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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. If you've had this Grey 6 years, don't how old she is or what her previous background was. It is highly probable that she was a breeder and displayed that by hooking up with the Grey you brought in for her. A second Grey may be accepted, maybe not, as you already indicated you are prepared for. If she has been a breeder for years, a breeder is NOT a very human friendly bird at all and most times not care to interact with humans unless she was first someones cuddle muffin in the beginning years. However, getting rid of her, would not change her dislike for humans. You already have a certain type of relationship established with her and I guarantee you, she would be better off with you, rather than another owner. I suspect since you have had her 6 years, you already accept the level of relationship you've had with her. Kudos to you for never giving up and continuing to try and get a little closer to her. :-)
  2. The only way a bird would chew it's foot off, is if the band became snagged on something and they couldn't get it loose. If the band fits properly, that will not happen. You can have the band removed if your concerned about it. Micro-chipping only works if someone bothers to take the bird to a vet and have it scanned. Also, the vet must have the right type of scanned to read the microchip. Personally, I would not have one surgically implanted. Some people here have. It's a personal call of choice.
  3. Welcome Bear and kudos to you for taking in a grey in need of a good loving home. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos.
  4. Welcome Iraide8u and flock! It's GreYt having you here and look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  5. Each Grey is different. Some can be trusted on the shoulder, some can't. My Grey is on our shoulders constantly. Also, it has nothing to do with them becoming dominant. It has everything to do with trust and no biting up there. :-)
  6. HI Chelsea, the link does not work. It just goes to an advertisement.
  7. LOL Spock. You just a very inquisitive Grey. Don't they know you are just analyzing the light source and how to optimize it
  8. It depends on the power and strength of the UV. A low power UV source that is full spectrum running at 7 feet high with the birds and people normally a minimum of 6 linear feet away is fine 12 hours a day. It's all relevant to power and distance. The UV does fluoresce a spectrum of light for the birds, that we humans can not see. It can assist in fluorescing bad spots on fruit, as well as make an apparently bland grey bird to our eyes, become a rainbow in theirs. In the winter, I run my Full spectrum fixtures 12 hours a day. They are not high power light the avian suns, not are they setup 12 inches away from the bird. That is where serious concern for eye damage and burning of the exposed areas around the eyes can take place. Dave is spot on in regards those types of lamps purchased for UV exposure in short time spans at close distances. An example of what a bird see's, say a black Mynah in our vision, looks like to another Mynah fluoresced by the UV in sunlight:
  9. Emma is so entertaining! Now you just need to get her used to that evil eyed thing you point at her. It took my a few months to get Dayo used to it. Thanks for sharing another video of her talking. She is really getting a good grasp of human language. :-)
  10. 7 months and time fly’s – My eyes are starting to turn a little lighter now, to almost a silver-charcoal color. It’s starting to get colder, the days shorter and I am really starting to get itchy and keep finding all these loose down feathers. Boy, looking down through my cage grate, I see almost a semblance of snow covered ground. When dad cleans and changes the paper, he always mists it with water before he pulls it out. It keeps all those feathers from floating away when he pulls it out. Mom and dad were staring to get worried I was starting to pluck or something at first. But, they talked to the breeders and also posted a question on the grey forum and a very knowledgeable man named Dave with decades of experience breeding Grey’s, working in a rescue with many types of parrots and helping problematic Grey’s he rescued himself answered. He told them what was going on and that the first molt is always the largest. I am just getting rid of all my baby feathers. Dave also advised to mist me with 100 percent Aloe Juice until drenched at least 2 or 3 times a week, to keep my skin nice and supple and less itchy.So they take me in the shower and try to convince me it’s fun. I don’t like the water hitting me so I just sit up on the bar and watch. They keep taking me in there, showering and then when I don’t get wet. They just get out, dry off, place me in the bottom and mist me with a spray bottle until I am completely soaked with Aloe juice. I hate it that I can’t escape! Yep, I am growing up (I think) and starting to think maybe I should start seeing if I can have my way sometimes. Lets what happens if I um, let me think about this…not step up! Here comes the request and hand, ok backing up a little, showing a little body language that it's not what I want to do. Drat’s, it didn’t work. They just kept coming forward and I stepped up. Then they took me and put me in the cage so they could leave. Not really a positive experience. I am going to have to rethink this strategy!I also don’t want any more of that baby formula or baby food. I just turn my head or push it away. So they quit offering it and now give me more of the bean mixes, birdie bread, lots of cut up veggies cooked and uncooked. I like them both ways. They also sneak some stuff in they call Red Palm Oil. It’s good for me, but if they get too much on it, I can taste it and will not eat it. I think they are still slipping it to me and must investigate this further. I am becoming very in-tune with the function of this flock. Mom and Dad are the “Big Birds” and everyone else seems to do what they ask. In return, they give us a good home, plenty of food and lots of good times, well most the time except for those darn showers! I have to watch out for the Dobermans. They get very excited when I flap by and sometimes jump up and snap at me. Dad always tells them “DOWN” and then to go on and to leave me alone. I must learn that sentence once I can figure out how to make those sounds. They seem to obey every time Dad or Mom say’s it. I tried to reach down and bite Bentleys ear one evening and Dad quickly pulled me up and was very upset. I don’t know why, I was just going to give him a little friendly beaking. I am getting pretty good and flapping as hard as I can. I can usually make it from the kitchen all the way into the living room about 20 feet away and land on the couch. Sometimes I don’t quite make it though and need to find a safe place to land. Still figuring all the objects out that may be a good crash landing spot when I have engine trouble or run out of gas. Sometimes I land on Mom or Dad if their in the path and grab real hard with my beak to steady myself and find a good footing. They don’t seem to like that very much and wiggle a little. I’m glad they were there at those times though. I must think about all this some more and make some important decisions about how I want to fit into this flock and let my wishes be known and claim what my area and things are. I’ll update you in a while once I have the plan…..
  11. Love em!!! Amazing how a good thrilling roller coaster ride can bring the screams out of even a Grey like Alfie.
  12. GreYt photo Jill. Spinach is good eating! :-)
  13. Good luck and looking forward to an update on his homecoming. :-)
  14. GreYT news Jill!!! Beautiful photos as well. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  15. danmcq


    Thats great news Sheila! Looking forward to hearing further updates on Charlie. :-)
  16. Totally enjoyed Shanti's debut! Boy does time fly. Shanti looks good and sounds just like you. :-)
  17. Welcome esknomoe and flock! It's GreYt having you here. It is always good to hear of someone taking in a rescue in need of a loving home. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos. :-)
  18. It's almost here. Are you picking up Rainey on Saturday?
  19. We need many more videos of Emma....PLEASE! :-)
  20. If the moderators and admins were all assigned, we could delete thos spams as they come in.
  21. GreYt to hear from you again Chelsea! Biscotti sounds like quite the linguist. :-) Looking forward to seeing your videos.
  22. Dayo mumbled as well before producing the first loud and clear word. Most Greys do this as they are calibrating.
  23. [ATTACH=CONFIG]17916[/ATTACH] hmmmmmm......
  24. I could have sworn Calypso said "Good luck". If not, she is certainly jabbering. :-)
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