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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I agree with all the thoughts here. I think it is noble of all, who have the heartfelt desire to give their captive bird a wild existence. IT means that each appreciates deeply what they have, yet "Wishes" their bird could have been wild born and had the life nature intended. We can only do whats best for them now, that means letting them be flighted, feel like a part of the flock and allowed as much freedom as possible to explore and interact in our homes. They will never get over that "Feeling" that "Something" is missing, but they aren't sure what.... GreYt thread!
  2. Dayo just rambling about yesterday's goings on here...
  3. I would love to see some videos of Talon and Nilah. I agree with you that there does not seem to be as much study and data on amazons speech. It would be great to see that happen. On these lines, I would like to see more studies on all parrots.
  4. Most experts in the field all agree the Grey is capable of building the largest vocabulary and KNOW what it means. Dayo will be 3 on the 28th of this month... Dayo’s word and sentence, that I can think of at this time 4/20/2010 Almond Apple All Done All Gone Are you all right? Are you ok? Banana Banana Nut Bread Be careful Be right back Beak Rub Beat Box Bentley come here Bentley, go on! Bentley, come on Bentley Bentley, NO! Birdie Big Big Kiss Bone Broccoli Cantaloupe Cake Careful, Careful Dayo Carrot Call Chloe Cereal Cheese Chloe, come on Chloe Chloe, come on lets eat Coconut Cookie Coffee Come on Come on Jake Come on, lets eat Come on Bentley Come on Chloe Come on, lets eat Corn Corn, Ummmmmmmm num num num Crash! Cracker Crow Crystal Damn It! Dance Dayo loves mommy Dayo, Daaayyyoooo, Daylight comes and me wanna go home. Day, Da Da Day, Da Da Daaaaayyyyyoooooo… singing it. Doggy Drink of Water Dry my hands Eight Evil, Awwww Awwwww Awwwwww Five Fly Four God Dang it Get the Baby Get the Ball Get the Bell Get the Boing Get the Paper Get the Toy Get the Doggies a bone Get your Butt! Get some Juice Get some Chips Get some Cereal Go outside Good Boy Good Boy Dayo Good Flying! Good Job! Good Morning Good Morning Dayo Grape Grape, Ummmmmmm num num num Hahahahahahahahahahahaha Hello Hello, just a minute Hello, Yeah, uh huh, yep…. Hi Hot Hot Water I like that I love Dayo I love you I see you I’ll be right back I’m Sorry I’m on the Computer I’m in the Computer Ice Cream Ummmmmmmm It’s Hot Dayo It’s ok Jake Jake Jake No Jake, it’s ok Juice Just a second Just wait Kiss Kisses Gimme Kiss Laughing Hahahahahahahahahaha Lasagna Lets eat Lets feed the dogs Lets get a bone Lets get some cereal Lets go night night Lets make a Sandwich Lets make coffee Lets get some Chips Lets take a bath Lets take a shower Lets Vacuum Lets get some juice Lets go watch TV Lets go watch a movie Lets Vacuum Like That? Mommies in the Garage Mommies outside Mommies in the Brdroom Mommy loves Dayo Mommy Vacuums Night Night Night Jake Nine Nine One One No No Bite No! Ok One Open the door Ooooooaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh uuuuuuooooooohhhhhhhhh, Yawn Paper Peanut Peanut Butter Peeka, Peeka, Peeka Boo Peeka, Peeka, Peeka Boo, I see You Peekaboo Peel the Potatoes Potato Pretty Boy Pretty Cool Put my Shoes on Let me go put my shoes on Saaaweet Sandwich Scratches See ya later Seven Sing Shoot! Sorry Sorry Jake Sorry Chloe Six Sneeze Stay Stay There Soup Lets get some soup Step up Sweet Ten Thank You That’s better There, that’s better There’s Mommy Three Tickle Tickle, Tickle, Tickle Toy Turn the light on Turn the Water off Turn the Water on Two Uh Oh Vacuum Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum Wait, it’s too hot Walnut Wanna Almond Wanna Beak Rub Wanna Cracker Wanna go outside Wanna go to bed Wanna go for a walk Wanna go night night Jake? Wanna Kiss Wanna see outside Wanna take a bath Wanna Vacuum Wanna watch a movie Wanna watch TV Wanna Tickle Want Out Want some Apple Want some Juice Wash my hands Wash the bowls Wash mty hands Watch Out! Water Want some water Want a cracker What a Pretty Bird What are you doing? Where did He Go Where did Kim Go Where did Mommy Go Where did Mommy Go Where’s Bentley Wheres Jake Whistle Whoa! Whoops Whoops, I sneezed Wipe the beak Wooooo Wooo Hooo Wow! Yeah, good flying Yeah, I like that Yeeeaaaahhh Yes I do You walk like a duck Your such a good boy! You like that? Zero
  5. What great glimpses into the lives of a few of your parrots Jay. Thanks for sharing this "Speck" of what I am positive goes on each day.
