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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Robin - All I can say is WOW and thanks for a great update on all your FIDs, Family and congratulations on being soon to receive two degrees. Twelve units is a large load, especially with a family of not only humans, but all those FIDs as well. It's wonderful to hear how your son has really become so responsible for Sterling. Thanks for this write up!
  2. Loved the video. Rene is looking good and a big show off. Thanks for sharing this.
  3. There are a ton of CAG's on this forum. Very few of those are pluckers or phobic. Those types of issues are normally related to abuse or health issues. This breeder has a wild caught Hyacinth Macaw? He must have had it for a long time, due to bringing wild caught birds into the USA illegal several years ago. They are certainly beautiful, as they are rare and a protected species.
  4. It's good to hear Charlie is getting back to normal now. You have my condolences on the loss of your sister.
  5. Awwww Freddy sure blossomed under your fostering. Thats always a tearjerker with rescue and then finally having them ready for permenent re-homing. Sad, yet good. Thanks for another real life rescue experience.
  6. Chezron - Yep, your right and Brutus has started using that phrase correctly!!
  7. Wow, that forum says it all. It sounds like the warden has decided to keep the grey for herself...VERY DISTURBING!!!!
  8. I love this movie! I purchased it about 4 years ago. I cannot count the times we have watched it.
  9. I agree with the others. Spend all your time on Talula. YOu just started getting her attention and trust at deeper levels than ever before. Velieve me, one grey can take every minute of your time, if you allow them to.
  10. Well, if you watch the video, then look at the pictures on the folded paper that came inside the aviator packaging, you'll figure it out. You are probably trying to over think it. Oh and no drills, spanners or blasting caps are needed for installation.
  11. Poor Piper, he will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the tests and vet care get to the bottom of it quickly.
  12. This is an interesting story. It is a wonder this Grey survived and also explains why excaped Parrots sometimes fly and fly and fly. This was one lucky Grey to have been found by a very patient teacher. There was no update, so I have no idea if this poor Grey was ever claimed: African Grey parrot found at Leverton Junior School 6:05pm Tuesday 26th January 2010 It was a case of pretty lost Polly when a parrot turned up unannounced at a primary school. The African Grey was found at Leverton Junior School, in Honey Lane, Waltham Abbey, and is now in the care of Epping Forest District Council after it was rescued by site manager Ricky Pacitto. He said: “It just came down and landed on a tree at the school. It was being attacked by magpies, jackdaws, seagulls, everything. It was amazing- I thought it was going to die. “I came out of the school and shushed the birds away. I thought it was a pigeon, then it flew to another tree again. It was being chased and I didn't know what to do. I got a saucer of fruit to coax it down. I was standing there for about an hour when it just came down, jumped and landed on my head. It was just amazing. I put my arms up, caught it and put it in a box with paper in it.” Mr Pacitto took the errant bird to the vets in Highbridge Street where it was collected by the district council's animal warden Lynn Cook. He said: “It was very unusual. We see foxes, and other wildlife around the school but it's the first time we've seen a parrot. I'm just so pleased it was saved.” The parrot is described as very tame with distinguishing features. If you think you are the owner of the parrot call Lynn on 01992 564077. Proof of ownership will be required. Animal warden Lynn Cook with the parrot:
  13. Wow, now that really completes the story with plenty of specifics. Thanks for this excellent follow up! One questions, you wrote: "Beside this perch, was one of Joey's original favorite toys, a rope and block bushy toy. Jay accidentally touched it and Joey shivered and squawked. We realized almost immediately that Joey felt the toy had turned against him and was totally afraid of it." This is odd, I have never encountered that before with a previously liked toy. Do think he was perhaps afraid of this toy from day one it was introduced? If not, is it possible he somehow got a talon hung up in it and had to break free after much to-do in his previous home where they probably wouldn't have even notice poor Joey in there struggling?
  14. Great summation of Joey's life before and after meeting you two wonderful people. He could not have been more fortunate, than to land in your home. It would be interesting for all to know a little about how you handled the homecoming, introduction etc. Was he quarantined? Did he come home in the cage previously in, toys etc? How long did you just sit or stand near the cage and try to let joey know you were kind and different humans than the previous two? How long was it before he began venturing out of his cage and sitting on the perch, also what did you do to possibly encourage it? Did you ever try to step him up before he became comfortable enough to come out? How long was it before you asked for and received a step up? How long have you had him with you now? I know. I'm a pain, but I believe these types of further details will help other new rescue/re-home people know what they are in for and how slow they should go in steps. Thanks again for this first re-homes story. WE have all loved Jim (Joey) here since you first introduced him.
  15. Awww, I can cannot believe how much Loki has grown in a week! It just amazes me, no matter how often I see weekly photos or visit other friends with chicks. Thanks for posting these.
  16. It's good to hear Loki is enjoying the bountiful foods being offered. More photos please! They grow so fast weekly fomr week 1 to 12 it is almost shocking to see the changes that have occured in 7 days.
  17. Thanks for bringing this up. It is an incredibile story of a relationship that is rare.
  18. Congratulations!!! She is calibrating and will soon be declaring it loudly for all those within earshot to hear.
  19. Welcome Andy! It's good to read that you have started research, have interacted with a Grey and have the opportunity to do so. Looking forward to hearing more.
  20. Welcome Cristina, it's GreYt having you here!! Looking forward to hearing how your search for a breeder goes.
  21. Adorable photo's and video. Thanks for sharing these.
  22. Thanks for the heads-up. So now, we will view you as a Momma, instead of a Lama.
  23. If you dance, hum, nod your head to the beat etc.. Your grey will soon be dancing and getting with the beat as well. My grey loves music, beat-boxes to it, whistles and dances. This all keeps evolving as the last 3 years have passed. It's BIG FUN at times.
  24. As Judy said, the beak says it all, "Cook er Up!".
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