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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Awwww, what a beautiful moment. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  2. As others have said, Paco will be a chatter box once he gets done calibrating whatever he is working. I suspect he is practicing quite a bit while your not present. :-)
  3. Wow, Tobie is doing GreYt and nailing those targeted landings! It's so wonderful to see him mastering flight and gaining the confidence he displayed in this video. Thanks for posting it Jan! :-)
  4. Very touching videos, I loved them. Thanks for sharing them Brittany. :-)
  5. Totally Awesome Robin, I love it!!! :-)
  6. Yes, I built my own light fixtures and hung over each cage. They each contain 2 24" 36 watt Full Spectrum tubes outputting both UVA and UVB. It is a definite must have for winter months of in house time for birds. The calcium recommendation may be coming from your vet, due to blood tests? As long as your fids eat plenty of dark green veggies, almonds etc. they are getting plenty of calcium. Also, if you live in a hard water area, that is a source high in calcium as well unless filtered.
  7. I use the Pak-o-Bird with Dayo and it is GreYt! Unless your in 90+ weather for an extended time,She will be just fine. :-) Make sure you bird pack regardless of which you pruchase has water and food bowls, unless your only out for 30 minutes or so.
  8. Awwww, GreYt photos of Kopi. Thanks for getting and sending these. :-)
  9. It's so good to know you know have a definitive diagnosis and treatment under way! :-) GreYt job on persistence and determination to get Charlie the best care possible. Karma!
  10. What a wonderful update Robin! It's so good to see an example of the efforts you put into getting Beau healthy, happy and integrated into your flock. It sets a high standard for all to follow. :-) You should feel GreYt about the doctors comments! :-) Karma!!!
  11. Very cute. :-) The next phrase will soon be "Roobie, Roobie, Roo".
  12. I had the same issue with Dayo. A mineral block was in his cage for 6 months...untouched. I just took it out. Cheese is a good calcium source and most greys seems to cherish it. :-)
  13. Can't wait to hear how the homecoming went and seeing the photos. :-)
  14. LOL! Please do get photos of this. :-)
  15. GreYt viedos. I enjoyed the "Hello" on queue. :-)
  16. GreYt story! Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  17. Good topic Jay! Vitamin D only comes from a few times as you listed. The best and most reliable form, is of course sunshine. After that it is full spectrum "Avian" lighting and placed as recommended by the manufacturer due to their knowledge of the strength of UVB and UVA the tube or bulb produces. I use full spectrum lighting indoors 12 hours a day, in the winter. Spring and summer, the birds are rolled out in their cages and give a spritzing and full glorious sunshine for 2 to 4 hours depending on the heat...gets up to a 110 here in sunny California by mid afternoons. Vitamin supplements are marginal at best even in humans and are absorbed in the body in different percentages based on diet and items eaten with or just before the supplements. There is a ton of information on the Internet written by doctors and how sunlight is the best source of vitamin D and necessary for all life. Unfortunately now humans have become obsessed with no skin cancer and no wrinkles and are having low calcium levels and record high cancer rates due to vitamin deficiencies... You have to have Vitamin D for Calcium absorption in the human body as well. :-) Harrison's had a study done on their pellets and the Vitamin D levels measured. It can be found on their website. Some is absorbed, but the question is how much pellet did the bird eat and how effective was the outcome? Most birds will not eat enough pellets to get all they need. Personally, I worry more about vitamin A in my birds. I think they get plenty of calcium and D from natural sources. But, I always fret that they are not eating enough orange or yellow veggies, yams etc.
  18. Yes, the terrible twos are REAL! When A Grey takes on on a streak of repeating a word or phrase. There is nothing you can do about it. My Grey will do that more out of the cage than in it. The way I stop him IF it becomes annoying (It normally does not, but thats us) I give him something else to do, like step up and come over to the couch, a cracker, nut etc. that keeps him busy for a while etc. But, I guarantee you, once he is sitting and bored, he starts rolling out the sound, word or phrase of the day (sometimes several) over and over... I know this does not answer you question regarding moving him or how to get him to stop. But it is my real world response of how I see Dayo vocalizing when he wants and my responses. I don't try to stop him, basically because it does not bother me... I normally have the sound blasting to a movie we're watching which overcomes his vocalizations. :-)
  19. danmcq

    pellet brand

    Greywings is right. Most pellet manufacturers warn against any type of mineral or vitamin supplement. Veggies, nuts, some seeds, legumes etc. are the way to maintain a well rounded diet whether you are feeding pellets or not.
  20. Very scary event, I feel for you and Alfie! How is Alfie this morning?
  21. What a sad and tough situation. This is my greatest fear when we pass on and Dayo continues, perhaps for decades. Many people have no clue just how intelligent most critters are and treat them as just animals and birds that you feed (whatever) give some water and put up with them. I feel for you and that Grey. You've done a lot already and hopefully from an educational and caring stance you can get her to accept your good will and help in letting this Grey have the life, nutrition, medical care and freedom of living with the flock as a respected family member. Unfortunately, most people just really do not have a clue of the needs each and every critter on this planet needs if it is taken in to humans hands and care. If the lady caring for it now has financial problems, heck I'd be willing to help as much I can.... Please keep this post updated.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/03/30 16:13
  22. Great update on Kopi with photos. Kopi sounds like a wonderful Grey settling in very quickly. :-)
  23. LOL @ the photos. Hey, you always disarm a stranger first, then see if they want to be friends. GreYt photos and entertaining. Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  24. Congrats on MR. Pepper using your name! Also, loved the photos. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  25. I truly enjoy the weekly updates and photos. Issac is such a precious Grey. :-)
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