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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. 1 Peach Front Conure 2 Dobermans 2 Koi 7 Grand Kids 1 - Wife (Most ferocious of All)
  2. The moral of the story I learned from "The Wizard of Oz", was .... I don't live in any high wind zone..... which menas no tornados, hurricanes of gail force winds.
  3. Ive had that booked marked since your 1st video!! Love them one and all. :-) Thanks for including that link for ALL!!
  4. How cool!! How long did it take her to get comfortable with it? :-)
  5. That is very cute. I would suspect after being lost and afraid not knowing where her home and flock were was a very mind altering event. She wants to know where you are at all times it seems. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  6. JungleDreamz wrote: Of Course!! Dayo did not speak his first word until a little after a year old 12.5, 13 motnhs..don't remember. Now @ 2.99 years old (turns 3 apr 28th), I quit counting the words and sentences after they hit 200.... He picks up new words and phrases in one day and "Builds" his own sentences now and in correct context. Never think or say never!! :-)
  7. GreYt to see you back!!! :-) Yes, please keep us posted on how the vet visit goes.
  8. Jill - We went through the same thing with Dayo. We were both at wits end as well when he began biting his love muffin Kim. We even emailed Dave007 about it and the reply was "Swat him away" when he does that in a nutshell. Thats what we did (Not literally hitting him) by shooing him away wit our arms, shaking the head etc. depending on where he was going to land or bite. But, you need to do it before they land or try to bite. It worked, BUT there are ALWAYS those times you MUST get them and just expect they are going to BITE, so fist balled, back of hand, clamp talons and take them away to where you wish to place. This is a Grey once they decide THEY have a brain and WILL use it to chose what THEY want to do and when.... I know some peoples Greys are cuddle muffins even after sexual maturity, but I believe that is the EXCEPTION, not the NORM.
  9. Thats wonderful news for you and your Grey! :-) Tha nks for updating us.
  10. As always, Dave is spot on. Our Grey liked a little formula morning and night until about 5 months old. Then went to night yearnings only and finally would just blubber it out as we tried to spoon feed him. He stopped completely at about 6 and a half months. Each grey is different. Enjoy feeding formula to yoru grey as long as you can. It is a very intimate thing between the two of you. :-)
  11. Very cute video of of how docile Sunshine is right now. It was entertaining to watch and I hope that playful and docile disposition remains as age progresses. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  12. Thats AWESOME!! What a great video. It certainly shows Salsa does not like getting the Talons dirty by using them to pick up "Mushy Stuff". :-) Thanks for posting this.
  13. Very bad news. As you are obviously doing, post this on every site you can think of including craigslist for your area and 911 parrot alert. Praying for a quick and safe return. :-)
  14. It is talking Jill!! He is "Finding" the voice he is going to use. When Dayo first started calibrating and testing out his first word. I would listen to ensure I "Knew" what he was saying, then repeat it back to him and say "YEAH, GOOD BOY Dayo!!" very excitedly. I am sure you are just about to jump out of your skin with joy right now and deservedly so! :-)
  15. Thats not a good spot for a bird. It goes against all the things a bird needs: 1. Being a part of the flock and in the room the most time is spent by the household members. 2. A safe environment with controlled temperatures and humidity. 3. Lots of mental stimulation. When a bird gets caged as you describe, they become almost a second thought to people instead of being viewed as a family member.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/03/15 16:49
  16. Your baby is gone Jill. You are now into the life of "A Grey with a MIND of it's own". At his stage forward, you never know what your gonna get. Reminds of Forest Gumps famous words "Life is like a box of chocolates.... You never know what your gonna get". Some days you get a bite, some a kiss and some BOTH!!! :-)
  17. Love your "Log" update Spock!! Those new toys Jay and Magiie put up sound like a hoot with lots of god chewing fun in them. It's to hear you have lots of energy and keeping those wings a flapping. :-) Looking forward to your next Log entry.
  18. Congratulations!!! Wonderful photos of a happy and healthy young Grey exploring and getting used to his new home and flock. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  19. GreYT post Jay! It is good advice all should heed when thinking of bringing home another grey or other bird. Jess - It does not matter if the other bird is young or older. They may or may not get a long. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/03/15 16:28
  20. They do learn new sounds and noises rapidly as the weeks and months go by. You will never be bored, thats for certain. :-) Thanks for sharing this.
  21. Loved listening to Yoshi going to town. :-) The do seem to be the most vocal when they think no one is truly watching or listening. Thansk for sharing this.
  22. What a sweetheart. I love the panting sounds Gabi makes. Sounds just like Dayo when playing with his similar toy or interacting with Kim. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  23. As others have indicated. Only a good quality powder coating will be safe for your Parrot and be hard enough that it will not just flake it off easily as it beaks to bars. If it's is just normal spray paint, it is highly toxic and can lead to severe illness or death. Normally either a cage in excellent condition with no rust or missing powder coating or a new cage is used for housing any parrot with a powerful beak.
  24. Loved it Julie!!! Thanks for taking the time to write it and then grace our forum with it. :-)
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