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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq

    Cracker update

    Sheile - It's GreYt to hear Cracker is getting back to normal. You take care and looking forward to hearing from you again when you get a chance. :-)
  2. Thanks for sharing that video Melissa. :-) It brought back a flood of memories from when we had our Mynah bird "one eyed jack" 25 years ago. They will imitate everything they hear and are a constant source of entertainment. It's too bad their life spans are only around 20-25 years or he would still be with us.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/02 15:52
  3. No favorite TV shows for Dayo. He loves movies on the HD big screen with dolby surround sound blasting. Once we go into the living room for the evening, the first thing out of his beak is "Wanna watch a Movie"?
  4. Cleo is not wasting any time in getting you trained well and ensuring you understand your position in this relationship. Thanks for sharing how well she is settling in. :-)
  5. Congratulations on a successful operation for feather removal! You are doing such a wonderful job of insuring Mali is well taken care of and getting all the needed treatments he needs. It is wonderful to hear of this kind of care being provided for a Grey that just needs lots of TLC from their family. :-) Karma to you!
  6. That is realy GreyT progress in such a short amount of time! It is truly heartwarming to hear of a rescued Grey like Gilbert blossoming under the care of such a kind and loving family. :-) Karma to you!
  7. Thats GreYt news David. Looking forward to seeing some photos of the beach visit. :woohoo:
  8. Happy Birthday Smokey!! Hope your dad gives you lots of treat and new toys!! :-) Thanks for posting this and stay in touch more often!!
  9. Welcome CaboWabo and the whole flock!! It's GreYt having you here. I'll bet you have a ton of stories and photos to share of your Zoo. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  10. Welcome Scenic and flock!! Nice having you here and thanks for sharing that photo. :-)
  11. You need to go SLOW and have a lot of patience for her to trust you. She Is not developing a habit right now, she is warning you, that you are in her space and that closeness is not welcome. You may need to let her out of the cage before cleaning to avoid the cage aggression your experiencing right now. During the day, sit next to the cage and talk to her, watch tv and offer a treat now and then. This will help the most in getting her settled in to her new surroundings and family. :-)
  12. Sudden death is not a high percentage risk you need to worry about. The few stories you do read on here are mostly from new owners, not knowing what to look for when they get their new grey and realize it's too late before the Grey falls over dead before they can get him to a vet or not long after getting there. It is normally due to an illness or infection that had been brewing for a while. Just ensure you read up on what to look for when selecting a Parrot, nares, eyes, feet, poop etc. Once you get them home always watch those things along with their weight.
  13. hahahahahahahah, what a smart birdy. That was a GreYt story. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  14. Congratulations on the GreYt progress in a short amount of time!! :-)
  15. The others gave great and accurate advice. It's all SLOW going and supervision at all times. You never know if they will put up with one another or not. My Grey and Conure put up with each other at a distance. Sometimes they are like the keystone stone cops flying around, dive bombing, screaming etc. I do have to watch them at all times though and have had to break them a part before someone lost a head or a talon. That little conure has the heart of a lion and has gotten to where he will not back down and fly away..... :-)
  16. Welcome maidmarion and Greys x 3!!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing all about those wonderful Greys you have. :-)
  17. Welcome Azzie and Kia!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  18. Congratulations on Darwins arrival at home!! He sounds wonderful and is obviously flourishing in his new forever home. :-) Thanks for the update, but you forgot the photos. ;-) :woohoo:
  19. Shading is one fine looking Grey. They grow so fast from hatching to weaned and fledging it is a wonderful sight to watch. :-) Thanks for posting this photo.
  20. danmcq


    Oh no Sheila, I am so sorry to hear this. When Dayo had the Dog incident and flew into the wall at high velocity escape speed, he was out of it for 4 days, if you remember that. He did not make a peep, eyes were constantly pinned for 2 days, would growl at me if I approached etc. He had a knot on top of his head and the swelling went down to his eyes as well. How does Cracker look in regards the eyes, are they constantly pinned? Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know that sick feeling very well. It is as if your child is laying in an ICU ward and all you can to is watch, pray and cry. Please keep us updated.
  21. Welcome Britt, Sam and flock!! Sam is a mature Grey and knows what He wants and when he wants it. That covers all areas of getting in his cage, out of his cage, whether he wishes to be moved or not etc. They communicate this by biting. You will learn his body language soon and will have time to stop moving your hand towards him when you recognize his body language is telling you he is going to bite. Just step back, leave the cage door open and let him come out on his own. This is not a fear issue. The reason I say this, is because you said the previous owner had the same issue and had this Grey for Years.It is an issue of, perhaps he does not want to come out right then, possibly possessiveness of HIS Cage or he would rather let himself out. :-) It sounds like you have made GreYt progress in making him feel comfortable in your home and he is settling in quite nicely. The rest as all upto to time, patience and tons of love. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  22. Timnehmommi wrote: I don't know any Grey that does. ;-) She is certainly alert and cute in that photo. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  23. What a beautiful Grey Raphael is. Thanks for posting this photo. The others have given great advice on the amount of time out of cage and that it is normal for her to want to be with you at all times when your home and does not want to stay in the cage. It sounds like you have done a great job of getting her welcomed into your family and become great friends already. They will bite, as you say when they do not want to do something or be moved. Your aware of it now and will or already heave learned how to deal with it. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  24. Welcome neruda074 and Vegas!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Vegas is one fine looking Grey and it sounds like you are all already on the path of becoming one big happy flock. Thanks for posting the photo and looking forward to hearing more from you.
  25. Well it's about time you got those photos up here! ;-) What a beautful babt Grey you have there and cut as a button. :-) Thanks for sharing these.
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