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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. The WPT is a wonderful organization and I fully support it. Thanks for sharing this David. :-)
  2. Cute photo and description of the first meeting. :-) The other Grey is a young chick and still a little submissive and looking for a free gurge. They may or may not ever have a friendly relationship and only time and many visits will determine that. GreYt blog. Thanks for sharing it with us. :-)
  3. Yep, the others all gave great advice. Leave it be for now. As Judy said, have flour or corn starch on standby, just in case.
  4. Thats wonderful news, congratulations!!! :-) Judy's link should help you in posting a photo.
  5. Dayo does not say the eating time-names. He asks for the appropriate food depending on time of day and what HE wants..... Breakfast - Let's get some cereal, lets make coffee (Hot water), lets make some toast, mmmmmmm Juice ... Lunch - Lets make a sandwich, lets make some soup, lets get some Peanut Butter.... Supper - Lets make Lasagna, Lets make Spaghetti, let get some Potatoes...... Evening desert - Lets get some Banana Nut Bread, lets get cookies, mmmmmmmmm Ice Cream.......<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/27 14:58
  6. What you describe is normal as Jooles stated. The temperature of both beak and talons varies.
  7. nims wrote: Dayo does not like being caged at all. He was a cuddle muffin much more often and for longer periods when he was 16 weeks to about 2 years old. He still cuddles with my wife, but it has become much less frequent and shorter time periods. He is becoming much more independent and whichever room we are in, he will sit on a tree stand or hanging play area and preen, look around or eat. They do always want to have the flock in sight and most the time want to be in the same area as the flock or their favorite person. Dayo will be 3 years old in a month and we see the "baby" slowly go away spec by spec and watch the independence grow which happens in all creations natural cycle of birth to death.
  8. Saw the "Shiny" spot, knew what it was, but didn't say anything to cause embarrassment. You can never clean them up as fast as they appear. Although we do all try to be "Instant cleaners". It's ok Jill, we were all focused on the treat and Harvey, not the shiny spot.......honest. GreYt photo by the way! :-)
  9. Elvenking wrote: I personally never view Dave's posts as arguments, nor to I view anyone elses posts that may be the opposite of my statements argumentative. Each persons perception, experience and environment is different depending on their experience with critters and life in general. What one person calls "LOve" may be another persons nightmare, depending on lifes experiences. Everything is relative to the instant in time a person is at. Atleast thats how I view things. :-)
  10. Dave007 wrote: As always Dave, your advice is spot on and all (me included) need to listen and heed it. Thanks for always giving us such good information based on decades of experience. :-)
  11. danmcq

    Broken back?

    How sweet and what a trooper with a positive attitude Vree has. Even if handicapped she is enjoying her life and your providing wonderful loving care. :-) Karma to you.
  12. How does anyone define "love"? It varies greatly even among humans in my opinion. Is it protecting your mate and family? Is it monogamy? (cheat, yet "Love" their mate) Is it feeling a loss when someone dies? Once you "Love" a person, do most move on after a morning and hurt period with their lives? We all use different weight and measures to quantify this english word "love". In Greek, there are many words for diffent types of "love". In english we love ice cream. soap operas, actors, our pets, etc. So, I'll leave you all with that thought. In my opinion, my critters one and all, love me at some level. Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/26 20:42<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/26 20:43
  13. What an interesting story Penny. Many people dismiss the idea that critters remember or miss people and previous homes. This story is a perfect example that they do in fact remember it ALL. I really dis-like people that think of critters as brainless with no feelings or memories and thus always tell people they won't miss or remember anything after a few days at the "new home". It's just bull crap and those critters will always have a place in the heart and memories of previous homes and owners. Thanks for sharing this!!! :-)
  14. I wanted to share a scientific article that addresses the importance of ensuring your bird or even human child for that matter experiences large doses of mental stimuli at very young ages. It will determine their "Abilities" in ALL areas for the rest of their lives.... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100217131128.htm
  15. Dave is spot on regarding cuttle bones, as he ALWAYS is. When breeding finches(30) for years, they would go through a cuddle bone in just a week when with eggs and after laying them. They needed the extra calcium and minerals. I have never had a "Parrot" that either ignored one completely or snapped it in pieces in one bite as Dave described. I have offered mineral blocks as Dave also suggested. They will occasionally chip away at them, but mine, not too often. They are also a much better choice for your Parrot as Dave described.
