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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I have always enjoyed this video. It does indeed stir up strong emotions. I know the strong feelings of wishing we could give them the life the have missed out on, as I feel them myself. We can only our best to provide them with plenty of opportunities to use the wild skills they all have through generational instincts they were born with. By providing these, rewarding them, caring for them and most importantly loving them. They will not miss what they do not know and they will thrive as they share their lives with us. Thanks for posting this video and your thoughts.
  2. Thanks for sharing this. I did not know what it was. Please get a video of Cocoa performing this once it is perfected. Thanks for posting these photos and video.
  3. Thats the million dollar question. Now I am wondering, if this is normal, why aren't many other users on this forum saying they see the same thing? Another thing I noticed in my photo, is I can see what appear to be stress bars, yet just looking at Dayo with the naked eye, I do not see them. It is possibly the camera is picking up and amplifying more than I can see. But then, this leads to the question of, are there actually "Growing bars" created as the new feathers grow in and only if there is an underlying health need such as nutrition etc. what colors them more intensely to where we can visually see them glaringly? I continued to look at this yesterday and it looks like mechanical wear on those secondaries to me from folding in and out as they extend and retract their wings. But, what puzzles me, is why only the secondaries show this?
  4. Good questions and comments Mawnee. You hit on the key questions, what will the answer what the over all health, personality and life span will be of this Red Grey. That will be an unknown until these complete their life cycle. I believe we are simply raising the standard concerns when this type of breeding takes place. I truly hope and pray they live a healthy and normal life.
  5. I have the same opinions of these mutations being capitalized on as Dave007. Fact: The Red Factor is a Mutant gene. Fact: If you selectively breed pairs that both have this mutation, it will become more pronounced. Fact: it took a decade due to using many pairs with this mutation, waiting for their offspring to reach breeding age, then breeding those offspring to further amplify the mutation. Fact: The pure red grey is a result of this mutation reaching it's maximum potential. Fact: This means the natural health of breeding pairs keeping mutations to a minimum and thus health and life length to the maximum has been defeated. Thus resulting in a bird that will have unknown health and age ranges, until they age and those health issues are observed over their lifespan. It is similar to the health issues you see in specific "Breeds" of dogs that have had mutations capitalized upon to produce a breed. These breeds then have the ill effects felt such as hip dysplasia, wobblers disease causing paralyzation of the rear legs and loss of bowel control and shortened life spans, just to mention a few. Thus, mutts that are products of a large gene pool are always much healthier and live longer lives.
  6. Loved this video. They are so cute when that young and Nala is one beautiful grey. Thanks for sharing this.
  7. TigerLillies feathers appear to be the same markings Dayo has. Sorry for the quality, this is a quick shot from my phone, which Dayo wanted to eat:
  8. Well, this really got me interested in looking at my Greys feathers much closer. I have kept every feather molted for the last 3 years, except for the small feathers like the breast and down feathers. After reviewing all his primary, secondary, tertiary and major dorsals, I have kept. It is all the secondaries that have this. Now I am starting to think it is somehow a wear pattern possibly. If it were from aloe or water showing up as drying spots. It would be on all feathers, but it is not.
  9. I wish I could help Mark, but I have no experience with this. I am also not going to post website links referencing this either, because I am sure you have researched he web already and want "True Life Experience". I hope someone with this experience posts. I would like to know the answer as well. This thread will become a "Sticky" if we have some solid answers to your great questions here.
  10. Dayo has these same "Dots". He has had them since his first year of life. I have notice over the last 2 years, that they "Appear" on new feathers, after a several shower and dry cycles. I can only assume they are deposits left by the aloe or water after several cycles of wash and dry. I do know, they are NOT stress marks which appear as small successive bars horizontally across a birds feathers.
  11. We paid $950.00 US for our Congo.
  12. It is one of the least toxic cleaner and conditioners you could use on your hardwood floors. I would recommend taking your bird outside if possible while you mop it on and let it dry. However, you can also open windows (with screens) to provide good air flow with your birds remaining in the house. The data sheet on this product can be viewed here: http://www.ppd.ufl.edu/pdf/msds/Murphy_Oil_Soap_Liquid.pdf We use the greenest cleaning chemicals in our home for floor care and other cleaning purposes. We normally just open the windows and ensure there is good air circulation. If you want to increase circulation, place a good strong fan where you are cleaning and point it towards an area away from your birds. This will suck any fumes away and darw in clean air from a window in the room birds are in.
  13. HI again Thejoie!! Congratulations on getting a TAG and kudos for re-homing. Jooles gave great advice. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chance.
  14. OMG!! I absolutely loved this show and music. It is one I will watch over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over Thanks for posting this.
  15. I'd like to be called "Dan", "but ya doesn't halfta call me Johnson". Nice thought Jay and Maggie. I agree Judy is always there. Dave, your right.
  16. Great photos and update on Spencer's settling in. It sounds like his cage and other familiar items made a difference in his openness and vocal activities. Being able to speak with the previous owner on how he interacted with Spencer is a HUGE benefit in knowing what he expects. This was a good update to read and enjoy. Thanks for posting it and keep them coming.
  17. Very cute photos of Sylvee. She is a beautiful baby grey.
  18. Congratulations on the new project assignment! I enjoyed the udate and photos. Issac is developing quickly and looking good.
  19. Have you tried placing an ad on craigslist, parrot 911 etc. for that cute little Tiel?
  20. Your office photos are all of your Parrots.... :cool:
  21. Julie and Judy's advice is spot on. I had a conure when I brought my grey home. My grey does not like the conure. Even if you wanted to bring home another grey, the answer to both being in the same cage would still be no. You just never know if two birds will like each other or not.
  22. Hoping to hear an update. I know you postd this at 730 last night. Hopefully you have a vet appointment today, if he is not normal this morning.
  23. Thats exciting news! We all went through those long weeks and months of hearing muffled mumbling and concentrating so hard it hurt to figure out what they are calibrating. Not do indicate Murphy will do this, but I heard Dayo mumbling faintly"hello" at 20 weeks. Then never heard a word until one day when he was a year old, that was the first would he blurted out. Please keep this updated as he progresses.
  24. Judy - So Josey says she has a "Little Butt" then? Typical girl talk.
  25. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, I always love Tobies videos. He is always a chatter box and full of surprises. I laughed out loud when you asked what time is it and he came back with It's Supper Time. Priceless!! Thanks for the morning smiles and big laugh.
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