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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Dayo wastes a ton of food also and would estimate 90 percent waste as well between thrown out or down. Some items he just will not eat at times others he will, which is normal for most. The bottom line is though, that fruit and veggies must be thrown out after a few hours and seed mixes and pellets with in 24 hours. It is painful to watch all that love out in to the preparation and $$$ just go down the drain. :pinch:
  2. Love the photos, especially where she appears to be doing pull-ups!! :-) Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos.
  3. qqsbad wrote: Your right, the Honeymoon is over for you. ;-) At 9 months old she is learning that she can somewhat control what she wants and when she wants it. She has chosen your wife as the favored and thus the decrease in privileges you have for the cuddle muffin stuff. The same happened to me when my Grey hit about 6 months old and we had him since 4 months old. he chose my wife. You will just need to watch her body language and eyes pinning carefully to know when your going to get bitten and just stop you froward hand movement. The only exception to this, is if you must get her to step up so you can place her back in her cage or move her away from an "Off Limits" area. She has to learn early that there will be times that it is not a debatable step-up. You will probably need to consistently go in with your hand in a fist and bent inwards to stretch the skin on the back of your hand tight so she can not bite and just push through slowly at her lower legs and say step-up. She will have no choice. She will quickly learn YOUR body language and know when it is non-negotiable. :-) Enjoy the privilege she still gives you of shoulder sitting and taking treats. :-)
  4. It is normal that they will find a perching spot they will always go to. His preferred spot will probably change with time. They do prefer to eat outside their cage when food is available and of course good company to hang out with. :-) The will consume most their food needed outside if it's needed and not touch the food in the cage unless you leave them in there for hours. They will also eat some at night and early morning sometimes while in their cage for night-night time and waiting for you to get them out in the morning. At his young age, he has many new pin feathers and thus the scratching and of course up close and personal scratches as well. Enjoy all these precious moments and get lots of photo's to reflect on once they turn into a mature Grey........ Damn Brats I tell you!!
  5. Entertaining video of Leto. They are so funny and cute when so young. Thanks for sharing that with us and let us know how your GF liked it. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/25 15:37
  6. Welcome Adam and Bismark!! It's Greyt having you here and to share in your excitement of such a wonderful surprise!! Thanks for sharing this moment. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing more photos. :-)
  7. Welcome Bobbbi's Gran and baby CAG!!! It's GreYt having you here. All kinds of critters are uses in therapy to help people, why not a Grey? :-) You'll just need to get her used to new environments and "People Friendly". This can be challenging with some Greys. You will only learn her personality as time progresses. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  8. Awwww, very cute photos. :-) Thanks for sharing them!!
  9. Welcome qqsbad and Rani and Cockatoo!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) The pose of Rani is very cute. Thanks for sharing it. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  10. LOL!! They do love paper in any form including important envelopes containing documents.... Thanks for the photos of this dastardly deed.... BIG FUN!! :-)
  11. Thanks for the update. :-) It's good to hear the Aloe helped. Most Greys do not like bath or spary bottles. I let mine bite the evil sprayer through the cage bars in between squirts. I think that lets him vent some of his anger at the whole bathing process.
  12. Welcome Jay and Angel!! It's Greyt having you here and thanks for officially introducing yourself. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  13. Welcome Wendy and Ron!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  14. Fabulous photos of Ecko in flight!!! Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  15. I for one appreciate your openness about this incident. It serves as a good warning to anyone that thinks trimming nails or beaks is a simple job. It is difficult to control the bird properly in most cases if necessary and it has hazards as you mentioned. We also use a Dremel for our Greys nails for the same reason of self cauterization, in case the quick is accidently hit. But, we just knock the needle tips off the Talons to stop the skin punctures.:pinch: One note to all - The tip of a birds beak is VERY SENSITIVE and has several nerve endings in it.
  16. judygram wrote: Because we had to invent it. The women were cooking in the kitchen, we were sitting in our recliners drinking a "Bud" after a hard days work and the woman would not come and change the channel for us. :whistle: Therefore, we invented, we rule it. B)
  17. What a scary situation!! That looks like a lot of blood on your shirt. But, I have no clue how many cc's of blood the average CAG has. It is said, a study was done on Ducks and it was found they can lose 60 percent of their blood and survive versus a mammal can only lose 50 percent. I would never trim a birds beak unless it was overgrown and would have it done by a professional at the vets office so if something like this did happen, they would treat it on-scene immediately. I can only imagine how scared you were. Good job on keep your composure and acting swiftly!! :-)
  18. jessdecutie18 wrote: The answer to all 3 of your questions is Yes! :-)
  19. Well congratulations to Jasper on being a Boy!! Looking forward to hearing Charlie's DNA results. :-)
  20. Climbing around the cage exploring is a good thing. It is exercise and also an indication angel is getting used to her new cage. When does she make the "Odd noise"? Is it at you or perhaps at a toy in her cage?
  21. GreYt update on Jim!! He is making very good progress. That Spock is very sneaky, he landed on your head to perform a "Mind Meld" and convince you that Jim is not nearly as intelligent as a Vulcan. I love the "BOP" sound and nose touch Jim does in response to the "Gimmee a Kiss".!! I always enjoy your updates. :-)
  22. Congratulations Lee on Cocoa's official acceptance of you!! GreYt job. :-)
  23. LOL - Well, you do know all us "Guys" like to control the remote. Thanks for sharing this morning smile!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/24 16:19
  24. Welcome Enzo!!! You should have fresh food and water in your Greys cage at all times. Even if your Grey growls when your changing it out, you need to perform that function, then sit next to the cage or in a proximity where your grey is no longer growling. It should not be too long and it will start becoming used to the new people and surroundings. :-)
  25. Thats good progress!! Yes, please do keep us updated. :-)
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