the time treat our feathered friends as quickly and accurately as aboard certified avian vet.
  2. Don't know why the original link went not available. Thanks Dee! LOL Ray!
  3. Oh Jesus, this is a great coffee shop halloween shop setup. Enjoy!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlOxlSOr3_M
  4. Awww, Escher is a sweetheart. I loved the initial interaction of being coy by bobbing the head, swaying side to side and gently beaking your hand before letting you start giving scratches. Thanks for sharing this.
  5. Very cute. There is nothing more endearing than those scratch times. Thanks for sharing these.
  6. Grey Post on Inara's progress. She is doing wonderfully under your love and care. The photos are great and show a very brave grey that is not fearful at all it seems of the new digs or crazy seasonal items you place around her. Thanks for sharing this.
  7. You need to get something like one of those small child protective barriers you can place across that kitchen entry that has small enough openings your grey cannot get through. You cannot possibly stop you grey 100 percent of the time he is out. If your grey is flighted, then you need to hang some kind of hanging beads, entry curtains or something that goes from ceiling to floor so your grey cannot fly in there. Lastly, you really need to get rid of any poison in where in your house that your grey could get in to when you not looking at some time. It can happen in the blink of an eye. Please try to find other non-toxic solutions to solve infestation issues.
  8. Welcome to our forum. The others have given very good input on this. Things said with gusto and emotion are picked up almost instantly by a grey as others have said. I would suggest using replacement sound a like words such as FUDGE! said with gusto when something bad happens for example. My grey picked up some foul words when our son and daughter in-law would come over and hang out at our home while we were at work and let their child swim in our pool outside. Needless to say I shocked the first time I strated hearing them come out. Anyway they were successfully replaced with sound a likes said with gusto like SHOOT!, GodDangit! etc. I will admit, once in a blue moon the others will come out. But, we normally don't hear them now for months at a time.
  9. Congrats on the verbal interaction. Escher is starting to come out of the closet.
  10. Oh, I did not mean to discontinue the rescue updates as she progresses. I just meant that it's time to start placing some posts in appropriate rooms, like the grey lounge of her video, cognizance examples as she leaps forward etc. Then add a link as well to read her continuing rescue story pointing to the living thread.
  11. I don't think you need to fear her. Maybe when she's out with you and HER man, you could have perhaps a favorite treat to offer her or even a foot toy she might enjoy playing with. Just keep them visible on your lap and let her come and get them. She is still very new to the home and new flock. As time progresses she will become more and more interactive with you also on a more personal level.
  12. It's really time to find a camera position that you can quickly hit the record button and get her in action on her walk abouts. I would love love to watch them and the longer the better! Oh and I think it's about time to get Miss Gilberts antics out of the rescue room and in the general population area of the forum now that she's out of solitary confinement!!!
  13. I normally find the best sale prices on amazon.com.
  14. Thanks for posting this kimkim. I have had an Air O Swiss for a few years now. It does work very well, but I do stock up on the filters and silver sticks when I find a good sale. The model you post looks like a good lower priced humidifier. The bottom line is, in my opinion if anyone does not yet have a humidifier or even more than one, they should. All our parrots come from high humidity areas and need it to keep them in tip top shape. It also helps keep that dander from floating around as much due to it soaking up the moisture in the air and making it fall sooner.
  15. Hi Inara, just viewing your profile and sending a friend request. :)


    - Dan

  16. I love this story of Miss Gilbert closing her door and controlling her cage environment during the day. She is so smart and it seems like she is realizing more and more each day that she truly does have control she has probably never experienced in her life. The verbalizing this morning is also a good indicator that she is relaxed and really opening up. The progress of late seems to be exponentially increasing week by week so far. All I can say, is she was in a very dark place mentally that it took a long time to see the light and trust enough to walk forward in to it.
  17. The others gave good comments on a grey choosing their new mate. They will always seek the "Chosen one" when they lose their previous mate. You husband has become the chosen one. You said "I want us to be friends.". I don't want to really anthropomorphize, but you can be friends and from your description of how she came over on her own and interacted with you, you are. But, just like us humans who have mates and friends, most the time we only snuggle up and have up close and personal relationships with our mates. Friends are great to have and we enjoy their company, but we do not welcome snuggling, kisses, petting etc. That is reserved for our love muffin.
  18. It sounds like a routine that Gracie enjoys and considers it an integral part of it. Thus her staying in the cage and wanting her water changed to me. Dayo is used to a morning routine as well. When it gets out of order every once in a while you can tell it bugs him because he acts differently, looks puzzled and starts asking questions and making requests. I don't know what it is about water, but dayo likes hot water each morning which we give him. He also acts like he is going to bite sometimes while getting the bowl out, but does not. He will sit and wait for that hot water if the routine is not followed precisely and ask for hot water.
  19. The beak is normal for an adult grey. The beak constantly grows and as it does the line you see is from pieces of old beak chipping off. Plucking is not apparent in this photo either. It is the time of year they start molting out feathers,
  20. " It is lovely to see her move around and especially to see her getting a little playful with the stainless steel measuring spoons and a few of the hanging toys. Life is good with Miss Gilbert." Isn't amazing how fast this has transpired over the last few months? I am so happy for you and Miss Gilbert. The description of her cleaning house and her thoughts on the bath offer were GreYt reading.
  21. My grey and conure both show the following interest levels in various toys: Wooden - Most interest and time spent chewing on them Bells - Medium level interest. They love bashing them around several times a day. Leather - Medium level I tie knots in 1/4 inch 12 inch long strips. They just love untying those knots! Plastic - Least level of interest - Theybeak them some then go chew wood
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