  16. We always transport Dayo in a carrier of one type or another depending on the length of the trip. Short trips of 15 to 20 minutes, he goes in the Pak-O-Bird. Longer trips he has a Larger carrier that is meant for a good sized cat. I drilled holes on the sides, mounted a perch, mounted water and food cups and put a soft rug like liner in the bottom cut to size. That larger carrier only cost me 39 bucks and a little time. You just never know what may happen on a trip that will freak out your bird or you may get hit by another car. I believe Dayo will be safer in a carrier strapped in with the seat belt than if loose sitting on a shoulder and flying into the windshield.
  17. Those are great modifications and I think actually enhance the look. :-) It sounds like during some of the wall and window fluttering down may have impacted the primaries you described. Once one broke, the other followed quickly do to a loss of support from the other feather. Tobie is certainly not afraid of learning flight, where good perches are and where perching is impossible. They all learn in the same way even when fledging as a young chick.
  18. Dave is spot on. Your grey is a baby and learning where a stable landing spot is, and will learn to avoid unstable spots. Our grey has always tried to land on heads from time to time in situations like you describe. The response by us both is once we know he is hovering down to the head, we simply move it back and forth and he continues to another perching area. But, every once in a while, he still tries it and gets the same results. Consistency is the key. Also, as Dave said, make sure you get him used to accepting your arm and hand as a good target perch as well.
  19. Nothing wrong with being alarmed at first and worried Brit. We all get that way at times. :-) I know how the second Banana position feels as well. But, even in that role, it is still a joy to have them in our lives! :-)
  20. The "Avian Lighting systems" do 2 things. 1. They produce UVB, which causes the production of vitamin D3. 2. They also produce a low level of UVA, which "Lights up" they world. Birds also see the UVA spectrum, that humans can not. It gives them more natural information about their environment visually that their optics and brains were made to process. It can also be used for determining "Bad" fruit for example by fluorescing the mold and other spots that we cannot see until it is very severe. I run dual tube, fluorescent fixtures over my parrots cages that I built myself and ordered special tubes that produce all the important light components and levels of UVA and UVB. They are also "Electronic" ballasts so there no "Flicker" like a standard fluorescent fixture comes with and irritates us and even more so birds, that see at much higher frames rates than we do. It would look like a strobe light to a bird. You can buy good fluorescent lights as Dave has in his "Sticky" that will work well for you. I run mine 12 hours a day. Note: It is a good idea to replace bulbs yearly. The UVA and UVB weaken as they are used.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/24 20:48
  21. What a wonderful break through with Indy. Very touching story of how it came to be and the grand finale' of the step up and out of cage with no problem. You must be besides yourself with pure elation. Congratulations!!! :-)
  22. LOL @ Jill and Jane!!!! Shame on you for denying your own chidren. :p :-)
  23. I believe I could pick Dayo out of a crowd. After a few minutes observing the white pattern around the eyes, the shade of Grey on wings (Dayos is darker) feather patterns of where he has damaged some playing hard (not molted out yet) and lastly IF he just said one word, noise or sound. I think we all KNOW our children's voice in a crowd of a thousand, and they know ours as well. :-)
  24. Wonderful update and photo Isaac. He is a beauty and it seems learning a few lessons on "Flock" etiquette. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  25. Yes, we waited for a grey to pick us. We visited the breeder each weekend, which had two clutches totalling 7 Greys. They were all 6 to 7 weeks old when we first started our weekly and sometimes daily visits. One of the Greys 001 (leg band) started going to my wife and me on week 8 everytime we showed up. A 2nd Grey 006 (leg band) started coming to my wife as well around week 10. 001 is Dayo, our beloved. 006, we brought home as well because we felt guilty not taking her which we named Leah. However, she only spent 24 hours and started losing a tremendous amount o weight and thus we returned her for further weaning. During the week with out Leah. It became VERY apparent that Dayo would take up all our time and attention and still have time to spend with our conure Jake as well. If possible, it is best to let the Grey chose you, if possible, in my opinion.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/23 21:35
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