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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. The name "Cameroon" is simply associated with the area the grey comes from. Greys captured in that area tend to be larger and lighter in color. Congo's further inland are a little darker and slightly smaller iin size for the most part. It is not a subspecies, it is a congo grey. The only subspecies is the Timneh grey. Yes, some sellers try to make more money on the cameroon area greys as if they are any better or different than a smaller grey. It is almost like claiming humans with different skin colors, height and weight are subspecies... ridiculous!
  2. That is a good question. I suppose it could induce nesting behavior and once sexually mature, perhaps an egg. I know the reason Dayo goes down to the box these days and starts digging and prettying up the join is he checks on my wife to see if she's watching. Once he knows he has her attention he will go completely inside, wait 10 or 20 seconds, pop his head out to check on her, perhaps cheep at her then scramble back in and wait. It is clearly obvious to me, that Dayo is wanting to get his love muffin in to his nest. Now out of the cage, sometimes he fly's down to the floor and explores. Sometimes he will grab the carpet and just start scratching like a mad man for a while. They do scratch dirt etc. in the wild when foraging and most birds do.
  3. danmcq


    LOL, I love this! I find this peculiarly interesting that she picked up on the key word "Occupied" in your phrase. Rather than "Sorry" or another word. It again underlines the impressive cognitive abilities of our greys. It shows a true form of deductive reasoning to come to that conclusion. Then use it correctly in response to your request. In fact, now she has set the standard for you. Just say "Occupied" from now on and leave out all the other dribble. Thanks for sharing this!
  4. It is pretty cool. Someone posted here last year about this. Thanks for bringing it up again.
  5. I guess I'll chime in here on this topic. I don't ever cuss at people on the phone and I try not to get too belligerent. I suppose the reason is, I do software engineering support from home and have users calling me all the time upset because they want something fixed, added or changed NOW!. The more pissed off they are and are cussing, the slower and less likely I will get their stuff done quickly, just because I'm fuming, holding it in and sometimes can barely talk because I would just love to reach through the phone and slap the Sh!t out of them. A few times I have come very close to telling them "You do know... I know where you live, right?" With that said, thats how Dayo learned both my and my wifes full name. Via phone calls and telling people what the first and last name is. He put two and two together pretty fast and just shocked us the first time he got impatient and came out with (((Dan McQuilliams))) ... I about fell on the floor from the eeriness of it. Like the devil calling you out! Well, I guess it could have been Almighty God trying to tell me something..
  6. It's Greyt to hear your in it to win it. Phoenix will be forever thankful for your loving care and devotion. Alex, Dr. Irene Pepperbergs grey had Aspergillus and over came it with the same treatments you describe. So it is certainly not a death sentence when caught early and treated. In fact, one Day Alex was left in the nebulizer chamber past the 10 minutes or so he had become used to and he started tapping on the door of the chamber yelling Pay Attention, Pay Attention One of the vet assistants walked by, heard Alex and let him out. Best wishes and prayers for Phoenix continuing.
  7. Dee - Brilliant!! I had not considered making lists of meal preferences and home furnishings I WANT! Boy, do I have a list in my head of what a home and menu should be like For Me, Me. Me I tell you !!! Thanks!!!
  8. All I can say is Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Thanks for the morning laugh.
  9. Pumpkins are a seasonal favorite of most. Ripping, shredding and eating those seeds. We buy the miniature pones and let the birds go to town. Those are GreYt photos and thanks for sharing this.
  10. Thats good to hear. So that is not an open wound exposing muscle tissue?
  11. What a wonderful update on how Inara is blossoming in your loving home. There is no doubt she is in love with you and her new home as you are with her. The cognizance abilities and quick word/phrases she has come up with are clear indication she has master the concepts of human language. I love the descriptors she uses for you, toys, swinging etc. Just to darn cute!
