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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I love the Laughlin run and appreciate those photos Jay! Both the bikes and the babes were GreYt seeing.
  2. It was truly enjoyable to see and hear Emma vocalizing at the same time. :-) Good Job! ;-)
  3. LOL Dixie, we know you were while off camera you cutie!!! Love your slow dance Dixie, very appropriate the the music. :-) Thanks for sharing this Robin!
  4. Well thats answers my question on how long you've had Syd. :-) What an amazing Grey he must be! Is he flighted as well?
  5. Welcome Charles and Sid! Wow, I do believe you have the oldest Grey here. How long have you had him?
  6. Lyn - Chaucer was 2 when he did this.
  7. I wanted to share a story from the forum admin (Virginia B.) of aviancognitionforum@yahoo.com. It truly displays the mental processes taking place in the minds of our greys. They are constantly processing and building conclusions of what they observe and hear in our homes. I can not stress how important it is, that we all treat our Parrots with the utmost care in what we say and what we do. """Let me tell you about Chaucer's first use of the word 'bad', a good many years ago (8) now. Way back then (long before I had a proper appreciation for his ability to understand human language), I used 'good' in the ordinary way, and then, because I thought it would be easier for Chaucer to understand, I used 'NOT good' for the opposite, ALWAYS, instead of 'bad'. So whenever he did something unacceptable, I said "Not good" (and never 'bad'). Chaucer, therefore, had never heard the word 'bad' until one day our cat Zeus -- ordinarily the very sweetest of cats -- uncharacteristically swatted my leg with his claws, and I burst out, "Bad cat!" That was all! I said or did, nothing more. No repeats, no further incidents. And then, a week or so later, Zeus, who had a heart condition, died in my arms, and Chaucer was watching the whole time. And then, over the next 2 months, Chaucer began (excruciatingly, to my grieving ears) to talk about "Zeus dead", and he seemed to be trying to make sense of why this had happened... and he began to talk about "Zeus bad. Hurt Mama." Lord almighty! *I* had never said such a thing! That's not why dear Zeus kitty died! But that was the sense that Chaucer made of it... on the hearing, ONE TIME ONLY, of the word 'bad'. (Oh my, now I'm starting to grieve all over again.) I could tell this all at much greater length, in far greater detail, if anyone wants, but I'd have to look through my records (happy to do that, though).""" A note from Virginia, should anyone here wish to check out the group: "Hi Dan, I am always pleased when new people, who are interested in avian cognition, want to join ACF. But as you know, from the email I sent you, when you wanted to join, I really would like to know a little bit, even just a very little bit, about someone, before I approve their membership application. (That way, I hope to be able to keep out people who may want to use the list for their own purposes.) So if you know people who might want to join ACF, please tell them to include a little bit about their birds, or their interest in avian cognition, in their membership application. Thanks for any help you can give on that! Virginia B. & Chaucer (CAG) & Holly (Conure)"
  8. Big fun!! Should have posted photos of the babes, errrr I mean the bikes. ;-)
  9. Dave is spot on. There has been no change in our birds here at home or the birds at Mickaboo's rescue (50+). I will say though, I have seen more aggression in some of the mature birds since spring started, especially the Zons.
  10. Wow, beautiful photos of Sunshine and the scenery!! Thanks for sharing this.
  11. Thanks for sharing the story. Now that is true love, putting the needs of your loved one, ahead of your personal grief over having to release it to a home that can care for it as you no longer can. I would do the same for my grey and conure when I reach a point in life like that. It sounds like Kihei is very happy with the activities and flock surrounding her. Please continue the updates on her and how things are progressing. :-)
  12. Welcome blades1111!!! It's GreYt having you here. From the description of your background in Quakers and rescuing them. I suspect you already realize the issues and baggage that comes in varying degrees depending on the age of the bird and how it was perhaps mistreated. As the others indicated, the younger 1 year old would still be much more open to learning and changes than a fully mature grey. With that said, both need a loving forever home from a person that is willing to take one or the other in and work with it at the level it is comfortable with and build on it over time. I would imagine that having rescue experience, as I do also, you know whats involved. Jill asked the key question, what are you expecting and what do you want out of it? If you have rescue experience, I am sure you know that if you let a bird out and it will not step-up, the only way of getting it back in the cage is using a perch or toweling it. If the bird is flighted, which a bird left in a cage for a long period probably is, that will be a much bigger challenge, but not impossible with patience and gentleness at all costs so the bird does not experience any more stress than necessary. The hardest thing to control is your own frustration, which they sense instantly. In regards your question on the bird caged for "Years", it is already obviously used to it and would thrive wherever it goes as long as it is well cared for, in a room normally occupied by you and receives whatever attention it seems to desire. Even in this case, sometimes they come around after years of working with them. Looking forward to your further comments and questions.
  13. They do love their HOT chili's ! Love the photo and your right about not wanting a kiss for a while. :-)
  14. Awww, I miss those little baby pants with dropped wings. It is a natural behavior of all baby greys. Thanks for sharing this cute video.
  15. Wonderful first video Janet! I love her talking abilities and the GreYt way you have made that into a bird's paradise. Keep the videos coming.
  16. Very exciting news. When you see her lift the talon like that, say step-up. This confirms verbally that you recognize her apparent body language. It also lets her know you are going to follow through with offering your arm or hand. If she does not want to step up, you will see her drop her foot. She is obviously a very socialized grey. When you get a chance, it would be wonderful to hear her background that the previous owner shared wit you.
  17. Welcome and congratulations! Jay gave very good advice regarding feeding formula amount and schedule of a 6 week old Grey. Have you ever done this before? There are many things you need to be aware of in regards feeding a baby. If not followed closely, it could result very quickly in the death of the chick. Could you possibly post a photo of your Grey and provide a little more detail of how you are heating the formula, what type it is, what you are using i.e spoon or syringe etc.? Looking forward to hearing more from you and don't be shy on asking anything. We have many members here that are happy to help. :-) Please go to this nursery room link that explains feeding a baby chick: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?73409-Handfeeding-a-Baby-Grey .
  18. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! GreYt story!!
  19. Hahahaha, always love these fantastic videos of Emma! What a talkative girl she is.
  20. Looks like BIG FUN! Thanks for sharing this video of Pepper.
  21. I told you Harvey was no dunce! Thanks for sharing this exciting moment with us.
  22. GreYt video Janet! I totally loved it!
  23. Awwww, it may not seem like it, but Murphy is in love with Kate! The top of the head is what he thinks is the best landing spot. The regurgitation is the greatest honor a bird can show a mate by offering up highly valued food. Have Kate try to get her arm up for him to land on if she can before he gets to the head. If thats not possible, she should move her head as he is trying to land so he finds it to be an unsuitable perch. They learn good perching spots by trial and error at such a young age while learning their flight skills at the same time.
  24. It sounds like Kihei is actually doing very well in such a short amount of time. To be vocalizing and interacting with your daughter, your dog and son the way you describe is surprising to me, for a 16 year old grey just separated from a previous one-owner of 16 years. Ask all the questions you like and don't worry about posting updates every hour with photos. We thrive on following stories of re-homes such as this!!
  25. I have thought about the topic of this thread and can not figure out the most intelligent thing Dayo has said. But I do know the dumbest thing he has said right after biting me... "Are you ok?" My response: Hell no!!! :confused:
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