Yes, the terrible twos are REAL!
When A Grey takes on on a streak of repeating a word or phrase. There is nothing you can do about it. My Grey will do that more out of the cage than in it.
The way I stop him IF it becomes annoying (It normally does not, but thats us) I give him something else to do, like step up and come over to the couch, a cracker, nut etc. that keeps him busy for a while etc.
But, I guarantee you, once he is sitting and bored, he starts rolling out the sound, word or phrase of the day (sometimes several) over and over...
I know this does not answer you question regarding moving him or how to get him to stop. But it is my real world response of how I see Dayo vocalizing when he wants and my responses. I don't try to stop him, basically because it does not bother me... I normally have the sound blasting to a movie we're watching which overcomes his vocalizations. :-)