  12. HAH! I think all Parrots have a sixth sense. They KNOW the instant you get up even if it's around a corner, down the hallway to your bedroom. At least ours do. Also, if you don't get up when they think it's time, they will start calling for you. But, we are always normally up way before it's time for them to be. So no, I don't tiptoe or anything. If they ask to be uncovered at 4am I just quietly tell them it's still night-night time and they know that covers not coming off before 6am.
  13. LOL!!! Please video it yourself if you go to Walmart and Post it for the world to see. Oh and get some of those fake horrible teeth, maybe a long beard and wear some outlandish clothes. It would go viral!! Anyway, whats a few pairs of walmart sneakers between loved ones like our parrot buddies? They just want to help remove those shackles you have on your feet do you can fly!!
  14. Welcome Jovan and Poly! The photos of the cage and Poly are beautiful. What a story of them holding Poly hostage for a reward higher than offered, some people these days are unbelievable!!! I am looking forward to hearing more from you.
  15. Yeppers, way! Well getting that on video may be hard since it normally occurs when we are out of the room doing something, but I will certainly try.
  16. Oh jesus, you really need to get Piper back to the vet, open wound like shown with exposed muscle is very serious and susceptible to bacterial infection. I am hoping and praying for the best for Piper!
  17. Well Dayo calls me Daddy, my wife Mommy. If we don't answer in whatever time frame he thinks we should have, he will call me Dan McQuilliams and my wife Kim McQuilliams and then say "Where are you?" with strong bold pronunciation and loudness , which means you better answer!!!
  18. I almost forgot this. I got so wound up writing this, that I forgot the cover for my book. Yes folks, your worst nightmare come true. It's really me Dayo doing this and as you can see behind me. I am the secret "Other" admin lurking in the background of this forum. We greys have you humans wrapped around our talons. You should be afraid, very afraid. Now, back to my writing....
  19. Oh thank you Dee. You have some GreYt reasons to continue and things I had not really considered in regards children and things I had never dreamed of writing about like the Neck Pinch's. Thank god I have not received one of those that I can remember for a year or so now. He still talks about things at the old house and Dakota. But, the idea about Dakota is great. Dayo will be at how much she has grown over the last 9 months since their last visit. They are coming down for Thanksgiving. Dayo does try to get a few words in to her on the phone when we are talking to her. The first sight of her when she was a we baby lying and rolling around on the floor just mesmerized him and it was instant fixation on her from that day forward. Who knows, maybe he has seen the future and can't believe she will be his new home 15 or 20 years from now. Well thats stretching it. I don't think we will live that much longer, possible but I don't think so. Thanks for giving me more things to write about Dayo!!! Oh I do love the movie Paulie!!! Every bird owner should watch it!
  20. Wow, what a nice gift to a new grey owner! Heck, I may go get another grey just to get that cage! NOT!
  21. As Jeff asked, more information would help answer your question in more detail. I will say, most grey's have one favorite person and everyone else to a lesser degree and some people they just do not want to interact with at all. It takes time and patience to establish a good relationship with a grey, especially one that is 20 years old now. You need to first be able to read his body language as you ask to a step-up for example. If he wishes to, most will start raising a talon. If they fluff up and/or put their head down, they are not going to step-up and will bite if you try. It's best to start with offering a favorite treat carefully to ensure they go for that treat, not your fingers or hand. Here is a link to a topic of body language on this forum, please read it to understand what their body language means: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?109373-Body-language-most-frequently-seen
  22. Sorry to hear this happened. We all must check those Links each day to ensure they are tight. I use pliers to tighten mine. However, a parrot can still over time loosen them. Since the bleeding stopped immediately, as was suggested, just watch for infection and changes in eating and habits. If anything does change, the vet should be seen immediately.
  23. Hello Kortney and welcome to the forum, even though it is presently a serious event. I hope the endoscopy comes out with some positive news. The vet will give more thorough information and a plan afterwards. I hope you keep this updated so we and others will know as well. I hope to hear from you when you have the updated information.
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