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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. When young baby greys are not fledged properly to learn flight abilities and build those synaptic connections related to it and when they do reach a new home after a few years of being clipped and flightless. Flying in to walls is because they do not know how to turn quickly, slow down or hover. It takes them much longer to learn to fly properly and some will never achieve the flight abilities of birds that were allowed to fledge properly when young. As others have said, practice by having them fly short distances to you, the couch, a stand, cage etc. The more you get them to practice, the better they will become at flying.
  2. Happy Hatchday Talon!!! :) Thanks for sharing the first portions of bringing her home and the cuteness of it all in reflection. It made my heart pang for a baby grey again. But, then I came back to my senses!!!
  3. Welcome Marc and thanks for the intro and nicephotos of Pepper. He is a good looking Congo. Greys do have their mood swings, especially adult greys. As you described, some days they want more up close and personal attention and others they just want to chill, maybe play with toys or on stands etc. and do not really wish any hands on interaction. Congratulations on having from I can ascertain at this point, a perfectly normal grey. It sounds like you already have a good handle on reading his body language and know how to avoid a bite due to seeing it coming. One thing I do know from experience with my grey, is sometimes you can somehow slight them in their mind and they have an attitude for part of or all that day. Sometimes I must really think about what I or my wife may have done that caused it. Other days when he just wishes to chill, there is no reason other than he just wants to be in the area with us and that's all. I am positive others will chime in here to with comments on this.
  4. Oh poor babies. I look forward to the update after the vet visit.
  5. Miss Gilbert is starting to sound more and more like a normal grey to me. Her actions of driving off encroachers while she is getting to her highly coveted item to continue dismantling is normal. Dayo will do the same when we try to remove him from such area's and items he is hell bent on chewing and dismantling. Go GilGurrrllll!!! We place scary items Dayo is not used to in those area's. After a couple of weeks, we buy a new scary item. Speaking of which, I just picked up a bunch of small dog squeaky stuffed scary Halloween toys on sale at petsmart. The bowl slamming and throwing when put in cage and covered is what happens when put to bed pissed off. Especially with Miss Gilberts previous baggage from years past. I guess the plus side, is your getting responses and interactions now!!!
  6. Thanks for sharing this. They do keep us all entertained don't they.
  7. Welcome Muse and Flock. It's GreYt having you here and thanks for the intro. I look forward to hearing more from you.
  8. Nice post Jeff. There is no doubt they have fun and amuse themselves by toying with us when we are expecting an accurate response. The problem sometimes, is distinguishing for example on food items as we are making them a meal and describe what's going in it. If they start giving wrong answers, is it because they do not want some of the items we're using? Sometimes they will keep repeating items we are not using, then give them their food bowl we've prepared and they start tossing items because it's not what they wanted. They told us what they wanted and we ignored it. They function at a very high mental level as we all know. They joke, tease and also ignore us if they become bored with a new thing we're trying to teach them, as DR. Pepperberg noted. I learned long ago to only try teaching something new for around 2 minutes. Any longer, unless Dayo was still interested was wasted time and he would just start ignoring me. They are masters of changing the subject of conversation.
  9. Welcome Magnus and thanks for the intro. We look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  10. Welcome Muse. Why don't you introduce yourself by starting a new thread in this welcome room. It would be great to hear abouy you and your flock. We also love photos and videos.
  11. I am sticking this so we do not lose track of Dave's much appreciated information on Red Palm Oil.
  12. Yes, I drip in red palm oil on veggies, pieces of birdy bread etc. It is a staple of african greys in the wild. Dave is the one that brought up the need for red palm oil in the grey diet several years ago on this forum and those us reading his post on it started using it pretty much immediately. A main goal of every parrot owner should be to provide as close as possible to proved their parrot species the closest diet possible as in the wild. Each parrot species has evolved with food groups peculiar to there habit and foods available in abundant quantities. I tried funding the post(s) by Dave on this but could not. Hopefully he will chime in on this and give is very appreciated and respected summation on it. Here is a video of greys dining in the wild on red palm fruit: http://www.arkive.org/african-grey-parrot/psittacus-erithacus/video-08.html
  13. Congrats on the first words! Thanks for sharing this.
  14. GreYt post Dave! This is now a Sticky. It is too valuable to let get pushed down the threads out of members sight, especially new members thinking about getting a grey or other parrot.
  15. How interesting she is morphing her name. The flood gates are certainly opening. Thanks for sharing this. I can picture you beaming with happiness as you wrote this.
  16. danmcq


    No green. Only brown and you must shell and boil them to remove the Tannins. Otherwise it could potentially poison your grey. You also need to make certain there are no small holes indicating worms have entered etc. Once you have boiled them a couple of times and discarded the water, you can roast them if you wish.
  17. LOL! Cute story, thanks for sharing this.
  18. He's looking at that bag of BBQ Spare Ribs she is carrying in her right hand which is hidden.
  19. I mean come on, you just assume what we are snapping a photo of????
  20. Welcome CritterCrazy and thanks for the nice intro.
  21. A 150 year old bald Amazon in his last few years of life?
  22. Glad to hear you are back home and on the mend. You made an honest mistake and the primaries will regrow.
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