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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. How cute! Yes, I find just about everything about these parrots adorable as well, other than bites.
  2. Dayo thanks you all. He can't wait for me to come home from San Jose so he can have a proper celebration I love that photo JJsHOney and Renate, I love your signature text and photo of your Amazon in flight.
  3. Beautiful photos All! Lyn - Thanks for pulling this thread up once again.
  4. It is indeed normal behaviour. Not only as a chick cleaning the nest, but they continue to do so through out their lives. Greys spend a lot of time on the ground scratching and foraging in the wild.
  5. Greywings is right. Many changes have taken place that affect your Grey directly. Only time, patience, lots of love and happy attitudes when approaching him will make him slowly to start feeling decure once agan in the new surroundings. It's sounds like you have a good handle on what you need to do and how to read your Greys body language after having been raised with him yourself, I suspect. I look forward to updates on this.
  6. Awww, how cute and yet interesting! It would be great to hear a recording of the two communicating. Thanks for sharing this.
  7. Welcome Cynthia and Flock! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos.
  8. I guess Dayo's fetish, is finger nail clippers and ink pens. Any time he see's one, the battle rages.
  9. They will ripen at room temperature. They will turn an orangish color. Once they are ripe, bag and freeze them or they will spoil quickly. I suspect thats why the supplier sent them to you green. Personally, I would not feed green palm fruit to my Grey. As I said in my other post, they contain nuerotoxins. If you watch birds in the wild, they never eat unripened fruit, including Palm Fruit. I have wtached several queen palms around my neighborhood and the birds feed on them when ripe. I feed my Grey 2 to 3 palm nuts 3x a week. I limit them due to the Red Palm Oil I mix in with his foods.
  10. Very sad news. You have my condolences. How old was your Grey, if you don't mind my asking? The only way to truly find the cause, would be to take your Grey to a vet and have a necropsy performed. Prayers and tears for you and your much loved Grey.
  11. They were indeed previously mod's. But, now in more rooms. Congratulations you two.
  12. Happy Hatchday Dayo. I may not be your cuddle muffin, but I still love you deeply for the joy you have brought into our lives. I remember the first time we met... Now look at you, thinking your all that and a bag of chips.... my avian rockstar. :cool:
  13. What a nice 17th week update and he is beautiful in those photos. One note on the RPO: Most do not like it straight up. Most of us have to mix a 1/4 teaspoon in with scrambled eggs, oatmeal, mash, birdy bread etc. so they don't know it's there. Thanks for the update!
  14. How cute, yet irritating I'm sure! Isn't something some else has always suddenly more attractive than one just laying around? Thanks fo rstarting this thread!
  15. Welcome, it's GreYt having you here. That new Grey sounds like it like the new room it is presently in. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos.
  16. danmcq


    A note on biting in the cage. Please remember they consider it THEIR home and safe place. Many become "Cage Aggressive". It's wonderful that you have intuitively noticed this and respect it by not entering their home unless asked.
  17. What tragic news. Any updates on sightings or pehaps being found?
  18. GreYt information on Strawberries and cleaning procedures.
  19. Thanks for the video and recap of his progress in your home. I could swear I heard him say something like calling a dog by the name of Cookie, here cookie? He certainly sounds happy in his new home. Thanks for sharing this.
  20. Nice update on Issac. Loved the photos of him and the weekly recap. :-)
  21. Please be sure to let those ripen before giving them to your Grey. The green fruits are neurotoxic to wild animals. They are ripe when when orange in color. The meat is all they do eat. Only a Macaw size bird could crack the pit open.
  22. GreYt topic and important things to consider, just as you do when preparing wills etc. for you human family and how things are to go. We are all very fragile and do not know when or how. It is always wise to thnik about this very uncomfortable topic a head of time and update your wishes as the change over time. I have no family members that I would trust to give Dayo a good and free life. They are too young and busy with their children presently. Believe it or not, I would prefer Dayo to go to an older family with one or both being at home so Dayo could have plenty of freedom and interaction. I do not want him cage bound 12 hours a day.....
  23. LOL! They are certainly opportunists!!! You will never get that natural instinct removed. But, you can try and squash it a little as you have done. Now Alfie must become very strategic in his "Moves".
  24. GreYt video! Emma is really becoming camera friendly. I loved the entire conversation she carried on. Red Bum-Bum is cute!
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