  6. Now that we know a budgie can do so well... I now question Dayo's intelligence. This last week, I have been rolling the birds outside for baths and viewing the great scenery. We have a crows nest about 75 feet away in the top of a 100 foot pine tree. So, every time the Crows fly over, I say "See the Crows?", "Lets go see the Crows" (When were in the house. Our next door neighbors have little yapping heel snipping dogs that run back and forth along the fence and like to get our Dobies to play fence bark your head-off games. So I tell Dayo, Doggie..woof-woof. Now, why I question Dayo's intelligence..... He says "See the Crow?" Then he says "Woof Woof"...... :confused:
  7. No debates. ;-) Check out this little amazing guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xNSTwAPK0k&feature=player_embedded#!
  8. Very cute story. Peek-a-Boo was one of the first games Dayo picked up and he still loves playing it.
  9. Issac is changing rapidly almost daily from your weekly posts. They are inquisitive and like to be involved and try to help out in their own way, be helping you sherd something, give little and gentle nips to encourage you onwards and of course vocalize with glee during all the hustle-bustle. These weekly updates are GreYt! :-)
  10. They do know how to get our attention don't they. GreYt topic! Well, you asked for it... :-) Here is a link to "Dayo" writing a book from his perspective: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?160392-Dayo-Writing-a-Book-for-his-future
  11. Well Jill, someone has to break this to you.... All flights and aviating around over there are presently canceled. Thus, Harvey has no choice right now, due to having to "Cool" his jets. Enjoy! For a while.
  12. LOL!!! Well Happy Birthday and a Merry Christmas to all along with you Alfie. :-) Might as well cover them all while we're thinking about it. That way no one can be upset and say we didn't wish them one. Thats covering your Tail Feathers!
  13. GreYt rescue story Jay! :_) Joey has certainly blossomed under your wonderful care.
  14. What a pretty CAG! Loved all the photos. YOU might try checking out different African dialect names and their meaning... Thats how wound up maiming our Grey Dayo...meaning "Joy has arrived". :-)
  15. Welcome Jeanna and "My name is Nobody"!! It's GreYt having you here. Now I am going to go check out the Nursery! :-)
  16. Congratulations! Rene sounds like a real character. The "High" never ends.... :-)
  17. LOL! Next he will take you to a jewelry store just to look at those large rocks you've always dreamed of. Just thought you'd like to go look.
  18. Dusty gave a great, in a nutshell overview. They imitate sounds perfectly by calibrating until they have each nuance of the sound they are producing down to matching perfectly. Greys are the Kings of speech and sound perfection, along with having the largest vocabulary of all parrots. Amazons are a close second.
  19. GreyT photos of them. I love seeing Greys interact at that level. Nothing like swapping food. Nice warm and ready to swallow. Thanks for sharing these photos. :-)
  20. Thats wonderful news! Actually, Spock may look a little gruffy at the moment, but once the molting is done and all those new feathers are fully in. I'll bet he will look right as rain. He doesn't seem to think he is in bad shape at all from the activities he is performing in watching over and ruling his kingdom. Live long and prosper Spock, you rock!!! :-)
  21. danmcq


    Our Grey is the same in his cage and on the playstands. You just need to become very familiar with his body language. Sometimes they will comply, other times they have decided it's not what they wish to do at the moment. I have just respected Dayo's wishes and let him stay where he is, unless I need to move him and then just insist he steps up and offer a hand area he can not get a good bite on, like the balled up back of the hand. Your grey is maturing and learning that he has his own wishes and area's that are primarily his and enforcing his will by the signs your seeing. :-)
  22. Loved this 3rd installment. Emma has a very large vocabulary and sounds just like you. Their vocal abilities are amazing, aren't they? :-)
  23. Very cute video of Pepper. Very entertaining and she has a good dance going on with it too. Perhaps you play this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAoxk3zRaxQ
  24. It looks like Charlie is in control of that seed, at least long enough to get those delectable sunflower seeds gobbled dwon before Cracker decides enough is enough. Very cute photo, thanks for sharing it. :-)
  25. GreYt update Spock. You appear to be looking good and "Full of it". YOU must be feeling much better, haven't heard any more about you not feeling well. Your cohort in world domination.....Dayo.
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