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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. You said it all when describing how excited she is that you are home and she cannot wait to get out of that cage. It has nothing to do with intelligence. It is just pure adrenalin from the excitement. If possible, perhaps you can circumvent this behavior by not opening the cage door completely and instead place your arm inside for a step-up?
  2. Loved the singing and Joey's dancing. Thanks for sharing this.
  3. It would be entertaining to see this behavior. They do all develop individual antics performed at different times and you will start noticing more and more of those every time a particular event is happening. Thanks for sharing this.
  4. Very entertaining. Loved the pterodactyl coming out. Thanks for sharing this video.
  5. That is one very smart and truthful Grey. Thanks for sharing this.
  6. GreYt story of Spock's antics. It is always entertaining to read of his adventures. You would never think he has been under the weather for a while. A video of this would be very cool.
  7. GreYt photos of Alfie out on th harness. Thanks for sharing this Lyn! Lex - The harnesses have an elastic lead material that stretchs when the bird reachs the end of the lead. This avoids the bird from having an abrupt stop like a dog leash has.
  8. It is normal for them to have toys they immediately like and others they don't. Some will even get feathers ruffled and they will want to flee from. This does not happen so much with babies, but it will become very pronounced as you grey ages. The wing clipping to identify a bird is really odd. They normally have leg bands you can check to see which bird you have.
  9. Welcome Denise and Mowgli!! It's GreYt having you here. It is wonderful to hear you had that foot fixed. How is your grey getting about on it now? Looking forward to hearing more and deeing photos as you have time.
  10. Welcome and Congratulations Steve. Milo is a GreYt name. She is a beauiful baby. Looking forward to hearing updates and seeing photos as the baby grows quickly. You will be shocked at the changes each week.
  11. LOL Dave! We cover our grey and I get up very early around 4am. About 6 am, he will start saying good morning, how are you. If I don't respond, he will start contact calling to ensure I heard him.
  12. Dayo nor any of the grey clutchs slept on their back as babies or upto now. That is an interesting behavior for a grey. Perhaps when in their tree holes in the wild, maybe they do since there is no chance of falling and being protected. Our breeders raised cherry heads. They always sleep on their backs from the time they are born to being old enough to perch. When she would pull the box out of the brooder. All you would see in the box were 5 bellies and legs sticking up.
  13. Dave and Judy have given great advice. Unless the other breeder is of the same caliber as the first, I would wait. I had an excellent breeder here when I started looking for a Grey and visited my Grey from 6 weeks old onward. Not only did we gain a well reared Grey, but new close friends for life. When you go visit for 2 hours 2 or three times a week. You become very close with your Grey and the breeders. That relationship is invaluable after you take your baby Grey home. Many breeders of this caliber are available anytime day, night or weekend if you need them. I know Dave is that caliber of breeder. So he is the resident expert here to listen to.
  14. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Thanks for the laugh.
  15. Yes, most birds will kick back and snooze at different times of the day. Also, due to being a new home, he is getting used to all the different sounds and activities in your home. This means he is on higher alert and probably sleeping with one eye closed at night as well. An interesting fact about birds, dogs and some other critters. They can actually close one eye and sleep half the brain while the other side stays alert. They will swap back and forth as each side needs proper rest. I wish us human could do that, please talk to this side of the face.....The other is sleeping
  16. Happy Hatch Day...belated Biscotti!!!! Man this year went by fast!!!
  17. Jay - What did you do the previous hundreds of years? You know, "There can be only one". Haven't seen you in a few hundred, we should get together for old time sake. Back on topic. The others have given good advice. It sounds like you are doing well with your new baby grey.
  18. There should be a setting to display in Grams, rather than kilo grams. You need a resolution in grams to really track weight changes. Once you set it to grams, you wil see readings like 480, 505 etc. Your scale right now now "Rounding". So the .5 could really be 470 and .6 could be 580 for example. A little bok should have come with your scale on how to change the settings. Also, remember to weigh first thing in the morning before they eat or drink water. If you don't, the weight will vary too much depending on how much they have eaten. If you always weigh first thing in the morning, you will always have a consistant base line to compare each day or week.
  19. Jill - Enjoy the moment, it will become worse, before it gets better. You think a Grey has lots of energy? Try a Conure or Amazon on for size.
  20. Very good looking Grey. Chili sounds like he was well socialised by his previous home. Did you get any background on him, like foods liked and diet, games he likes to play, is his cage normally covered etc? Thanks for updating this thread.
  21. Looking forward to hearing an update. The methods of dropping a cliiped bird and also toweling to show who is control, is barbaric and VERY OLD SCHOOL. It is the mind set of you train everything like a dog that is looking for a pack leader. Birds are not pack associated and do not respond to this type of treatment. They will develop severe mental and physical indications of that type of abuse. yes, I call it abuse because it is. You will have a much better relationship and happy bird by listening to what members here have to say and also by reviewing the 100's of GreYt threads covering these specific topics. Looking forward to hearing much more from you.
  22. Ah yes, as others have said, it is a normal relaxed, all is well behavior.
  23. Very cute. Yes, our Grey must get in 20 to 30 minutes with my wife of Moma scratches, cuddles etc. before going to bed. These have become less over the last year though as he ages, he is now 3. Some nights, he will just sit somewhere, preen, lift a leg up and chill until it's bedtime.
  24. Cute videos, thanks for sharing them.
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