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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations on the new Hanhs Macaw!! Just time and patience Jooles, Argyle is getting used to his new surroundings and flock. :-) They are wonderful and normally VERY friendly birds. I had one fly straight over to me one day and use my nose as a perch!! :pinch: Of course, I promptly had him step onto my finger. They love attention. :-) Hey, what happened to the photos???????
  2. Congratulations on Joe's homecoming!!! :-) As others have said on the children. I would keep the hands and fingers out of the mix. All birds "Feel" everything with their beaks. The tonguing and light beaking is normal. However, as others indicated. This is the time to start differentiating between a good beaking and a hard beaking. If the beaking starts becoming harder, replace the finger by offering a wood block or other toy they are more than welcome to bite hrad on and tear up. They will get the idea fairly quickly. The other option is to just stop the beaking altogether by removing your finger or hand the instant it starts.
  3. Welcome Abbey and Buddy!! It's GreYt having you here and thanks for writing such a nice introduction. :-) It sounds like things are progressing very nicely with the reuniting. Looking forward to hearing more updates and seeing those photos.
  4. Stazel sounds like a wonderful Grey!! I love the photos and update on her. :-) #1 Feed her whatever pellets she eats the best. You can call and get samples sent from some of the manufactures. Also, mixing pellets together or offering different types on different days is good to and mixes it up making it a little more exciting for them in the food department. Also try some of the "Spicy" pellets which they like also. #2 I bath Dayo with water first to get him wet all over. Then I spray him with 100 percent Aloe Juice full strength to help his skin become supple and less itchy. I do all this in his cage. he hates water and thee cage is the only place I have him trapped. :-)
  5. Yoshi is perfectly normal in the broad range of Grey personalities and also due to being so young. Like Chars Grey Whisper, Dayo was also VERY quite and laid back for the most part. One thing on Yoshi still enjoying hand feeding, some will continue to enjoy it forever. There is absolutely nothing wrong with providing it and does not indicate your Grey is not weaned. IN fact, just the statement of all the foods Yoshi is eating, indicates he or she is in fact fully weaned. The Robotic vacuum I am sure is a scary sight for bird or any other critter. It's just not natural..... Can't wait to hear the DNA results!! :-)
  6. lovethatgrey wrote: Hahahahahahahaha, I love it!!! They sure do like HIGHLY and EMOTIONALLY heard and seen emotions. :-)
  7. GreYt photo!! They do love those large chicken bones, especially the marrow. Speaking of chicken, I'm getting hungry. :-) How does anyone know fruit and veggies don't have a face? We just don't recognize it. They have recorded plants screaming when picked, trimmed etc. .... So I have become an Oxygenarian and survive off breathing alone. Talk about rapid weight loss....
  8. The Aviator Harness is by far the best. It also comes with a good DVD giving terrific instructions on introducing it to your bird. You can also do a search on this forum and find a lot of good posts regarding this topic. :-)
  9. LOL!! Well, who isn't leery of a Blood Sucker?? Just assure Ecko that he does not have enough Blood to be a target for your poster love-muffin Vampire. Tell Ecko if anyone WANTS to get "Bitten", it's you.
  10. Birds "Nip" when they feel uncomfortable, jealous or threatened to get their partner to move away from the perceived threat. They do this in the wild as well. There is no way to resolve this 100 percent, however you can try to lessen it. I have had the same issue at times with our grey, conure and even dobermans that become jealous. My wife and I try to nip this in the bud the instant we realize it is starting to happen. Please Note: What I am describing, is any pet that is already used to all the members of a household, is there on a daily basis and has interacted daily with the pet(s). This does not include people that come over and visit occasionally or has not interacted a lot with the pets. What we do is hug, kiss and talk happily together, with the pets close and watching. Then once they accept it with no displayed aggression, we bring them into the mix for a "Group Hug" and include them in the lovey dovey session and afterwards reward them individually with praise and treats. This has worked for us.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/01 15:31
  11. Welcome Teri and the whole flock!! Wow, what a zoo you have!! :-) It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more, seeing photos and videos of all the action taking place there.
  12. Awwww, I hope you can get some videos of the little poop squirter in flight.
  13. Congratulations!!! Looking forward to seeing the photos. :-)
  14. Welcome Dan!! Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  15. Welcome dmarie!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) One will be enough, especially if you spend plenty of time with it. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  16. Ok, I'm going to answer a few of your suppositions. #1 - We did not take the birds out of their natural habitat. They were bred in captivity and needed a loving home. #2 A fully flighted bird has a much better chance of surviving than a clipped bird. A clipped bird can not fly down, get a drink of water, find food, find shelter from a cold storm etc.. A clipped bird can not escape a cat in a tree trying to eat it at night. A fully flighted bird is much more apt to be found than a clipped bird, by simply flying down to a human, which they wil be drawn to for help. It may not be returned to it's owner, but it's chances of survival are much higher than a clipped birds. #3 People with flighted birds, for the most part DO NOT keep their birds locked up. They take their birds out on harnesses, in bird packs and some free flight them after a lot of training. Most people with flighted birds are more apt to take them out, than people with non-flighted birds. #4 We did not tame, feed etc. our birds from chicks. The breeders did. We did not cripple them at all. Any critter born and raised in captivity does not have the learned skills to survive, for the most part in the wild. However, I will say, any critter that has all the FULLY FUNCTIONAL physical attributes they are born with and have the instincts to use. Will be much more likely to survive in the wild if it escapes. #5 I agree, NO ONE should tell you, that you should not have a Grey, simply because you are choosing to clip. There are many members here who do clip their birds. love them very much and provide wonderful homes to them. :-) Please do not feel like we are all attacking you, when I believe you are only referencing perhaps one or two that responded. :-) Our biggest concern and purpose for being on this forum is to help people who have becone owners of Greys and other birds. Driving anyone away due to differences in opinion would be a direct opposite of this forums purpose.
  17. Oh they are adorable!! Thanks for the photos of them growing so fast. :-)
  18. Hahahahahahahaha. Darwin is quite a character. The symbiotic relationship she is building with Apollo just shows her high intelligence. :-) Thanks for sharing this update on Darwin.
  19. GreYt update on Spock and other flock members. :-) Spock, a Vulcan's Brain is so far advanced from mere humans and of course your logic. Tells you not to utter a word until you have it right. They just don't hear your very low Vulcan practicing and calibrating going on. Jim will be shocked, when he realises it is not a mind meld he is hearing, but actual spoken words. The average for Vulcan's first words is around 1 year. So your right on par. :-)
  20. Yes, small amounts are the key operating words in your sentence regarding dairy products. My Parrots eat Cheese, Yogurt (for good bacteria), sip of milk, taste of ice cream etc. The key words are and I must UNDERSCORE them are SMALL AMOUNT.
  21. #1 Do as Judy said. #2 Stop the game and anyone from using that word. #3 Replace it with "Fudge". IN other words, if something goes wrong, bad, upsetting etc. say "Fudge". I had a problem with two words close to God-Dangit and Shoot. My son and family come over sometimes and used those words often...which they know are NOT to be used in this house.
  22. Oh what a beautiful little Mynah he is becoming. Those photo's are all so cute. :-) Thanks for the contiued updates, I just can't get enough!!
  23. All I can say is "What is the Mans address"!!! ....:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  24. Leia, Just to make my post clear. I am not judging you, nor am I angry at you. :-) My statements are solely my thoughts and feelings on this topic as a whole. I certainly hope you did not take it as directed personally at you.
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