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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Your bird wil learn words from you associated with items or actions. The CD's and other such tools for sale out there are fairly useless and if the bird did pick up a word it happened to just like, it would have no meaning behind it at all. It would simply be mimiking a "Sound" it thought was cool. These birds are highly intelligent and a cd, tv or stereo playing in the background is simply background noise to them. Most pay no attention to it other than having a little feeling of not being so isolated in the deafening quite of the home when all are gone. If you offer you bird an apple, say apple. If you are washing a bowl, say "I'm washing the bowl" etc. Associate words with actions and items as your bird watches intently (which they do). It will soon start saying things it eithers wants by name or describing what you are doing.
  2. My birds are flighted. The grey will fly over to the conures cage and play with toys (Destroy's them quickly) as the conure watches. He will also TRY to bite or bully the conure and it simply fly's away. If a bird is not flighted, they should be kept completely a part, unless they have a good relationship like Jays.
  3. I looks like Murphy enjoyed the outdoor activities form his cage and most importantly, he was with the flock. We roll our birds cages outside also and let them enjoy watching wacthing all the birds and our activities, then I normally give them a good shower and spray their cages down afterwards for a thorough cleaning. The only time they get concerned is when a hawk flies over, which are numerous here. Thanks for sharing these photos.
  4. In a nutshell, Your right, yelling back will encourage the behavior. Things like irritating noises will decrease if you ignore them or respond with a differnt sound you would like to replace it with. But, this takes time an patience.
  5. Your boyfriend is half correct. You should not verbally respond. It then gives them a "Fun" reaction and actually rewards the behavior. If they are on your hand and reach down to bite it, either rock your hand or or lowering it semi-fast will normally get them to release and balance themselves. So your hand action is correct. The best way to stop the biting at "known times" it is taking place which is associated with activities you mention. Is to watch the body language and avoid the bite so it does not happen. If you master this, the ritual associated with each action will cease for the most part. However, it is still very important to watch body language so you know 90 percent of the time when a bite is probably coming. The other 10 percent I attribute to the "Poker" face surprise bite. They learn this move as they age as well and are fast as lightening.
  6. Harvey is not strange at all. Dayo has established several place/time events. I will not both to name them all. Heck, my conure has several place time events as well. In my book, Harvey is a nomal Grey. Very cute photo.
  7. I'm with the others. This is a major change in living area, view, no people around all day etc. On your question regarding leaving the cage open, my opinion is definitely no. It is just too dangerous with no supervision in an entire house full of dangers to your grey.
  8. What a keen idea. Could you please take multiple upclose photos from different angles so we can see it?
  9. Nice update and laughed at the drive-by pooping you constitantly experienced. As others said, giving formula is fine the rest of his life, if he desires it. There is no doubt he is and has been weaned a long time. It is a closeness the two of yu share and it is special. Thanks for another weekly update.
  10. As they age, they become more demanding of "Their Way". The beak is the primary indicator all birds use when other body language is ignored. This is true in the wild as well. I know there are a lot of articles on the internet claiming Parrots do not bite each other, but that is simply not true. You have come to the perfect solution of removing your grey before you do something that is gong to take attention away from him when it is one of those "Special" times. Our birds will do the same if shouldered and we forget (They are like a part of our body to us) when switcing attention somewhere else. The phone is one of them, just as you. Welcome to the Bite Me Club!
  11. I am of the same opinion as well on taking a bite. There are times a bird must be stepped up and moved. It is those times I would estimate 40 percent of the time I receive a bite and see it coming from one of my birds. The good news for all on this, is you know its coming and can adjust your hand to take minimal damage..... well almost...... sometimes they bust a move on you
  12. I love it! Bandits description of her incarceration is perfect and no doubt congition of where she is and what needs to be done to bust her out. Thanks for the morning smile and another GreYt post of just how intelligent these Greys are.
  13. Hahahahahaha, cute video!! Voted.
  14. Welcome Rawley and Congratulations on getting your beautiful CAG soon!!! It's GreYt having here and thanks for posting the link to the store. I did enjoy viewing their videos, nursery abd photos. They are a far cry from most pet stores. Really there are not many comparable, but they do exist and I believe set the standard other stores should follow. Looking forward to hearing updates and seeing photos, videos etc.
  15. Text commmunication is so hard to convey facial expressions, tone of voice and the way the person typing was speaking in their "Mind" as they wrote it. The only way we can possibly somewhat communicate our feelings as writing is to use the emoticons we have available. OR USE ALL CAPS IF WE"RE YELLING!!! I have the same issue at work an emails. I am a very logical to the point email composer and really must be careful how I word things or I offend people. Even then, it is still interpreted wrong. With that said, Dayo is FRIGHTENED when I Raise my voice and am pissed off...even the dobermans go hide. All any of them know, is they do not want to be there when I unlease my rath on someone or something.... I don't know why :confused: Hopefully this is both a constructive comment and on topic as well. If not read that way, then GO TO HELL!!! :confused::mad::cool: NOTE: ALL emoticons intensionally used to confuse and amuse you.
  16. Love the photos and it is obviously BIG FUN to Harvey. Being a Parrot owner, I would not dream of asking another parrot owner "Why" of anything that appears out of place or odd. So far, no one has asked me about the hanging wine rack with parrot toys, ropes etc. hanging from it. It is no longer a hanging wine rack, it is Dayos personal "Space"...
  17. danmcq


