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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thats it, I'm strapping on some wings so I can stay higher than Dayo and fly after him when he tries to escape caging. I will say, if Dayo is going to bite me, it does not matter if he is high, counter level or on the floor. If he chooses not to obey my step-up, I see the body language and bite coming before it happens, well most the time.......He can be sooo sneaky. :-) I do know, whether my grey or conure is high or low, does not seem to matter in their apparent display of dominance. It's all about attitude. Sometimes Jake the Lion Hearted conure will stand toe to toe with Dayo until he is bull-rushed and must flee to avoid a strong bite. - :-)
  2. Very cool, it is always a joy to watch those eggs turn into chicks. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  3. LOL!! I think Dayo is anti-death to anything. The last time we swatted any flies in the summer last year. Dayo became upset and said "NooooOOOOoOOOooOoOo!". Maybe he thinks they are very itty bitty birds.
  4. Well, he could be anywhere from 400 to 650 grams. Sorry, that's the best range I can give. :-)
  5. Just to add some encouragement Jill.....Even though they don't change bite wise. They become more entertaining and intellectual as well. So one offsets the other. :-)
  6. Hahahahahahahaha Spock!!! You go guy. Don't they know you OWN everything and prize the most dangerous things for you with utter joy? ;-) Thanks for the laugh and entertainment today. :-)
  7. LOL! Congratulations Pepper, I mean Spike.
  8. Most greys have been going through a molt. This requires much more protein and fatty acids. So it makes sense that Charlie is craving seeds and nuts. I would only offer fruit 2x a week or very SMALL amounts each day mixed in with LOTS of veggies like carrots, broccoli, chopped up kale, cooked bean mix etc. You will find they eat different items each day if you offer different veggie mixes cooked and sometime uncooked. They remind of people, we like variety in our diet and it's healthy for us. :-)
  9. Sounds like a well rounded diet to me. :-) Thanks for sharing this!
  10. she wrote: Oh Sheila, don't be hard on yourself. There is no doubt in my mind that you have done everything right with Charlie. You show so much love and devotion by exhausting all the means and help you can find to help him through this. All Grey owners come to know as time goes by that Greys are know to pluck. So do, some don't, but I do not think it is any reflection on the owners. It is their intellect and high strung personalities that many times starts it for reasons that can be physical or just flat out mental stress for god knows what. If anyone ever comes up with an answer that cures all, they would be a godsend to all grey owners and other parrot species as well. Hopefully this new specialist will have a good insight in to what may be the underlying cause and provide a workable treatment. Please keep us posted.
  11. Sorry you ran into that rude business owner. Unfortunately, just about everything we post on the web, upload photos to photobucket, YouTube etc. is fair game for anyone to copy and use. The law in a nutshell, is "If you want to protect something, copyright it, BEFORE you go public with it". IF you read all the licences and terms of use on all these sites we visit and post to, they are all protected and given basically free rights to use anything we post. Many taking of intellectual properties have been taken in this manner and others received credit for it. Example: Dayo Journal - Book I have been updating here...anyone could taken that content and write a book "Dayo or Bimba" or whatever they wished and I could do nothing about it. However, I view it more as a tool for future owners to "Know" Dayo when we pass on. So, I really have no worries of whether someone uses it or not. Though I would probably feel offended as you do if they didn't at least ask.
  12. Beautiful photo and description of your feelings for Isaac. It certainly is intense, compared to other critters. Enjoy the infant, young child and teen times as Isaac goes through them. Just like a human baby grows in capabilities and desires of their own as they get into late teens. So does a Grey as it ages towards full maturity at 4 to 5 years. I miss those baby times, but enjoy the shear intelligence and beauty of their personalty as they grow in mental and physical capabilities becoming the awe inspiring creature they were meant to be. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  13. I personally find it comforting to know that Spock is holding a steady weight, is eating a good amount and shows that glimmer in his eye's. He may look a little rough around the edges. But, holding steady is a good sign. :-) Still praying and hoping this ends soon. But, those damaged feathers will have to go through a molting process as always to be replaced with nice new ones again. Thanks for the update!!
