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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. That is a great update. Holding weight, good appetite etc. :-) One note on PBFD, it is not always a death sentence, even if Rishi has it. It all depends on how strong their immune system is when they come down with it. Some make it through with relatively no signs they ever had it. Some suffer feather loss etc. and the worst is some die quickly, especially the very young chicks. All the positive thinking and prayers continue for you all.
  2. Please give us an update on what the vet says. The good news is he is holding his weight so far. Prayers and good karma are still going your way. :-)
  3. Cute video of Emma eating. I couldn't tell if that was a snow pea or a green bean. But, either one they do seem to love hem :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  4. Elvenking wrote: Well, offering cooked and uncooked veggies is a great way to see ho he prefers them. Also, they seem to each prefer chopped, unchopped (depending in size) etc. Try all different type of veggies to get a good idea of which he prefers and how he likes them prepared. This is the time, if your not already doing so, closely monitor his weight as the weaning process and diet changes to ensure plenty of food is being taken in. You will start seeing a drop in weight (which is natural instinct)as they automatically start eating less to lighten up for the all important "Fledging" process to make flight easier. He is a beautiful baby grey. I really miss those "Baby" days. Enjoy them while they last. :-)
  5. Fortunately, I peered into the future using Dayo's superior mental powers and saw my kidnapping and death by the "Corps". Thus I have avoided that. The future will change, but not in mans favor. The Greys will rule the world and set things right. All has been restored back to peace, harmony and ensuring the poisoning of our planet, foods and ultimately us and our wild kingdom for $$$ has been outlawed. The Greys rule the world from their rightful domain, the sky. Thus they can see all the happenings in a 360 degree panoramic view pattern, due to the superior placement of their eyes. They are kind rulers and grace us all with the glory of seeing them majestically soaring as bright silver objects in the sky with a fluorescent red tail shined on by the sun. When we see 1000's flying over we can only stop and stare in awe. They give a wink, a shout similar to a pterodactyl and let us know all is well.........
  6. danmcq

    Broken back?

    What a cute photo photo. :-) It is wonderful to hear that leg and talon operation are starting to take place. I wish the best to you both and hope that the health will return so you can indeed have vree perching on your hand once again. Thank you for keeping this updated.
  7. Harvey is defininately a bird that can take new things in stride. You are very fortuante and that is a GreYt looking stand! :-)
  8. Dave is spot on and so is Jill. Even a love muffin bird that has been on your shoulder and behaved "Most" the time they can and will nip if your not paying attention to them or if something scares them at times. Our grey is a shoulder rider, but we stay in tune with him at all times due to the "Possibility" of a nip happening. We chose to continue with him on our shoulders. Some will not want even the "slightest risk of a nip and do not allow their bird on their shoulder if they are prone to do so, which is wise. Also as Dave noted, remove all jewelry or it will get ripped out of your ear and-or broken. Ultimately only you know your bird and can decide if it is one that can be trusted on the shoulder. Also, if you do decide to let your bird on your shoulder. As they age and especially during the "Terrible Twos". There will be times that your bird will be highly excited and you will not wanted him or her on your shoulder during those times. You will learn to read your bird and know when or no to let him or her on the shoulder. Thus the need to ensure you train him to accept stepping up off your shoulder when requested and also accept your arm as a riding place rather than the shoulder when those "Excited, pumped-up times" occur and they will.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/15 20:41
  9. Excellent Poem Julie! I loved the ending which took me totally by surprise. I suspect my wife is doing the same for my Male Nemesis Dayo!!:pinch: Karma!!!
  10. Happy Hatchday Keeko!!! I am positive you will be spoiled rotten today. Have a good one. :-) Oh, I almost forgot, your 2 now, so you are now allowed to go crazy and drive your mom nuts for the next 12 months.