    Jay gave great advice. Also, when playing hard, landing hard etc.. They sometimes damage the tail feathers. Once their body detects a feather is damaged, it starts the process of build a bew tail feather which then pushes the damaged feather out. Unless you see them physically yank a feather out of the socket, you cannot possibly know if it molted out naturally due to damage or was plucked. I had the same thoughts as you when my grey was young, clumbsy and rolling around with toys (which he still does) and he lost a tail feather or two.
  18. Hahahahahahahahahaha, loved the 3 videos of Yoshi dancing. It's good to see you back again. Yoshi sounds like a normal Grey wanting attention and to be with their "Soul Mate". Wait until Yoshi is flighted. No matter what you are doing, you will have Yoshi on your shoulder, back as you bend down or hanging of your butt if your almost bent upside down. My wife has gotten to where she just shakes until Dayo flies off and I must say, I get some good laughs out of watching her do this. But, she doesn't find it so humorous...... :confused::rolleyes::cool:
  19. They do love to be on you and "Help" dress you and perhaps even ventilate your apparel as a "Benny" for allowing them to do so. That extra air flow helps on these hot summers days. My wife does not allow Dayo in the room when she is changing due to the same issues you listed. Me? Well I proudly allow Dayo to help out dressing and undressing. They become very adept for example at walking your shirt off you as you pull it off. Then they assist by walking on it again as you pull a clean one on. He is also very good at undoing the velcro straps on my tennis shoes whether I am actually trying to take them off or not. Oh and he also likes to check my shiney belt buckle out to ensure it is firmly attached to the leather portion, you know, safety first with Dayo. You will either find it amusing or you will hate it and keep birdies out of the room when changing. Each person can handle stress differently, my wife is one that can not.
  20. Loved it! Spock you are one smooth operator. Thanks for the video and photos.
  21. Wonderful news that you have a rock solid answer and it can be treated with proper diet changes and suppliments. Did the vet mention if their are any drugs that may treat low blood sugar in parrots? Thanks for the idate on Spock.
  22. It's good you found a very competent avian vet that knew what it was and how to properly treat it. Prayers will continue for Aoodi.
  23. danmcq

    Training Help

    Hello Beth and welcome to our Forum. Dave has given great advice. How old is Billy? Kudo's to you for reaching out and looking for help with your new Zon.
  24. That is what many of us refer to as the Pterodactyl coming out. It is a natural sound and is used when they are excited and play fighting or when they are afraid of something. Has anything new been added in the cage, near it or any furniture items moved that may induce fear and thus cause the Pterodactyl scream? It is good to hear the bedtime ritual has reduced the agitation level for your husband.
  25. Your Grey is VERY sick, from this description. Get him to the vet you feel most confident in ASAP! Please keep us updated. I pray your Grey will receive proper care and recover quickly.
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