  14. Sunnybird is right. "Cooked" Onions and Garlic are fine in SMALL quantities, as you would find in a prepared meal. However, Onions and Garlic whether cooked, raw or dehydrated, contain sulfur compounds that, when chewed, are hydrolyzed to thisulfinates. Thiosulfinates decompose to a number of disulfides, including dipropenyl disulfide (or n-propyl disulfide), which appears to be the most toxic disulfide. These disulfides are oxidizing agents that can cause hemolysis or a rupture of red blood cells. The toxicity of onions is based on their disulfide concentration, which is increased when they are grown in soil high in sulfur. Sulfur is a widely distributed element found in abundance in the soil in both free and combined states. In addition to the compounds found in these plants that cause red blood cells to rupture, resulting in anemia, they can also cause irritation to the mouth, esophagus and crop, and can cause ulcers, although this damage is probably more severe in mammals. The sulfur compounds found in these plants cause red blood cells to rupture in animals, and dogs, cats and cattle seem particularly sensitive to this problem. Because birds have nucleated red blood cells, and mammals do not, it is thought that this somewhat protects them from the affects of Heinz body hemolysis. Heinz bodies are pieces of oxidized hemoglobin that are found on still-intact red blood cells (RBCs). If enough RBCs are ruptured from the ingestion of these compounds found in onions and garlic, this will result in anemia. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to the tissues and for removing carbon dioxide, as well. As the number of RBCs decreases, the animal becomes weaker, and the gums and tissues also become pale. The good news is that the red cells can be replaced by the body as long as the hemolysis stops. In dogs, it takes several days for the red cell count to reach the lowest point after a single large exposure. In chronic exposure at low doses, the anemic effect is lessened because RBCs, also called erythrocytes, are being regenerated as they are being destroyed. Allicin, which gives garlic its odor, is also a strong oxidant. In rare cases, this chemical can be dangerous and can cause Heinz body hemolytic anemia, as well. A study done specially on our Avian friends has not been conducted, that I know of. So as always, it is always better to error on the side of caution and moderation.
  15. I am soooooo happy that having Kopi in your life is restoring the joy you had lost. It certainly sounds like the perfect fit made in heaven for you both. :-) Congratulations on the first words. He is indeed a "Good Boy". I look forward to hearing frequent updates and seeing tons of photos. :-)
  16. danmcq

    Broken back?

    Wonderful news on the progress!! Thanks for keeping this updated. :-)
  17. I'm with Dave.... I learned a long time ago to listen the first time and end the torture. If you piss a female off, it NEVER ends until they are quite satisfied with themslves in how miserable the made you for a LONG (Hours)time.... :pinch: So, it's a not male female thing, it's survival. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/03/17 20:33
  18. katana600 wrote: Well Dee, I'm glad someone got a good laugh out of Dayo's middle back of the neck pinching days. They have slowed down in frequency, but....... when you take a prized possession away from him, you better duck! Because he can jump up and fly a 180 around you and pinch HARD, faster than you can say EeeeeeeeeeOOOOOOOOOOOuch!!!
  19. LOL @ the "White Coats" coming for you. GreYt photo! :-)
  20. LOL! Yep, you've been christened as an official Parrot loving nut-job. Your friends will never view you the same.
  21. Thats wonderful news! I hope it heals quickly and you can return to full use of your now fully non-numb hand and enjoy Dorian with-on you. :-)
  22. I salute your Son "Sgt.Will Sheppard"! What a fine person he is to have sacrificed much to try and help maintain a safer world for all. I wish him my best and hope the results of that surgery restore him back to a more normal life with more physical freedom. It is always so heartbreaking to see our young ones suffer a debilitating injury that will affect them at the very peak and most enjoyable times of their lives. Please keep us updated on his progress. :-)
  23. Sounds very good. Thanks for sharing this. :-) Karma.....
  24. Jayd wrote: Yes, the Koi is healthy and very happy back in the water and looking as good as ever. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/03/17 15:00
  25. Have a GreYt day everyone. Please enjoy Lola the Goffin dancing her fannie off in celebration to riverdance. :-) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bedford-NY/Lola-The-Dancing-Goffin-Cockatoo/145061183247?v=wall#!/video/video.php?v=1354051244087&ref=mf
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