  11. It's good to hear the stay was a good experience for all and that blue was excited to see his dad again. Looking forward to those photos. :-)
  12. GreYt video. He is certainly a very outgoing baby and cute as a button. :-) Thanks for posting this.
  13. It is indeed a wonderful video to watch. I visit it often just to see them in all their glory in the wild. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  14. GreYt photo of Ecko with the bone. Reminds me of the old song "Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones". http://www.brownielocks.com/dembones.html Thanks for sharing this photo and story. :-)
  15. What a pretty boy issac is! Yes, his actions are telling you thanks...I'm full. :-) I find it very endearing knowing how "In-Tune" you are with him. It is a great quility tht will make this relationship you have with him even stronger.
  16. Very cute! Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  17. Great photo of your Grey. Glass lifted in toast to all those with flighted birds or who are letting the primaries grow in out there! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/12 15:59
  18. ramsabi wrote: Yes, I partially agree with you. However, even though 99 percent are sweet almond. It is estimated by the USDA that 1% are bitter or a higher percentage may be contaminated with Salmonella. Thus ALL Almonds are pasteurized to ensure neither are passed on to consumers. I fully appreciate all the great points you bring out and questions you ask. The are all relevant and interesting. :-)
  19. Excellent news!!! :-) Thanks for the update.
  20. Love the photo and it brings to mind using a towel to play peek-a-boo with and covering our grey with it etc. It gets them very comfortable with towels on and around them which is good for when you may need to towel them for various reasons. The other interactive thing you can do that will create interest and develope foraging skills is to place a favorite treat in something like a wadded up piece of paper or in a foraging toy you would hang in their cage. This will give them mental and physical stimulation when caged. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/11 20:46
  21. Jay - Thanks for the karma and compliment :-) But. many are contributing here and thats what makes this forum such a wonderful place to come to. :-) Jay - You asked about pesticides and other chemicals used on crops. They are definitely something all should be aware of and use the cleaning and washing practices you described with a vinegar solution and rinse thoroughly. This does a very good job of removing most of any residual chemicals and also bacteria etc. that can reside on veggies and fruit. Some things most of us sometimes become lax about such as salt, sugar etc. are poisons to our FIDs at a certain level of intake. Salt will kill any critter including humans if a high quantity is consumed, hell even water will kill you if you drink too much in a short amount of time. They key is, everything in small quantities and moderation. Some may even chose to not let their bird have any of these substances at all in human food they share. :-)
  22. Jay and Judy are spot on. My Grey loves his scrambled eggs and doesn't noticed I snuck in a 1/4 teaspoon of Red Palm Oil as well. :-) Another fact some may not know..... The yolk is also a good source of vitamin D for calcium absorption.
  23. LOL - When they find something desirable and have it, the war is on. They do totally obsess over some items. Sometimes the bait and switch works, sometimes it doesn't. :-) Dayo is the same way over pens, I don't know what is is, but it seems they are all drawn to them. Love the photo!
  24. GreYt photos! Keep them coming! :-)
  25. Thanks for reading some of it. :-) The love developed for our Greys that we raised from just weeks old and on is the same as that of a birthed child in my opinion. They rely on you, look to you for guidance, comfort, love, help and food. Those early formative months are the time to take advantage of the dependence and eagerness to learn from you. Use that to get your grey used to being handled such as lifting each wing, lifting a foot, turning it over etc. This builds trust and shows your grey they are normal things that you will do from time to time and will not alarm him as he ages. It is also the time to introduce the aviator harness in a very non combative manner as part of the touching and working with your grey process. Watch the very great dvd that comes with it on how to so this. As long as you keep everything slow going with a happy and calm disposition, back off when you see he may be a little fearful or uncomfortable and praise him for his actions. He will bask in the glory of knowing he is receiving your approval and praise. This is also the time as robin said to introduce as types of toys with different textures, colors, size and shapes. playing with them yourself while including him in the fun. Offering different types of veggies, fruits etc. is important so he will be more apt to bravely try new food items and it will give you an idea of what healthy items he loves. I love your photo and make sure you get lots of such photos. The very endearing moments lessen in frequency as they age and become more independent. :-)
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