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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Nice update and totally enjoyed it. Keep them coming! :-)
  2. Welcome Katy and Dusty! It sounds like you have much o share with us as well. Looking forward to hearin gmore and seeing photos and videos when you have a chance. :-)
  3. Welcome DrTak and Lulu! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chance. :-)
  4. Awww, thanks Lyn!

  5. Well, you could ship him over here Jill. I am used to getting bitten, so letting him out would be no worries for me.
  6. I guess taking him with you is out? You won't know how he will handle being cage bound for 2 weeks until...he is. I am positive your parents will do their best to keep him as entertained as possible. :-)
  7. Happy Hatchday Nilah!!!! Here's a keyboard for you to wreak havoc on.
  8. danmcq

    Palm Nuts!

    Yep, queen palm. I get them fresh cutting right out of the trees here in california from neighbors. Dayo and jake likes eating them. But, they are not the same oil content as the red palms. I have been hoping red palm nuts would be imported here too, but no such luck.
  9. YOu must be going potty a lot Jill from all the water percentage of those cucumbers. Why not, just not eat.
  10. Alfie is truly picking up both your voices very well. What a sweetheart! :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  11. I won't blow on Dayo, he would probably fly right into my face and clamp down on my nose. He is just too damn fast and looks for a good reason in his mind that I should be punished. But, he did take a good bath Sunday and as he was sitting up preening I looked at his breast area. It was drenched and I too was shocked at the bald spots. But, he has been molting those size feathers like rain drops for the last 2 weeks. So I suspect it is from that. I did see quite a few pins about a quarter inch long coming in.
  12. The others gave GreYt advice. Your on the right track by either misting or showering him in a cage. Thats the only way we can bath Dayo as well. Most Greys abhor water, unless they enter it themselves. About 2x a month, dayo will jump in a large dog bowl (Sanitized) and get himself wet down to the skin, He only opens those feathers up when it's his idea. Any other time, the flaps are all down tight against the body.
  13. What at GreYT story to read in the morning. :-) Joey is really getting the hang of flight. Spock, well he is just too damn smart trying to fake Jay out like that! Thanks for sharing this.
  14. We are all very "Lucky" to have such active Forum members as you Jill!!! :-) The year has passed by quickly and I have always enjoyed your posts of humor, mutiny, wackiness and of course you just being you. Iron sharpens Iron, and I must say you have kept us all sharp enough to slice paper. :-) Don't ever change!!!
  15. What a wonderful post on the Red Lored Amazon. Thanks for the summary, photos and links for more information. :-)
  16. Holy Cow, you guys are embarrassing me now. :-) Thanks for your kind words! Judy - We have had a lot of fun over the last 3 years here. :-) Thanks for posting this. :-)
  17. Welcome Malikah and Kito!! It's GreYt having you here and thanks for such a nice introduction. Kito sounds like a healthy young strapping Grey learning many skills and having new encounters with toys. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos and videos when you get a chance. :-)
  18. It sounds like you are taking all the right steps. Does Indy actually have a small bald spot now in that back area? Are you also misting with Aloe Juice? I don't know about others Greys right now, but Dayo has been molting out a ton of feathers over the last 2 weeks.
  19. Loved this! They do ramble the most when just sitting and not worried about a camera or your eyes focused on them. Sometimes it almost seems like they are playing back events and verbalizing them. Other times it seems like they are figuring out new sentence constructs they think makes sense or if they get a reaction out of you. I totally enjoyed listening to this. Emma did a "Good Job"!!! :-)
  20. JungleDreamz wrote: Yes, the Queen Palm fruit is fine. I feed them to my birds. Rinse the Palm fruit in a vinegar water solution and use a vegetable brush to take off anything residual on it. Then, freeze what you will not use with in a week. Your paranoia is well founded when it comes to feeding anything to your birds. I believe we are all that way. :-)
  21. Your list, seems fine. Just let Rainey's body language and vocalizing guide you in your coarse. The BIG player here, is He already knows and likes you. That is the biggest hurdle to get over when rehoming a Parrot. Most times, when any critter feels out of place in a new surrounding, they will cling to the familiar. Guess who that will be. :-) Looking forward to the homecoming, stories and tons of photos!!! :woohoo:
  22. Then I would suggest you continue your search for those photos or email the poster of the "Theory" and ask them. I doubt many here have time to search for you. :-)
  23. Hahahahaha, do you have a black eye now. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
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