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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Well, Dayo has several, depending on the circumstances or time of day. I guess to pull one out that is fairly rare to find in a nother grey, is I taught him to turn the kitchen water faucet on and off. It is one of those single handle faucets that you pull up to turn on and push down to turn off. So, he loves being the "Water "Master". If I go to make coffe, he will quickly run or fly over, climb up and grab the handle with one Talon then lean back until it turns on. He will then hold it on until I fill the coffee pot. Then I say "Turn the water off" and he will lean back up and move forward which pushes the handle down and turns the water off. The down side is, now if he wants one of our attention and we don't give it to him, he will go over and turn the water on until we come pay attention to him..... The brat!
  2. danmcq


    Purchase a digital gram scale and wiegh your grey every morning after it has let the BIG BOMB go. This will give you a good baseline once you have taken a week or so worth of readings. Depending in the "Frame Size" of your Grey...small, medium or large. It could weigh anywhere bewteen 400 and 600 grams.
  3. Did the vet look in the crop for any possible old food still in it? If so, did he remove it? Did he say whether your chick is dehydrated? This usually occurs during sour crop and you normally are advised to use some type of electrolyte solution to help rehydrate your bird. I hope all is going well wth this dear baby. Thanks for the update.
  4. Welcome and Congratulations Eileen! It's GreYt having you here and I love the introduction and photos you included. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photo as well.
  5. LOL, they do love boxes with a small opening. I keep a soda case box with an opening cut in it for my Grey in his cage. They last about 2 weeks before chewed to the point of needing replacement. Thanks for sharing this.
  6. I did a ton of research on finding the best tubes for the 24 inch dual tube fixtures I built. The best ful spectrum with UVA and UVB outputs in T8 size were Lumichrome 1xx tubes. Here is just one website with this information: http://www.truesun.com/proddetail.php?prod=Lumichrome_1XX_full_spectrum_light Here are the light spectrum charts for these type tubes:
  7. My concern, besides for the shocked owners, is what do they do with those birds? It is cruel to just keep them locked away in a cage at that facility or give to a zoo, than to leave them with the only people and life they know.
  8. After hearing you've been seeking advice from Jay (Very Knowledgeable) on this and confirmed all actions you've been taking are correct. The vet is definately the right place to seek professional diagnosis. Please keep us posted on how this goes.
  9. You will get more UVB from the sun in an hour outside, early morning, than you would from a light fixture with full spectrum tubes that include UVA and UVB running all day. So yes, let him sun outside each morning for an hour. Nothing like a outside time breathing the fresh air with sun casting down upon them. I built my own dual tube electronic ballast fixtures and have one hanging suspended about 20 inches above each cage. They run 12 hours a day everyday. I also take them outside on weekends for a shower, followed by a misting with aloe and ten sunning for 2 to 3 hours.
  10. Cute photo's! Fostering is a joy and sadness at the same time. God bless you for doing this highly important job of being the loving resting place for these creatures in need of a good and caring home. It's always tough to let each one go on to their new home.
  11. He is smart and I wouldn't doubt that the word NO has meaning to him. As you made reference to young children learning the meaning quickly, so do these brilliant greys. It's just getting them to obey it, is the problem, again like a child.
  12. What a wonderful bird he is! Good job on letting him out to enjoy some freedom. It sounds like he was well behaved and enjoyed it. Those are good eating habits. There is a list of bad foods in the bird food room as stickies. No garlic, onions, chocolate, raw potatoes...just to name a few. I would wait on trying to shower him. Perhaps offer a large bowl or pie pan filled with water in the bottom of his cage and see if he hops in. Many greys absolutely hate water and you don't want to lose trust with him by misting or spraying him right now, in my opinion. That can wait a few weeks. But, if he hops in a bowl himself, that makes it much easier. Thanks for the geat update.
  13. What a spoiled brat... A Necklace and Starbucks at 8 months old? Jesus, what does Talon think about this? Thanks for sharing this.
  14. Thanks Dave for the answer to this. I do have both the birds out on weekend for 2 to 3 hours each day. They dry after a good shower of misting with aloe doesn't take long. They both sit in the direct sun while drying, then move over to the shaded part of their cages once dry and toasty. The lower part of the wings receive less wetness than the upper and front of Dayo. He constantly faces and moves with me as I move, keeping his battle stance as I spray him down. You always come through and I truly appreciate that.
  15. Hahahahahahahahahahaha, Kopi sure taught you to never leave the "Draw Bridge" down. Kopie is one sharp cookie. Thanks for the update and story.
  16. Welcome Sherry and XXXXXXX? what his name, it's GreYt having you here. The others have given good advice to consider. A couple of thoughts. The stick probably threatens him, that is not something you want to try again at this point. Right now, is the getting to know each other time. As the others said, go slow and easy. Sit by the cage and takl to him, offer a treat like a washed grape, almond etc. as a peace offering. I she flighted? If not, let him out of the cage, but when you feel comfortable to have him step-up wih no fear in your heart at all. This will only come when you feel comfortable with him and you should see him lift his foot when you ask "Step-Up" or when you put your hand in the cage and he wants to come out, he will lift his foot. You can tell by language such as eye's pinning and feathers fluffing that he does not wish to come out or step-up. If you see that, just talk softly, tell him it's OK and he's a good boy. At his age, he understands human expressions and language very well. What is his diet? Does he play with toys? Very interested in hearing more about this Grey and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  17. What a great story. I must say, even being so young, you did the right thing in seeking out an experienced parrot person that gave Kiwi what she needed. Many adults that buy a parrot on a whim, fail then blame the bird just give it to anyone that will take it and that cycle continues over and over until that parrot finally lands in an experienced, caring and loving home. Even in what you see a failure, I see a person taking true ownership of the situation and making it right!
  18. Anything thing that you can smell, whether sprayed or mopped on a floor is giving off "Fumes". The chemical producing those fumes and the concentration of it being released in the air is what can be very harmful to your bird. Thus, the need to review the chemicals contained in things you use to clean your household with.
  19. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, thanks for the morning laugh!!! Congratulations , "NO"!
  20. Hahahahahahahahaha, what a fathers day for Jay. Thanks for sharing this comical day with us.
  21. Wow happy birthday Jay. You should be getting double honors and gifts today for both your birthday and fathers day. You have a GreYt one, you deserve it!
  22. Very cute video of doing some rough play. It's good to see her back right as rain. Thanks for sharing this.
  23. Just keep the boys away that will be knocking and squawking at your door and all will be fine. Enjoy those touching moments when she is showing just how much she loves you.
  24. The first noise is definitely something banging on something else. The second sound, only you could answer for sure.
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